this is what peak masculine face looks like
This is what peak masculine face looks like
Other urls found in this thread:
why do I want to suck him, I´m 100% straight
Because you're a grill
I wonder if there's tankies out there who think Beria should've succeeded Stalin
Beta Germanics - Chad Georgian
Is that Stalin's mother?
That must have been an awkward meeting.
You're goddamn right.
most of us do
Stalin is the daddiest
Different eyes. Not Stalin
He's just not squinting in this pic
Ok green text story time.
>be undergrad cuck
>have a solid relationship with girlfriend
>bone all the time
>she is right wing, republican, make merica great, country girl
>I'm a his major obviously
One day:
>"hey user, I have to do a paper for my Russian history class about Stallin, hes so ugly and gross lookin, I don't want to do it, can you help me?"
>"s-sure babe, but Stalin actually came to power when he was younger with the help of Lenin, maybe write about the past of Younger Stalin?"
*types young Stalin in google search*
*various pictures of his chiseled face and gorgeous hair pop up*
>i hear a slight whisper under her breath: "daddy"
>"w-what did u say?"
>"ohh nothing user, i... uh... i got this, im gona go back to my dorm and read up on him, thanks!"
>she rushes off
>I text her later on to see how things are going with research
>hours after i get a one worded text reply saying "good"
>no reply after
Next day
>meet up with her in library
>she asks "hey want to go to the next socialist club meeting this sunday? Theyre talking about the russian revolution, might be interesting?"
>"babe, what about church?"
Guys im scared, I think she went rogue on her beliefs, how do i bring her back to the light?
See child Stalin for reference
It's too late now
>tfw early communist Stalin lacks swag of a younger Stalin
He recovered his fashion sense over years though
You can't be always at your peak. Compare him to virgin vegetarian beta Hitler though.
> Is that Stalin's mother?
Yes, he rarely visited her, but he ordered Beria to take care of her, he also used to send her letters
Kinda reminds me of David Wood.
is this supposed to be a compliment?
>rick, m'ask you sumthin
Beria, of all fucking people? That's hilarious. I wonder what they discussed.
>those fucking eyes in the student priest picture
How could anyone have thought it was a good idea to give this guy so much power?
"Lavrentiy, have you found yourself a girlfriend yet"
He looks like my dad, and me in 20 years
Bruh.. look at this dude
Uh huh, wait until you see the-
Uhuhuhuh no no no no uhuhuh
Oh look at this height
She knew him but I don't think there was a close relationship, when she died and Stalin was busy arranging for the military purges, he asked Beria to arrange for the funeral. The funeral was only filled with NKVD officers and top Gerogian party officials :D
100 years ago he would be considered of average height. People were shorter in the past
Is this what a skank looks like?
What do you see in his eyes that I don't?
Those eyes, to me, show a person with a soft heart and a strong mind.
>Is that Stalin's mother?
Yeah, that's Keke Geladze. The only person Stalin feared and loved at the same time.
>N. Kipshidze, a doctor who treated Keke in her old age, recalled that when Stalin visited his mother in October 1935, he asked her: "Why did you beat me so hard?" "That's why you turned out so well", Keke answered. In return, his mother asked him: "Joseph – what exactly are you now?" "Do you remember the tsar? Well, I'm like a tsar, but better", replied Stalin. "You'd have done better to have become a priest" was his mother's retort.
Source: Radzinsky 1997
He didn't magically cure all world hunger so he's the greatest murderer of all time.
>liquidate the kulaks, export grain from the ukraine and adopt fucking lysenkoism, all at the same time
>somehow not complicit in the 1932 famine
> The only person Stalin feared and loved at the same time
This meme again, Stalin probably loved many people throughout his life, his 2 wives (read Montifiore as how he was devastated when his second wife committed suicide), his daughter of all his children, Kirov, Zhdanov, Zhdnaov's son, Lenin as a mentor whom he had respect to the end despite their differences
So when does Stalin feared them?
Stalin once told Budyonny as an old friend that he once was locked in the bathroom for some time and Nadezhda was swearing, yelling and kicking at the door, she also used to yell at him at any time and place even in front of his guards and Budoynny said that he couldn't believe that someone like Stalin could bear that silently, this was before her death and she was obviously having a depression
I do and I'm not even a tankie
Stalin doesn't seem like a real person. An urchin who becomes a priest who becomes a revolutionary who becomes a dictator sounds like a comic book or a movie more than real life.
> tfw too smart to become a priest
> tfw too smart to remain a revolutionary
> tfw too Chad to be deomcratic
I don't bring up comedians usually, but I think Bill Burr was right in that the reason it's a little hard for the average person to visualize Stalin as being as bad as Hitler is he just doesn't look the part. He looks like a guy who'd be your neighbor and you see on his riding lawnmower on sundays, while Hitler seems to go out of his way to look bad.
Not him, but I've known quite a few people in my life that if they just grew the moustache and had the haircut, they'd look exactly like Stalin.
A lot of early 20th century leaders were likt that. Mussolini was a journalist.
Hitler was a NEET
Not by choice, he wanted to go to art school after all.
Hitler had a job. Even if you don't count a soldier as a career (which it is since you are paid) since draftees are forced (irrelevant as Hitler volunteered), he had a postwar job of working for the Weimar government to spy on extremist groups. They never could've imagined he'd join and take over one.
Lol this fuckin thread
>He c-couldn't save the ukrainians
>He was a good boy he dindu nuffin
>Look at how good he looks
Man these guys trying to make one if not the bloodiest killer of the 20th century look more human sure are something
Haha yeah, Anglos aren't true Germanics like us
Forgot pic
>Well, I'm like a tsar, but better", replied Stalin. "You'd have done better to have become a priest" was his mother's retort.
Top Keke
Is it true that he briefly worked for the Bavarian soviet?
Anglo > "Aryan"
Simon Bird looks like a stereotypical jew.
yeah, regardless of tankie status I think most will agree that Khrushchev was a garbage fire.
The Soviet Union could only be spared and flourish if Lenin would rule longer, at least a several more years than he did, better yet, a decade.
This would've created a well-oiled political system, and spared it a massive turmoil and unavoidable tyranny required to quell that turmoil. Which also resulted in degradation of Soviet cadre, and loss of meritocratic rotation.
Anything is better than the kraut
Truly an Iron lady to have bore Stalin. I wonder how Georgians treat her?
she was your ordinary extremely simple christian eastern European grandma, when Stalin made live in a palace, she used one small room and only went outside to go to church
>socialist club meeting
>instead of church
Get the helicopter.
There is nothing particular about her, Stalin himself is, of course, immensely popular in both Georgia and Russia.
>this thread
Sorry but that's where you're wrong.
that is what peak hunger face looks like
Are you autistic? That's literally what makes the joke of that meme text.
>Stale meme posting
>Are you autistic?
No, he's just clinically retarded guest from /pol/