You guys know what you're doing, right?
Don't have an extensive amount of know-how on crypto and wallets, etc. How do I get in the game before crypto becomes obsolete?
You guys know what you're doing, right?
Don't have an extensive amount of know-how on crypto and wallets, etc. How do I get in the game before crypto becomes obsolete?
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go do research, lurk these boards, learn the lingo, watch youtube vids or search google when you don't understand something. It takes a lot of fucking work to get up to speed.
I only started ~3 months ago, turned my initial $5k into $110k so far (paper gains haven't really withdrawn anything) and plan to keep it up as long as I can.
Don't be afraid to make mistakes, you almost certainly will make some and they can be expensive. And don't be a sheep, if someone says "invest in this" don't just do it, understand why it would be worth doing, assess for yourself. Most people do not care about you nor have your interests in mind at all.
You can invest in the ethino crowdsale. It will be a good starting point for a 10x or 20x
user this video is the best primer on how crypto actually works.
You can think of wallets as entities that can store or transfer crypto. To have control over a wallet, you need that wallet's private key. You can create an Ethereum wallet at Save the private key somewhere safe (offline). Most coins here are based on the Ethereum network (called ERC-20 tokens), and so most of them can simply be stored in an Ethereum wallet.
To send funds to another wallet, you send them to that wallet's public key (sometimes just called address).
Acquiring crypto can be done through Coinbase or Gemini if you're in the USA. Hooks into your bank account, you deposit USD, and you place a buy order for Bitcoin or Ethereum.
Then go to more esoteric exchanges (esoteric to normies) like Binance and Bittrex to pick up the new and exciting coins with low market cap, high volatility, and high potential for growth
A lot of people get started everyday on Veeky Forums, I started a few days ago and made a few hundred already.
>Buy BTC
>find a coin worth buying on an exchange that you think will rise
>dont get greedy and sell when you reach an appropriate profit point
>repeat until rich
The issue is finding out which coin is worth buying and that require research, a positively safe one would be LINK right now but it's rising to it's all time high so you either need to buy now and hope it doesn't dip or wait for the dip. Good luck user and hope we all make it.
You don't need to know shit about the tech, wallets, markets etc to do it. It's better if you know of course but it's an easy process.
Just google "how to get bitcoin" then buy some. After that I'd suggest choosing an exchange to trade between alts and stick to one.
Bittrex has more volume and choice for now but it's dying, Binance is growing fast as fuck and has less fees, easier to use and is more ergonomic.
Don't buy an alt because you like how the price moved on the graph, do some research and see if it has a lot of competition.
I'm stupid with computers and tech, bought my first bitcoins in 2013, traded them a lot but never had my own wallet. I just use exchanges and they provide a wallet you can create and use in 1 click.
They do way more money with the fees they take than they would stealing your coin, then they would also have to hide all their life.
Don't gamble your coins on risky pumps or shitcoins, you'll lose everything and be digusted of crypto. If you play safe and keep what you have you'll be wealthy in a few years when real money comes into the game and the crypto world goes x100 from now.
would anyone suggest coss atm?
As much as I would suggest going to the casino. Do it if you like gambling. The coin is shit but it can go x10 too for no reason.
They have way too much competition, including Link.
what do you currently do before investing in a coin?
just went out on a limb today and bought link, i shouldnt get greedy now
my problem is this. i am staring with 1500. but i have 60% in link 30% in coss and
10% in smn which i am trying to sell as soon as possible without a loss
now i am just on a waiting game. i cant actually trade. so what do you do in this time? when do you pull out and reinvest for more gains?
il probably 2x my money the coming 2 weeks with these but that still only 3000
and if i hodl for a long time i wont be bale to put it in anything else
Have been researching for 3 days straight. Met dead ends mostly, though you biznessmen have helped a lot.
whats the point of a wallet on an exchange site? is it just for weak willed fags?
Don't want to give up my ID really.
Had a coinbase that's asking me for number and ID. Any alt sites you know?
Distrust everything
Do your own research
Imo buying BTC for fiat on Kraken and buying altcoins on Bittred is the way to go, even though Bittrex kinda sucks, but its still the best Altcoinexchange out there.
Read up on the tax situation in your country, very important! a blog with very useful tips sometimes if you are willing to take risk
The wallet is just the adress where you can send coins. I'm always 100% into an alt for long term (weeks to months) and don't want to send to MEW or else, so I just let them here.
Also since the market can move extremely fast because of news I'd rather not have to wait for confirmations.
I just meant I let my coins on exchanges.
Localbitcoins with paypal.
Don't have access to any btc shops. Already researched that.
Freaking coinbase is frigged up. It's just freaking made to give gubmint the heads up when someone's doing too well.
bit panda maybe? i cant remember if they req ID
What do you mean ? Go on and specify how you want to pay.
I just looked up now you can buy to people anywhere in the world without a phone or ID or anything.
Okay okay. Cash by mail. Cash by mail. Running off of Mummybux atm.
Any websites with only SMS?
I still refuse to give gubmint my face. is what you want. you can do shit like give visa gift codes but they all pretty much require the actual physical card. you can do other stuff like cash transfers where you go to a bank and transfer the money. they've got stuff like western union as well.
i can't be bothered to do all that shit. i went and got a state photo id so i can just buy off coinbase once it arrives in a couple weeks. i'm gonna be like a month late into buying bitcoins cause all of this shit.
i wanted to buy link when it was 16 cents. i'd already have 300% returns if i could've just bought bitcoins easily
Honestly agree it's too slow of a process. But for my pisspoor budget of $30 it's not even worth giving up my phone number.
you can probably buy a visa giftcard at a gas station and then go to localbitcoins and find somebody to transfer it into bitcoins. i saw people accepting amazon and all sorts of stuff. they required a picture of the physical card+receipt and asked for it to be a single picture. try looking into this cause it seems like it'd be good for you
>You guys know what you're doing, right?
Lol, good one
Pepe took good sir
'Trade' crypto.
Do you notice the first three letters in the above second word, right?
You gonna cry like a bitch when the whole ponzi scheme called crypto finally goes into the shitter where it belongs.
Stick to EURUSD, the spreads are tight and trade with LMAX.
Pic very much related and this is today -- so far.
>grandpa gains
>risking everything to buy FOREX contracts, which legally aren't even an ownership in a future nor a contract, and you can be liquidated at any time by your broker
Kill yourself for being a cuckold.
Do i need anything else other than BTC wallet and shapeshift to buy something like link?
Say i buy .1 btc, switch it all to link. Where do i store link in the mean time. Btc wallet only has btc eth and ltc
Plz help.
Why not post your P:L + equity/balance for today ya faggot?
We need people to feed the ponzi and there's 99.9% of the world left.
Forex was glorified gambling, now everyone knows it's just for fools thinking they can beat the odds.
Even top investors with billions to play, years of experience and all the computing ressources can't make a profit anymore on forex.
I can also win 200$ with some martingale playing roulette, then lose it all.
I'd rather buy undervaluated cryptos and hold for a few days or weeks.