Why high noon? Couldn't they just duel in the moonlight?

Why high noon? Couldn't they just duel in the moonlight?

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Nigga its dark as fuck at night

at noon the sun will not be in either mans eyes.

>this thread

But the sun issue is irrelevant if they duel in the night

what dont you get

what are lanterns

Its obvious mate. Noon is highest sun position right, so you understand that at high noon the sun is directly above, yeah? No shadows, and no direct glare or light shining into either shooters eyes.

Because often duels or shootouts were organized by authority figures. It was a way to settle disputes and do it legally. They didn't always have to kill eachother either, if one was shot before the other, the man who was shot would throw their gun away legally denouncing the duel and forfeiting, by signifying that he is no longer armed and willing to fight over the dispute.

A duel or shootout could be challenged, but was issued often by the authority. It was a primarily old west thing either, shootouts were most common in Texas, which is arguably southwestern frontier and ranch lands not west like utah, Wyoming, and so on where law was limited due to the lack of infrastructure and developed land use. High noon was the ideal time for reasons of the sun but other times were organized as well. Night was nearly unheard of at least legally, since nights were supposed to be mostly peaceful and a time for relaxation. Of course this is contradictory to bar fights that would occur in ranch or railway towns that often had an influx of different people coming and going everyday

duel in the west were very rare
also alot of cowboys were darkies which we rarely see

That's why we can't duel at night, the darkies blend in to well and we can't see them.

>you can't see at night

Might as well make the most of this thread

Someone draw a nine month pregnant Anne Frank wearing a cowboy hat, cowgirl boots, a yellow sheriff's star (you know what kind), armed with a Model 1873 Winchester and Colt Single Action Army holstered. Saying that it'll be a cold day in Hell before she lets those Nazi banditos harm her Peter. If anyone's gonna shoot him, it's gonna be her for not keeping the house clean.

Forgot to add

*holstered around the bottom of her belly


A lot of people dont realize how dark it was at night back then. Light pollution is a real thing and before electricity gave us the light, there was very little of the light that made it easy to see.

Oh wow. I never even thought of that

They were held at high noon (midday) because this time is actually lunch time, it allowed workers to duel outside work hours and also allowed others to watch while eating lunch.

they couldn't fight at night due to the recent (1834) invention of city sound ordinances, made to deal with the sound of machinery in the north keeping people up at night. These were adopted nationwide as an attempt to boost wakefulness and ward off sloth by giving people more restful sleep.


>ywn see the actual night sky for what it is
>ywn look up and not see the effects of light pollution reflecting back towards the Earth's surface unless you are somewhere thousands of km awat from civilzation
>ywn be smart enough to become of Antartic explorer and travel there to see the true night sky nd all its true beauty

They dueled whenever. The high noon is a hollywood thong

a good night vision optic and a trip to rural alaska will solve some of this for you

Have each guy shout out before shooting.
Then they just aim at where the shouts came from.
Easy, and no one gets sunburnt.

its obvious you ameteurs never duelled in night time
the right way is to attach a 400 watts flashlight on the under barrel of your 1897 colt & wesson musket revolver
most people dont know the existence of night time duels due to it being hard to see in the dark and people generally assume the corpse died of natural corpses

>died of natural corpses

shitty and expensive?

no nigga its dark by midnight


>ywn be smart enough to become of Antartic explorer and travel there to see the true night sky nd all its true beauty

You can apply to become a janitor (or other support staff) at the research stations. Its a pretty good gig

the point is that at noon, the sun is directly above you, so its completely fair when you duel because no one will have the sun in their eyes

you sick fuck

>Couldn't they just duel in the moonlight?

>spending my night penis fencing with some prick i've never heard of
>when i could be in bed with a woman

you some kinda queer?