Why does this board have a hard-on for Nicky? I get it, he was a good guy, but didn't he have it coming?
Why does this board have a hard-on for Nicky? I get it, he was a good guy, but didn't he have it coming?
Mannerheim > Nicky
If you actually lurked here long enough, you'd realize that a majority of this board is anarcho monarchist, which makes sense, since they prefer history instead of modenrity even in their choice of governments. Also, the're a bunch of college age contrarian memesters.
Well yeah, the guy was dead serious fatalist which doesn't really go well with being autocratic ruler. You can't just ignore everything that happens by saying it's god's will and then go praying. And even when you do actually do administrative work you're just micromanaging some retarded shit like soldier's holiday passes while having zero understanding on how the peasants live.
Contrarianism to Communism. He was son of a bitch, but our son of a bitch sentiment. Also, their main is /pol/
He was more than just a good guy in his private life. He's a Saint, though not a martyr since his religion wasn't the cause of his killing.
His family and him were killed despite having already given up their power to a democratic government. He was a good man, but, through the ridiculous mistakes of his father, was unprepared for the task he had at hand. He still acted to the best of his abilities, and ruled as best he could, despite having the worst situation I can imagine a ruler to have.
He didn't fix or save Russia. Do you think you could have, given his position and his knowledge? I'm interested in how you think you'd do that.
Nikaboos are the most cancerous people on this board
His family are dead and rotting and there's absolutely nothing you can do to change it, stop being massive fucking crybabies about it
>He's a Saint, though not a martyr
He was literally fucking around in the open, 100% engaged in Imperial hedonism and decadence.
>having already given up their power to a democratic government
He effectively abdicated at a gunpoint: under a forced custody of the Imperial army generals.
He ruthlessly clinged to power if he could: see 1905 revolution
Provisional govt wasn't democratic, as there wasn't any semblance of general elections.
>His family and him were killed
For pragmatic purposes: to prevent them being reclaimed by the Civil War opponents and used as a figurehead. If Pu Yi of China is any indication, and entirely rational assessment.
>He was a good man
No he wasn't.
People here just hate communism.
You do know he wasn't overthrown by communists, right?
His tenacious grip to his imperial patrimony was matched only by his complete ineptitude to handle its responsibilities
I know but if he wasn't maybe communism wouldn't have gotten the upper hand in russia.
Why don't you read about the topic you're opining about before offering up your retarded interjections
Or maybe you could explain instead of sperging like a retard.
I don't even care about nicky its just that some anti-commies think that if nicky held power he might have supressed the commies.
Only If he didn't fuck everything up.Or if Kerensky didn't fuck everything up. This is a lot of "if".
No he fucking didn't.
heres a compromise. i'll treat your opinions with due respect when you stop pulling them out of your ass
Fixed for you.
tsar' - träpka
>imperial decadence
Including what exactly? Him playing tennis, and going to the beach? Are you one of those people who thinks saints can't participate in the world and only live in caves and always dress in rags? Can you demonstrate that he was concerned too much with stuff or wealth, it's acquisition, or keeping it? Do you have aneurysms when you see old churches, ornate, and "decadent" with vibrant artwork and excellent craftsmanship?
He didn't order the shootings at the Winter Palace. He was not there. It was one of the most disastrous cases of "initiative" ever taken by officers in any army.
He gave into every demand but that of Representative government earnestly. You act like you'd be fond of giving away everything that seemed entrusted to you by inheritance. He felt he betrayed his dynasty by conceding in the end. That is to say he felt he was betraying his own family, and his beliefs were such that he did not feel that it was rightly his to give away, having been granted to him by God.
>killing innocent people for "pragmatic" purposes
Arthas, we talked about this.
My grand grand grand father was his neighbour of his holiday house in ingria and he used to have afternoon coffee with him. :3 Dude made him a colonel. He had to flee to finland after the revolution though
Not that user but
>Including what exactly?
Ignoring the news of the disaster at Tsushima because it interrupted his tennis game? In addition to the billions of dollars of wealth he personally owned despite the poverty in the country and dont pretend it was all tied up in art and churches.
Of course there was also trying to gain control over not all of Manchuria but also Korea as well despite the Japanese being willing to let him have a free hand in the former? How much land is enough land for Emperor of the largest country on earth?
>He was not there.
And just what exactly did he do in the immediate aftermath to deal with this officer?
>He gave into every demand
Only to renege in large later on once things cooled down and its worth noting that most of the demands were political.
>He felt he betrayed his dynasty by conceding in the end.
He flip flopped a lot, if anything his wife was more attached to autocracy than he was. King Louis XVI was legitimatly a better ruler, husband and man than he was.
>Including what exactly?
The only thing he cared about was shooting dogs and crows.
>didn't he have it coming
he did nothing worthy of the brutality the bolshie dogs did to him and his family
I dont even care for monarchies but communists arent human
>I get it, he was a good guy,
Pretty sure the millions of dead Russians due to his retarded foreign policy would disagree
Before the commies Russia was only like 10% literate, after the commies it was almost 100%.
>he did nothing
Exactly. He did NOTHING. He idly watched how the West grows much stronger and more developed than Russia.
Better than Lenin or Stalin, thats why. The Karensky government should have stayed in power then the genocides and hopefully cold war never happen
1. Fuck the Bolsheviks
2. I wanna fuck the Romanov sisters.
Because he wasnt a filthy c*mmie
I feel like they’ve probably stopped rotting by now
>allow your country to be overrun by literal gangsters, murderers, and thiefs
People like him because he's a qt
at least he made it