Was he Belgian?
Was he Belgian?
He was Frankish (Germanic)
wallonian (gaulish)
Wrong (incorrect)
Claim power list:
1. Dutch
2. Belgian
3. West German
4. Southwestern German
5. Scandinavians
6. Czechs
7. Shit
8. French
>inb4 autistic screeching of a Frankfag numale
Belgian should be above Dutch
He was the Roman Emperor
You're right.
no charles den store was swedish
Carol Magnu was Romanian hence his illiteracy.
He never existed.
>More whitewashed bullshit
He was clearly a sub Saharan African.
Neither Belgians are belgians
He was a proud Flemishman. We're all made of gold here.
he was French, by claim of civilization
France is the heart of Europe, always was, always will be, and so Charlemagne, the heart of European history, is French
Howdy, I am made of gold!
t. Charlemagne
Weren't the Carolingians Finnish in their origin?
the real name is Shaarlmän
Wallonian... hmmm sounds pretty Belgian to me
He did have gold teeth according to the statue...
he preferred to stay in Aachen, which is German speaking
thus, he was German
No. In fact, Belgians were his mortal enemies, which is why his heir Wilhelm II set out to wipe them off the map
Belgium is artificial construct to act as buffer state between UK, France and Germany
the Rhyne is France's natural border
Yes. Born in Herstal. Clearly Belgian.
*karl den store
and he was danish
kankerkeeskop gedetecteerd
Face it, back then your ancestors were too busy jumping over cow patties at best
>German speaking
>Lived in Germany
>Crowned in Germany
>Elected King of the Germans
>King of the Franks (German people)
>King of the Lombards (German people)
100% pure-blooded French.
Bullshit, what do you think the Southern Netherlands were? The last 1000 years we were more apart than together with the North.
Belgium is the country of Salian Franks, we wuz the ruling class in our colony, Merovingian Gaul (later known as "France")
Good post.
He didn't speak "German".
This. Franks originally spoke Lower Frankish (basically Old Dutch), but they adopted the language of the Romance population quickly where these were in the majority.
9. Troian
10. Troian
German =/= Germanic
>German speaking
He spoke Frankish
>Lived in Germany
>Crowned in Germany
Crowned in the Vatican
>King of the Franks (German people)
GERMANIC not German
>King of the Lombards (German people)
GERMANIC not German
Charlemagne most likely spoke Rhenish Franconian which is High German, based on his location.
>He spoke Frankish
a germanic language of the lower Rhine valley variety.
Can we call him Karl then? Because Charlemagne for sure wasn't his name.
Germans weren't a thing up to Teutonic Kingdom or even as far as Napoleonic Wars. Stop larping.
I'm sure you're smart enough to distinguish between German and Germanic.
He was irrelevant so probably yes
Yes, but frankly, Frankish is a early German/Dutch dialect. For example Old Norse would be a germanic language that would be completely different from the German dialects.
He spoke proto-Dutch
Dutch = German
He was French
German = Scandis, Slavs and French having a rapefest.
Dutch are more homogeneous than Germans, you're a literal mutt.
not sure if bait or just retarded
>ITT unwashed peasants wewuzzing as their French overlords
t. numale jawlet
I want to post the collage but I honestly feel bad for him at this point.
t.. square-jawed mongoloid
The Franks do not directly correlate to any modern nation, they originated in modern day Germany but spread out and disseminated over a large part of western Europe.
You mean just like Indo-Europeans?
Meanwhile, in reality, cuck-jawed mongoloid got EUROP'D by based French-looking Yamnaya warriors
My European Family: The First 54,000 Years - Page 196
>The results support the theory that the Indo-European languages were disseminated by Yamnaya pastoralists from the Russian ... The Yamnaya herders seem to have been quite dark, both in comparison with today's Europeans and with their contemporaries.
There he goes again. So far Yamna loses its credibility as the starter of Indo-Europeans.
You better pray they find some R1a in Yamna, if not, the whole theory goes to shit.
Looks like R1b numales genocided the Strong Square-Jawed Matriarchal Pre-IEs
>Not even the right crown
That gets me every time
R1b was found all over Europe long before Indo-Europeans. Be specific or don't speak at all.
>be specific
I'm talking about the guys that genocided your ancestors
Your logic is flawless. I shouldn't be here according to you.
That's why I never take people here seriously. Especially when they look like that virgin French kid.
Lol no, he slays and probably has his own harem. After all, how can we only tolerate to bang one wife?
>conquered a bunch of kingdoms
>utter failure as a monarch
Who wants him, desu
>Armenian genocide
>All died
We kept some of you as slaves, our biggest mistake. After countless years, we started to consider you as humans, then as equals, and finally racemixing occurred.
Due to mongrelization, the glorious IEs turned into a bunch of cukholds, this explain why the most mongrelized(Nords) are also the most cucked.
>I never take people here seriously
You're literally the most hated guy on this board, the Finn hates you, the Turk hates you, the Italian guy hates you, the Greek hates you, i hate you
You're declining imo
>Especially when they look like that virgin French kid.
I pay you to clean my toilets not to project yourself onto me, Piotr
I cannot take your words seriously when you look like a little kid.
Also, I'm pretty sure France has bigger problem with Islam, Arabs and Negroes than any Scandinavian country.
So once again, kid. You're either deluded and truly believe what you write, which would indicate high probability of autism or you're simply retarded.
That's your choice.
say that to my face and not online and see what happens
not at all, Belgians are direct descendants of the Salian Franks
Why do you think the Flemish motto has always been Vrank and Vrij (Frank and Free)?
also Franks originated mostly in Belgium, the Netherlands and Northwest-Germany, it was a confederation of tribes we know the name of half of them, often these names were Gaulish in origin (Tencteri, Tungri = "the faithful", Usipetes, Assipetes = "good riders")
>being old-looking is good
I bet you are one of these Eastern Euros who look like zombies past 25-30, there's no going back for you "old man"
>implying that i believe what i write
I'm a based E1b1bull, i only larp as French/Frank/Alan/Celt because it is funny and makes you (wh*te subhumans) butthurt
In fact, i'll be utterly honest, we brown people, so despise you that when we are angry between us we can find nothing more insulting to say than -'You Wh*te!' For us "Wh*te" encompass every form of lowness, cowardice, feminity, and degeneracy.
Makes as much sense as to claim he was Gaulish
>what is the kingdom of germany
Exactly a Teutonic Kingdom.
Les Belges sont des Français comme les autres.
Schild en vriend
Well I mean the Romanians say they are the direct descendants of Trajan's soldiers.
Pretty much everyone in western Europe has some connection to the frank's, some more than others sure,
He never set foot in Holland.
>The Franks do not directly correlate to any modern nation,
Linguistically Old Dutch and Flemish evolved from the Frankish language.
I get gay vibes from him
patethic desu
He was made of gold!
Charlie Mack is a proud son of Brooklyn, New York
Franks confuse me. A fusion of several modern nations. So which one emerged later Germans or latin French?
Charlie "Texas" Mane was a proud American.
Charles the Great was from England.
Sharif Al Man was a proud and strong founder of the islamic Carolingian empire
Ah, Karlo Veliki, the famed ruler of the Croatilingian Empire.
His descendants live all over western Europe.
Yes, great Shogun Karomani from Edo. A proud Japanese.
Charles le Le (742-814) was 100% from the Parisian bourgoisie, stop making shit up """"g*rmans"""" (unironically non-human beings)
Excellent germwashing, g*rms
>a germ : a microorganism, especially one that causes disease.
I could never have made that shit more up than this
Was he a big guy?
Karlos Rex was pure Spanish ancestry
>R1b was found all over Europe long before Indo-Europeans
actually it wasn't.
R1b 106 wasn't a thing in Europe before the Indo-European invasion.
R1b 106 is the dominant haplotype in Europe.
>R1b 106 is the dominant haplotype in Europe.
It isn't.
Tournai was the first capital of the -Salian- Franks.
They were spread over most what was the roman province of Belgica and part of the middle Rhein before advancing into France. The Ripurians were at the other side of the middle Rhein.
You could say Belgium is the modern country with the better claim on the Franks.