You walk into your local museum and this dude challenges you to a duel. What weapon do you bring?
You walk into your local museum and this dude challenges you to a duel. What weapon do you bring?
got to get away quick
A copy of his family tree
>Something wonderful has happened Charles.
why do you do this mate? i don't understand, but then again, i'm a newfag.
no weapon is neede, that retarded hapsburg will hurt himself immediately
Distract him with a snack
M60 belt-fed, Air-cooled, 7.62mm song of my people
The pope
A guards tank division. Duh.
I've heard the rumor, that it's one of Veeky Forums rules to lurk as long until you're not a newfag anymore
A turkey baster. I'll promise that if I help him impregnate his wife, he'll spare me.
23 pairs of chromosomes.
A fidget spinner, he'll love it
Fuck off newfag
a diverse gene pool.
What a retarded sword.
A mirror. Poor fuck will off himself on the spot
Ah but is he any match for the man in the iron mask?
Lurk more then you little bitch
A spear And Oberyn Martell