>btfo Denmark
>outmaneuvered and contained Britain and Russia
>humiliated Poland
>btfo Austria
>btfo France
>unified Germany
>survived an assassination attempt by deflecting the bullets with his Prussian superiority
Why was he so based, lads?
>btfo Denmark
>outmaneuvered and contained Britain and Russia
>humiliated Poland
>btfo Austria
>btfo France
>unified Germany
>survived an assassination attempt by deflecting the bullets with his Prussian superiority
Why was he so based, lads?
prussia survived by sheer luck, as evidenced by the fact that all the countries you listed still exist, while prussia does not.
bismarck is mostly adored by wehraboos in denial.
he literally kept the peace in Europe for decades
after centuries of war
seriously, look up European wars on wikipedia
it's CONSTANT warfare, until 1871 to 1914
Yeah and to make up for that gap they had 2 wars with the deaths it would take 50 years of normal wars.
This is why we should have WW3 right now, because the more we delay it the bigger the death toll will be.
>longer delay bigger death toll
there will be more people so no shit. but the chances of totally crippling ourselves with WW3 are high right now, so the longer we "put it off" the better odds for us.
assuming WW3 is inevitable which it probably isn't
>unites Prussia and other states into Germany
>"omg why doessn't prussia exist anymore what a looooser kek"
Ameritard detected.
Prussia don't exist anymore because it became the german Reich, with the PRUSSIAN king as the head of the state, with a constitution almost equal to the prussian one. But if you are talking about the Austro-Prussian war, then you are right
What's the deal with Prussia anyway? Was it founded by the freemasons or illuminati or something?
Were did their fetish for military, discipline etc come from. Sounds suspiciously like an experiment or conspiracy. The Americans even copied their educations system.
Truly based
also he spoke 6 languages fluently
>>humiliated Poland
actually his shitty muh protestantism policies actually made polacks more willing to fight germanization
>The Polonization took place in the early years of the Prussian partition, where, as a reaction to the persecution of Roman Catholicism during the Kulturkampf, German Catholics living in areas with a Polish majority voluntarily integrated themselves within Polish society, affecting approximately 100,000 Germans in the eastern provinces of Prussia
Is Poland the true Prussia successor state?
>Is Turkey the true Byzantine successor state?
Because they were literally geographically vilnerable their entire lifespan and only militarism kept society mobilized enough against invaders from all sides. On top of that, money from eternal frank and anglo essentially subsidized this in the early centuries. Combine that with militaristically bent rulers (from upbringing, descent from teutonic heritage, awareness of geographic vilnerabilities) it creates prussian autism
He was a talented man, but we should not exaggerate his achievement. The diplomatic system that he built fell apart when he left office. United Germany endured, but his attempts to guarantee its security proved to be fragile and brittle, unable to resist the whims of retarded successors.
>it's CONSTANT warfare, until 1871 to 1914
What constant warfare was there in Europe between 1815 and 1871, outside of wars caused by Prussia? I can't think of much other than the Crimean War.
>it's CONSTANT warfare
gee, wonder whether that might have something to do with a country that made militarism its national doctrine ...
1871-1914 is the period of the First Reich and a time of relative peace you fucking idiot. You missed the point completely.
It was the second reich brainlet, an no it was the calm beforw the storm.
Tell me, where is this "Prussia" in modern day Germany? Every pre-unification German state gets some mention in the various federal state names, except Prussia.
It was the First Reich, moron, and it was the storm before the calm.
It was the Storm Reich, retard, and it was the First before the Second.
It was the Reich Calm, storm, and it was the Second before the retard.
>being a pseud
It was the Second Storm, reich, and it was retard before the First.
In its bureaucracy, in its federal organization, in its culture and in the Untertanengeist of the german people
He should've crowned himself Emperor. Why was he too loyal to a weak king? The German Empire is the biggest representation of why monarchy fails.
The weak king (Wilhelm I) was the boss of the real king (Bismarkc) and the weak king had a son who was a British puppet (Frederick III) and a complete retard son who ended up becoming King (Wilhelm II) who fired the real King.
>welfare state
>protestant mentality, even in catholic countries
>highly decentralized
>focus on industry and machinery
>prussian virtues: discipline, industriousness, tolerance, austerity
First Reich was the HRE.
user. The First Reich was the Holy Roman Empire. The Second Reich was the German Empire. The "Third" "Reich" "was" Weimar Republic/Nazi Germany.
If anything Prussia was a Turkey to Polish Bizantium
k, sure
ur moms face was the hre lmao
>k, sure
yeah. religious tolerance was a prussian virtue. its still showing to this day in the northern countries.
they were really intolerant to catholics
Because he already have as much power as the kaiser, and he as an emperor would not have any legitimacy at all, and would result with him in prison, or with Germany as the laughstock of the world, and drowned in non stopping revolts
No, first reich was the Kaiserreich, second Reich the Republic, and third Reich the Nazireich.
The worst thing that happened to Europe was Friechdrich III. dying so young. Bismarck is overrated, he was actually responsible for the main conflicts that later caused the world wars (e.g. the bad relationship to France and UK).
Friedrich III. was the opposite Bismarck, he was very UK-friendly and at least not as anti-France as Bismarck was. He maybe truly could have build a lasting peace in europe that was build on the cooperation of ALL major powers, and not that overly complicated bullshit network Bismarck build.
Sadly, destiny killed him early, and gave reign to the even more incompetent Wilhelm II., who was basically Bismarck on steroids.
>very UK-friendly
I've heard he was like 6'3" in a time the average male height was 5'7".
>I have zero ideas how monarchy works
>or governments
>or politics in general
>e.g. the bad relationship to France and UK
Bismarck was mainly anti-France. He tried to keep a cordial relationship with the UK, German-English realtions only really started to go down the shitter under Bülow
Actually he stood at a towering 9 feet
Well uprising in 1860s actually made unification possible as it brought Russia and Prussia closer for a couple years.
But yeah afterwards Poles were persecuted like crazy, they went underground and the next generation reemerged in a new country destroying Prussia forever.
So good job I guess.
Poland created Prussia. It was a silly made up thing that vanished without a trace.
>Poles were persecuted like crazy
I have a boner now.
>and the next generation reemerged in a new country destroying Prussia forever.
What the fuck am I reading?
He was definetely more anti-french, but also very anti-UK, and generally he was not the great visionary politician he often gets attributed. If anything, his political style was much more similar to Angela Merkel's, always short-sighted, avoiding conflict, etc., something you call "durchwursteln" in german, which could be translated as "kicking the can down the road". This is what Bismarck's policy was and while he might have been good at that, the underlying main conflict (e.g. declaring france to germanys arch-enemy) ultimately came crushing down on europe and caused both world wars. Only when germany and france started to coexist in friendly terms, e.g. after WW2, a truly lasting peace came to europe.
You an expert on Prussia or just got a hard on for muh blood and iron? Friedrich and Bismarck knew that if Prussia wanted to survive in the long run Poland must never regain independence.
How is that related to
>and the next generation reemerged in a new country destroying Prussia forever
Everything you wrote is wrong. Literally everything.
You should read a Bismarck biography. I recommend the one by Otto Pflanze.
Some kreisgewichse about Bismarck? I decline.
>I choose ignorance over knowledge
>Hear me roar
Because following the defeat in the January Uprising, there was a massive campaign of germanization and russification. As a response Poles basically started focusing on getting richer, educating the lower classes and secretly teaching about Poland and, what is very important, got into local politics and military. The generation that secured Polish independence were all either politicians or officers in Austrian or Russian armies. And at one point there was a chance that Poles might get assimilated.
said the guy who calls it wrong that europe is more stable when germany and france are friends lol. go eat a burger ameritard.
>and the next generation reemerged in a new country destroying Prussia forever
Poland's reappearance wasn't a cause of Prussia's fall, but merely a symptom. Poland didn't destroy Prussia/ the German Empire, don't be ridiculous
With Poland Prussia cannot survive. That was the basic idea of its politics since it got strong. It's probably because Poland is not a small country and it's located right between Prussia and other German countries.
The population of Poland was bigger than that of Prussia.
>and the next generation reemerged in a new country destroying Prussia forever
This implies that Poland destroyed the German Empire/ Prussia. That's wrong. Poland was a nifty thing for the West to set up to cripple Germany.
What does that have to do with anything?
german unification was not as taken for granted as you might think it was. and without control of germany prussia wasnt that powerful.
Most western powers would be happy to get rid of Poland especially the British because it's +1 more country to worry about. In their mind Europe should have less than 20 countries like in mid 19th century.
>but also very anti-UK
He harbored zero animosity towards UK. His one and only concern regarding the UK was to make sure they wouldn't interfere with his plans for expanding Prussian influence, and he managed to secure their neutrality by maintaining constant diplomatic relations with them.
>he was not the great visionary politician he often gets attributed
He had incredible foresight and strength of will, anticipating his opponents' every move and planning at least 2 moves ahead on every occasion. He constantly managed to subdue his ideology to the benefit of realpolitik pragmatism.
>avoiding conflict
Bismarck was constantly pugnacious, his style of conflict alternated between negotiation and intimidation, often employing both at the same time with the goal of wearing his opponents down, usually successfully.
>e.g. declaring france to germanys arch-enemy
France opposed the expansion of Prussia from the beginning, constantly seeking to isolate, weaken and threaten Prussia by seeking a secret alliance with both Russia and Austria. Napoleon III. also eyed the annexation of the Rhineland and never bothered to keep it a secret. France declared themselves an enemy of Prussia and German unification.
Honestly, as the other user suggested: pick up a Bismarck biography. Your lack of knowledge on the subject is embarrassing.
>and the next generation reemerged in a new country destroying Prussia forever
I still don't see it
>EVERYTHING GERMANY RELATED IS BAD the absolute state of Veeky Forums. you're just the opposite extreme of a /pol/ack
His death was a happy moment in many households.
Me neither.
>and the next generation reemerged in a new country destroying Prussia forever
Where did this happen again?
Umm no sweetie prussia in heir to crusader teutonic state secularized by frederick of brandeburg
>Literally starts the war against France on his own by delibaretely misquoting the Emperor
>Found the German Reich in Versailles for extra humilation points
>Declare it the highest priority throughout his whole tenure to keep France isolated
>Countless records of him saying he hates France with a passion
>"bismarquer" became a french word describing deceptieve tactics
>huurrrr it's not Bismarcks fault germany and france hated each other durrrr.
And all gets ruined after he died.
It really is amazing how many things Prussia achieved, but blobing that hard and expecting no consequences is kinda shortsighted.
He didn't exactly start the German-French animosity, he just lived it out. It literally wasn't his fault that Germany and France hated each other, he just made it worse
Poland got east prussia silesia and parts of brandenburg up to the oder
Teutonic Knights were there in the region near Lithuania and former old Prussia because they were invited by a Polish High Duke to help him deal with the Pagans. The Teutonic Order then got so powerful it started attacking everybody around so Poland got Lithuania baptized, the two united and defeated them in the Battle of Grunwald and later definitely in the Thirteen Years War. In the 16th century the order was secularized under Albert of Prussia and became a fiefdom.
It's more important that due to geopolitical location Prussia can't freely thrive with Poland around so they were extra brutal with it.
Yet they didn't destroy jack shit. Germany lost and thus was partially destroyyed, but Poland did not participate in this. They were merely set up in the ruins, both times.
You call that clit a boner?
>but Poland did not participate in this.
You're wrong, simply because you're not objective.
Prussia was created by Poles, run by Poles and destroyed by Poles. Deal with it, germaboo.
Okay that's it, I'm out. Poles on Veeky Forums are a fucking joke, it's like trying to argue with some low effort troll except you're probably serious
Not an argument. Prussia was a backwater without Greater Poland and it was inhabited mostly by Poles.
It literally grew on Greater Poland, which doubled its economy.
>humiliated Poland
"humliated" implies that they had any dignity to begin with
>while prussia does not
>even tho prussia evolved into Germany
>liking Bismarck is wehraboo in denial.
please be amerimutt.
Don't tell anyone, but Poland is sleeping Prussia.
Only thing it misses is Konigsberg(Królewiec) and Berlin.
Heim ins Reich soon, fellow Prussian
Soon :^))))
Attracted to the same shit. Pretty uniforms, military marches, strong government etc. And then they're surprised when they learn that Bismarck was also a cruel dick.
ywn discuss politics and militarism with Bismarck and Hindenburg
I am not htis guy however
Prussia does not exist.
Half of its territory is occupied by slavs.
The state that was Prussia was joined with other German states, Bavaria, Saxony, Pfalz, Rhineland, etc.
Prussia was deliberately destroyed by the Allies after the war and the Current German public opinion is that it is dead and should stay that way (i think they are little brainswashed manlets.
There was also a proposal after the wall fell in the 90s to create a new Prussian state (equal to bavaria etc) in the new republic but it was to controversial so it stayed brandenburg.
Yes polish soldiers during ww1 didn't exist on the eastern front. If prussia wasn't so keen on prosecuting poles then maybe they would fight for them instead for austria and russia.
Does Germany still own Prussia?
Prussia no longer exists because Wilhelm II was a fucking autist with no ability for diplomacy, and because the Autism-Hungarian turbofags backstabbed their Russian allies in 1854 and made Bismarck's foreign policy aims fall apart.
France's prime foreign policy goal was to counteract the expansion of Prussian influence and the unification of the German states by any means necessary, both diplomatically and militarily. France actively sought out an anti-Prussian aggression pact with Austria, and the only reason it was never signed was because Austria was still economically too weak to finance a war.
France started to mobilize their army way before any of the German states did, including Prussia. Bismarck never wanted war, always seeing it as the ultima ratio when all diplomatic attempts to resolve issued have failed. But he did feel the French question would ultimately result in war, and while he took no steps to facilitate during the years leading up to it, once he saw it was inevitable due to French mobilization, he made well sure that France would be perceived as the aggressor throughout Europe.
>Needing legitimacy for a monarchy.
>Napoleon just had a vote to make himself Emperor.
>People have became Emperors for less than Bismarck
>Bismarck already became a Hero to the Germans and crafted the German State.
>Several people in Bismarck position in modern history just declared themselves Emperors and Kings and got away with it.
t. Lithshit
I farted.
you forgot the part where he reformed the prussian army without the budget permission from parliament and later made up a law that granted him immune.
Also he abolished the Landwehr, which didn't take part in the shooting of protestors.
Funny, every decade or so in Germany we change how we want to percieve Bismarck.
You sound retarded.
>create a system that only you know how to use, and that will destroy Europe if used incorrectly
>hand it off to a literal retard
Bismarck was a staunch monarchist, not some banana republic wannabe. Also, he had little reason to declare himself Kaiser, he basically held all the cards already anyway. Declaring himself Kaiser instead of Wilhelm would've caused way more trouble than it was worth
hindenburg was a chad brainlet