Do you think people with the internet are free from mass media manipulation by special interest (them) to push degeneracy and we'll see a revival of more classical art forms and styles (baroque chamber music, rap mixed with shakespeare, art renewal center)?
we already see Gen Z as much more conservative, almost basically a WWII generation.
>muh special brand of conservative isn't conservative
Kayden Bennett
>internet >free from mass media manipulation by special interest (them) to push degeneracy Geeze, I wonder where are you posting on...
Henry Miller
>only 10% of Gen Z are more likely to avoid tattoos >10% Yeah, sure sounds conservative to me. >compared to 6% of Gen X Barely any difference lmao.
Charles Smith
'uhh who cares if modern conservatives are ideologically basically the same as liberals of 20 years ago, they're still CONSERVATIVES! no different than the conservatives of 1940s!'
Caleb Phillips
You're a fucking retard on so many levels. Even if i accept your narrative you're still fucking retarded. >Do you think people with the internet are free from mass media manipulation no they aren't. When was the last time you looked at youtube or facebook or twitter? holy shit.
Ethan Thomas
>internet >to push degeneracy So let me see, you dumb fuck are discussing your ultra conservative world view on a board that is literally founded on Futanari, Hentai, tentacle sex, all forms of perversions with some of the worlds most exquisite fetishes and then ask if the internet will make user more conservativecuck like you?
Joseph Cooper
methinks OP is either 15 years old or exceptionally dull
Alexander Collins
>what is nofap >what is alt-right >what is MGTOW
>but they're maymays from reddit
Noah Wright
All Gen Y
Joshua Roberts
literally kill yourself because the extent of your political knowledge comes from browsing Veeky Forums you're fucking retarded
Charles Green
this could only be b8
but i am still enjoying the thred.
Henry Reed
>tfw it just might be
John Cook
>Veeky Forums zeigeist don't have more power than CNN and fox news among millenials and Gen Z
Joshua Ortiz
Veeky Forums is top comfy in the middle of the night.
t. /int/migrant
Christian Morgan
>if you hate degeneracy so much why in all places would you come to the cesspool of the internet >because my world view is so unpopular that this is the only place left to go. >so now I am debating "degeneracy" with anons that just have jacked of to Loli porn because I am so desperate
this thread is so sad OP and so is your life.
Hudson Parker
So tell me user what are you doing here.
Parker Clark
enjoing my fetishes and having a good time laughing at desperate conservativecucks who think they are welcome here.
Sebastian Johnson
Filthy degenerate. Also you really have real sad life if your get high on laughing of miserable people.
Henry Perez
user, no one likes a moralfag, especially someone that spouts "degenerate" in every sentence
Blake Wright
That what degenerate would say.
Kevin Foster
>he posts a reddit-tier meme
let me guess, you discovered Veeky Forums through a le ebin /pol/eddit redpill, didn't you?
Jaxon Perry
Nope. I stumbled on /n/ from /a/ and Veeky Forums. Or it was /k/ maybe? Now apologize you filthy degenerate.I bet you are a 'Canadian'.
Ryan Taylor
im a balkan slav
Matthew Turner
no it mostly reinforces your own beliefs already
Wyatt Martinez
Damn. I was betting on Hohol. Close enough.
Brody Young
Why would I want advice on modern society from a member of the shittiest and most underdeveloped societies in Europe? >look everyone, we are totally shit! Why don't you take an example and be shit like us?
Easton Richardson
Take anything trying to forecast the future political views of kids with a grain of salt. Personal politics generally don't solidify until the early-mid twenties. I remember people saying that my generation was going to be extremely conservative because of 9/11 and the (then still popular) Iraq War and Bush administration.
Right now, Generation Z ranges from toddlers learning how not to soil themselves to high schoolers with a learner's permit trying to fingerbang Mary Jane Rottencrotch behind the bleachers. There are also studies reporting that they are literally the gayest generation to have ever existed. Give things a couple years to shake out.
Justin Cooper
Social outcasts who in turn rebel against their own generation by being edgy and/or conservative don't count
Joseph Cox
Read Debord you brainlet
Aaron Robinson
>Do you think people with the internet are free from mass media manipulation by special interest (them) to push degeneracy Yes. In the internet people pursue their own specific taste of degeneracy instead.
So you're still doomed.
Liam Collins
I think that all the reports of Gen Z being super conservative are unsubstantiated hype that won't amount to anything. Just like how the Boomers started off as edgy leftists because the mainstream culture was right wing and mellowed out into moderate conservatives, Gen Z will start off as edgy rightists because the dominant culture is left wing and mellow out into moderate liberals.
Luis Gonzalez
Logan Ortiz
Conservatism is booming extremely fast here in Brazil. Largely thanks to the internet.