I came across this picture yesterday, and became curious on how accurate it is.
Are those photos really manipulated and staged?
I came across this picture yesterday, and became curious on how accurate it is
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes. Commies are notorious for manipulating photos for propaganda purposes.
you made this thread last week
No I didn't
Most of the ones on the left are (seriously who thought the Tiger gallows even looks practical?), but for some reason you only ever find them on neo-nazi sites, must be a coincidence
Some of these photos are real other are manipulated twice by stormfags You won't see them in actual books about Nazi war crimes.
The one with a body dumped into an oven is real and no, those aren't Jewish Yugoslavian partisans.
I've never seen those fake pictures anywhere except Veeky Forums, no one thinks they're real. As for the picture on the right, Germans were infamous for using captured equipment because their supply lines couldn't keep up with their soldiers
>it's a "the Kiel Mutiny and the Sparticist Uprising are the same thing" episode
>biggest redpill i've had in a while
i love when they say this.
inb4 le dixie man
most of those are faked fakes. As in, some stormfag took a regular picture, literally used photoshop, and then added in people being hanged just to say "LOOK! THOSE KIKES ARE EDITING PHOTOS!" Theres a reason you only ever see them in neo-nazi blogs and neo-nazi infographs and never in any actual history book
in fact, heres proof that these were edited by neo-nazis. This addresses the photo second from the top
Nice dumbs
pol btfo once again!
Sure thing Schlomo
>get corrected
>"well fuck you jew!"
this is why everyone hates you /pol/
the execution picture is probably real, the issue is with as usual, uneducated holocaust champions reeeeing if its questioned
germans did cleanse ivanhorod, a village home to about 400 jews, the standard action was to go in, with the einsatzgruppen, round them up, then lead them outside where the Hiwis are already digging the graves
then either the SS or the volunteering Hiwis shoot them into the graves, meanwhile a perimeter is established, they usually force them to undress before being executed.
Escape attempts happen thats when the photo was probably taken since theres not much point in shooting hundreds of ppl on an open field in a disorganized manner (germans took pride in their "job" taken done professionally)
as for who shoots with what, it doesnt really matter
could be a german, Hiwi, an askari, some occupation force volunteer, these were the lowest of the low, paramilitants with many different weaponry (which looks like a k98 anyway), their uniform sometimes is simply russian, sometimes some other.
but ofcourse this long to read and its far easier to yell SS!! then the pol autists can start looking for flaws and yell holohoax
there is probably a detailed story behind this but its not as simple as the avarage non history fag would bother with
You mean the chimney that we know was reconstructed was reconstructed? have you considered a career in law? I think they could really use someone with your deduction skills
>Are those photos really manipulated and staged?
By Neo-Nazis, yes. They create obviously fake photos then post them on the internet as "proof" that the photos are faked. You'll never actually find the fake photos in an official history book or anything of the sort because no one because neo-nazis ever uses them.
>/POL/ B-T-F—
>It’s da stormfags!!!
>It’s only found in neo Nazi websites n shiet
The images on the right are forged too. We will never see the original because the kikes kept it to themselves and obviously won’t release it to the public
>There was one less person starving in Buchenwald, ergo the holocaust didn't real!
Well shit I'm convinced
It's very telling that stormcunts are able to post scans/photos of book pages that have one line mentions of rumours of electric floors and masturbation machines, but are apparently unable to post scans/photos of book pages that show these alleged fake photos.
Really tickles my pickle...
>he believes in these fake documents that were created after the war
>The images on the right are forged too
No they arent. you are just making shit up on the spot to defend your retarded conspiracy theory because youre a simpleton ruled by emotions
>literally a crowd of starving people in the backround even in the REAL version you support as real
>you are just making shit up on the spot to defend your retarded conspiracy theory
Good old JIDF tactic. Never seems to get old.
You do realise that the image in the paper itself is not the raw photo and is edited to remove the naked guy with his cock almost hanging out?
You can even see his outline in the black space.
So you admit that Soviet kike forged images? This is what the thread is about.
How the fuck would it be an Askari?
please provide a credible citation for your claims that the blueprints for Auschwitz are fakes created after the war
>everyone who disagrees with me is part of a grand conspiracy
My favorite one and probably the dumbest.
>>>(((credible citations)))
>This is what the thread is about.
The thread is exposing neo-nazis who constantly posted false flagged fake photos which they edited themselves, but are not found in ANY history book ever. Denier constnatly just make shit up since their entire belief is a lie only paranoid retards believe in
>American newspapers editing to the sensibilities of an American audience
>TEH SOVIET KIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kek. Two shekels have been credited to your blogspot for view count.
You wanna elaborate or keep putting lmao and kek?
So in other words, you have no prood and were just, once again, making shit up on the spot since you have no idea what the hell you are talking about? Interesting
Never mind I just checked and found at the Germans also called their volunteer units from the USSR askari as well.
I thought you meant the African colonial troops
guys, all you are doing is posting cited refutations and detailed answers to loaded denier questions, but this guy just keeps shitposting in virgin rage. This is clear proof that the holocaust is a lie!
That's what Germans nicknamed Scjuma and Nightingale battalions, fuck knows why
>American newspaper
It’s as if the Juden did not control the media in America as well.
I wonder who is behind this post...
>The images on the right are forged too
[Citation needed]
thats what they were called despite having nothing to do with africa
Western Ukrainian volunteer units like the Nightingale Battalion, Schuma battalions, and the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS were also called Askari. These battalions were used in many operations during World War II. Most of them were either Red Army deserters or anti-communist peasants recruited from Western Ukrainian rural areas under German occupation.
Funny enough there were also plenty of Ukrainian Jews there.
>get btfo
>goal post move from the holocaust to american media bosses
well in the nazi twisted mind the vast fields of ukraine was a colony to take, locals volunteering for service could be seen as askaris of the reich
But if they controlled the media wouldn't they want to show the extra starving guy regardless of his lack of attire? You aren't even making sense at this point
Fucking hell this whole thread is just Veeky Forumstorians debunking obviously fake photos and /pol/tards sperging out and calling them kikes.
So why would they edit the photo to remove the guy? Surely they would edit in even more people to make it even more dramatic instead of leaving a giant blank space?
Real Jews or half-Jews. It seems a bit weird, the Ukrainians hated the Jews.
>So why would they edit the photo to remove the guy?
You mean add the guy
>Surely they would edit in even more people to make it even more dramatic instead of leaving a giant blank space?
Too much work. They did it to other photos however.
What is this? A war crime for ants?
That is why probably their 'national' organizations like UPA or OUN had plenty of Jewish intellectuals.
>secular Jews
Funny enough Ukrainians lack intellectual elites that Jews eagerly supplied.
Ukrainians mostly 'hated' Orthodox Jews living in their villages(as they want their land) or ghetto Jews(who rich Jews would easily sacrifice for greater good - and they do) who was so poor as their elites were rich.
I write 'hated' because true hate was for Poles and Russians not for Jews. On the other hand they really like Germans(sadly for them it was one side love).
>create thousands upon thousands of fake documents, fake structures and ruins, and fake eye witness statements
>putting in a few extra people in a photo they're already editing is too much work
Why would they feel the need to add more images to the original?
For the same reason they apparently felt the need to add in a half naked guy ?
That was years later after the original.
I always wondered if it took a special type of POG shithead to be a Schutzpolizei or Einsatzgruppen
>Fucking hell this whole board is just Veeky Forumstorians debunking obviously fake photos and /pol/tards sperging out and calling them kikes.
My God, the kikes are the best thing that has ever happened to the Germans and Stormniggers, can you imagine what the world would be like if they actually had to explain themselves instead of just calling you a kike and calling it a day?
They didn’t edit the original in time when the article was published?
Then why didn't they hold back on releasing it? They control the entire news media apparently
To fool the goyim as soon as possible . Holocaust museum was just being created
ITT: despite having all the the talent of Hollywood at their disposal, TEH JOOS resorted to photoshopping already existing, published photos and hoped that no one notices, instead of creating entirely new photos from scratch.
So when they did edit it, why didn't they edit in more people and make it truly harrowing, instead of just one extra guy who doesn't really change the feel of the photo?
Because the guy standing and looking directly into the camera emits a more emotional ethos to the reader.
>Muh Yugoslav partisans
Nope. This is the typical German Schutzpolizei uniform. Note the dark cuffs. All other features on the uniform match as well. The rifle is likely a Czechoslovakian Vz. 24 which was used extensively by the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS.
About the images on the left. It's interesting, because I have yet to come across a (Soviet?) publication that showed merely the images on the left and tried to pass them off as authentic. In fact, various search tools only yielded me denier websites who had already "uncovered this hoax" with the fake/original comparison shots as shown above. Chances are, deniers photoshopped the left images themselves, only to discredit them with the originals on the right and then say "woah guys, look what we uncovered!"
Read Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland
What Holocaust museum was being created in May 1945?
These threads where /pol/tards are getting their shit pushed in are some of my favourite threads
So why not add in another 2 or 3 men looking emotionally into the camera? Why not have one of them holding up a little kid and put a few bodies on the floor? They could go hog wild, but instead just add one guy who by complete coincidence, perfectly fits in the blank space that the photographer inexplicably left in the """"original"""".
Belt doesn’t match up. Nice try.
That would make it too obvious
>shitting on the idea of providing sources.
>on Veeky Forums
You need to go back user
You're retarded, you barely even see his belt in the picture, the rest of the uniform matches up perfectly with what a Schutzpolizei should look like,
>Grasping at straws
You can barely even see his belt, retard. Rest of the uniform checks out. Here's the same scene from a different perspective. Nice unsourced image btw.
Who cares about obvious when you control every form of media?
Which proves my point.
Keyword: You can hardly see the belt
Even if the image is faked to scapegoat the Germans, the original image does not show the full picture whereby the soldier is not even aiming at the civilians, but at a distant. There’s no reason to aim with precision to a target that is less than a feet away. The soldier was aiming at enemies from afar.
>there's no need to aim at close range
if the gas chambers weren't really for gassing Jews with zyklon B, why didn't the allies just say the Germans were purposely infecting Jews with typhus instead of making up a lie that's way easier to debunk?
I have tonnes of no-scope kills with a Kar98 in MoH, it's not that hard
No, you can see the dead civilians in , there we can see the belts that not only confirms they are German Schutzpolizei but that they were shooting those people.
>a bunch of illiterate anglo-saxons don't know how to read the French caption which EXPLAINS why the chimney wasn't there in 1945, calls it crematorium no. 1, and says it is "without chimney."
Jesus christ man, if you're going to cite a document which has a literal explanation about the picture that's multiple lines long, maybe you should, dunno, actually read the language there?
Or if you do actually read French and yet post it anyway, you know there's a magical thing called photo cropping so you don't look like an idiot every time you post the same thing with written text which directly gives the lie to the point you're trying to make?
delete this
>Being so desperate you have to try and make the Germans out to be the good guys trying to rescue poor Jews from Soviets
If he's in a combat situation then why is he standing up like a fucking retard and not taking cover?
Please explain this image as well
Photo no. 2
"View from the west of Crematorium no. 2 in 1945, without the chimney, converted into an "air raid shelter." The window of the body storage location is filled in. The central door permits access to the first airlock of the bunker, the second to the side is reserved for pharmaceutical products."
wow u rly showed us
This sounds fine and dandy, were it not for the fact that there is a dead person right next to the boot of the Nazi executioner, while the Nazis themselves are standing tall, making no effort to get to cover themselves. Such a scenario goes against any and all military training, where going to ground while taking enemy fire becomes instinct. And when under enemy fire, nobody in their right mind would have the time to take a photo either.
>implying French Jews didn’t add that caption to help push the narrative of the holohoax
Real-life isn't call of duty. You don't "hipfire" at close-range targets. You have to aim a rifle to hit a target no matter what range you're shooting at. Even if it is only a few feet away, you're still likely to miss if you don't have the rifle shouldered properly.
I hip fire on CoD:WaW all the time, what the fuck are you talking about? Isn't that hard.
>knows French Jews added misinformation
>leaves it in every time it's posted
Was it autism?
The cover was given to the civilian.
What cover?
Well they had to bury him somehow didn't they?
Yes. How would they even take cover in on a flat plain to begin with?