Can anyone explain to me the fork? Most important will i lose money?
Fork explain layman
If you own crypto, you will lose money. Otherwise you'll be fine.
I do own crypto
Here, you will need em faggot
If you are holding any crypto during the fork you will lose approx half your money due to the division of the chain into two chains. People tend to panic, so possibly a larger loss
all the smart money sells right before the fork, and buys right after :^)
This. Oldfags remember how we lost all our shekels to the fork on Aug1
Wait so is transferring bitcoin from exchanges to a hosted wallet like coinbase sufficient to prevent the fork from halving your coins?
Depends on how many halfs you have on EtherDelta.
jeezes christ. What do ido? Sell? Om serious and thx for answering.
Choose one
Also checked
Newfag detected.
t. Salty nocoin
what can i do to prepare for the fork? Also when was the exact time and date it will occur?
Yes, you will lose your money at the fork. It works by cloning the old chain, but removing the previous signature data, rendering your Bitcoins unspendable. That was the reason why BTC crashed 50% in august, due to people selling their coins to avoid getting useless tokens.
okay OP, I can't believe every single one of the faggots in this thread is LARPing simulatenously, but Im not a massive faggot who hates crypto so I'm going to help you
When the fork happens, you will keep your normal BTC and also get the exact same amount of the new BTC on the hard fork blockchain.
Most people sold off that type of coin back in august during the first Hard Fork
thank you!!!
Just like the fork that happened August 1 you will get free money out of thin air
Last fork BTC/BCH we all earned alot of money. as BTC was trading for the same price, and we just got BCH on top of it. And since some people wanted to buy the BCH we made money.
Depends on where you're keeping your coins though..
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