Why do brainlets have such a hard time to realize institutionalized gay marriage will vanish from every civil code the notion of inheritance?
Why do brainlets have such a hard time to realize institutionalized gay marriage will vanish from every civil code the...
>Why do brainlets have such a hard time to realize institutionalized gay marriage will vanish from every civil code the notion of inheritance?
>Is unironically on Veeky Forums
>Thinks he can differentiate users of different boards
Know your Larps faggot
Not even tries to defend BLM any more.
Inheritance from parents is based on biological descent, not on marriage. Gay marriage would not alter anything about biological descent.
You don't know shit about Catholicism then.
Surely if you're worried about the "notion of inheritance", you should be up in arms about a little thing every country I know of has called a "will", in which you can dispose of your assets more or less arbitrarily.
Not him, but Christianity is fundamentally incompatible with reason. It asks us to be convinced, based mainly on hearsay, that a man 2000 years ago did superhuman things and rose from the dead.
>"Catholicism founded on reason"
>"Reads ... Kant"
you don't know shit about textual criticism then
>le catholic board maymay
Hello I am mr. Veeky Forums and I'd like you to fuck off.
>Veeky Forums is sma-
>It is reasonable to practice cannibalism and rape children
>The chaos in the middle east is from US intervention
>predates the US by over a millennium
You mean will remove? Also no. Learn some law, faggot.
There was chaos nearly everywhere though. You know he's talking about terrorism and mass imigration, dumb phoneposter.
(Not the poster you're referring to)
What do you mean by 'chaos'?
What do you mean by 'removing the chaos'?
How do you apply it to actual history?
modern conflict is nearly all rooted in post-ottoman international intervention
it definitely predates US intervention wit hstuff like sykes-picot, british fueled arab revolt, forming of a jewish state in the levant, but that doesn't discount the absurd amount of problems that have come since the 79 invasion of afghanistan and the US role in the region afterwards
>Thinking that is what Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums is
since this is a shit thred anyways, planning to pick up the history of the fall and decline of thr roman empire, what's Veeky Forums's thoughts on it?
It's been discussed here before. The consensus seems to be: it's obsolete as history, but extremely well written.
The person who made this has never been on Veeky Forums. They used to LARP as Hellenists
yeah, ive heard the stuff about it being revolutionary due to the dedication to primary sources, but the thesis itself is shaky
history major so i may as well see how arguments are presented within proper history texts 2bh
Afghanistan technically isn't the Middle East, it's South Asia. Completely different region than Palestine etc.
Chaos would be the wars and general instability in the kingdoms. The poster I replied to correlates it to Islam, except the very Christian Europe was rife with fighting among themselves until quite recently. I never said anything about removing it and its historical context is kind of obvious. See
well yeah, but a lot of problems in south asia and the middle east have been exported from one region to another for a while, which has had a pretty relevant impact 2bh
>muh Wojek picturs r an argment
Don't you have some indulgences to pay, Pedro?
These are both so full of shit
>Why do brainlets have such a hard time to realize institutionalized gay marriage will vanish from every civil code the notion of inheritance?
What the fuck does this sentence even mean?
Since we're on Veeky Forums:
"Oh, how wise you are, my friend. But as I, a dumb moron, understand, you have only given examples of what it means to be 'chaotic' and 'not chaotic'. But I thought we were discussing the question what it MEANS to be 'chaotic'. Could you please enlighten me?"
I think he's trying to say that he believes the legalization of gay marriage will lead to the end of the legal notion of inheritance, since gay people can't have "real" children, even though inheritance laws in the West (where gay marriage is being legalized) have long surpassed an need for strict consanguinity.
Never heard anybody actually explain how it's obsolete as history though. Butthurt christfags notwithstanding.
>believing that property is distinctly tied to the notion of family and that gay marriage isn't part of a centuries long attack on the family
fuck i fucked that one up
what is with this idea of gay marriage being an attack on the family?
ah yes
>force homos into hetero relationships which will only lead to broken homes and failing marriages
>force the homos out of the institution of marriage altogether, which would just reinforce the resistance to monogamous relationships within the homo communities
what lovely alternatives
>Inheritance from parents is based on biological descent
which will cease to exist because the foundation of gay marriage is based on love and not descendants.
>unironic atheists like this still exist
no words
The actions of Saudi-Arabia and Iran, over whom the West has little control, are the main destabilizing forces in the Middle East. The white mans guilt theory is outdated.
>The actions of Saudi-Arabia and Iran, over whom the West has little control
well two things
the foundation of te modern states of iran and saudi arabia are due to direct western intervention in the region
the west still has strong influence over saudi arabia in certain aspects, although less than they used to
>din do nuffin
>Only atheists call Catholics out on their Satanic heresy
Go rape some more little boys Cathocuck
isn't' lit just a lefty pol proxy now? All I see are books about socialism and communism ect.
Slide thread
>The fall of Rome was beneficial
Fuck off snownigger
>honest enough to admit that the USA was the primary antagonist of the Cold War
Is this fucking bait?
Because it's missing 250 years worth of archeological findings and historical research you bellend.
Not to downplay the influence the US, UK and Russia had on middle eastern affairs over the past century or so but the power vacuum left in the wake of the disintegration of a large empire (in this case the Ottoman) is enough to bring long periods of instability to a region all by itself.
Same has you, retard.
Go be a disgusting heretic somewhere else, cuckestant. You are not Christian, you are an abomination against God.
Religious autism, if they can't have it the exact same way as their holy book describes they chimp out.