Where they pretty based? They got rid of commies

Where they pretty based? They got rid of commies.

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When are we going to autofilter "based"?

Getting rid of commies is not an accomplishment if you do it by using the same illiberal methods that militant commies often use and then impose your own authoritarian regime.

Hahahah since when did we start caring about liberalism on here? Fucking cucks, you would rather see millions killed in Argentina rather than a few skulls bashed in. Get over it faggot, I bet you think we should just hold hands with the Muslim headchoppers and sing kumbiya. Get over it. They weren't people any way.

Not him, but I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at. You seem pretty fine with authoritarian regimes. What's the big difference between a communist regime and a fascist regime that you would accept the heel of one but not the other?

Also, there's not a lot of Muslims in Argentina.

Veeky Forums is a liberal board.
The commies in Argentina could have been dealt with without using torture, rape, wanton murder, and so on.
>I bet you think we should just hold hands with the Muslim headchoppers and sing kumbiya.
No, I think that matter is being handled correctly - using military and police actions applied in a liberal framework.
>Get over it. They weren't people any way.
Why even add this line? Everyone could already tell from your first post that you're a 15 year old Pinochet meme kid.

Not get sentimental or sound like a some snowflake but you're an asshole. My professor (at a non-SJW university) had her friend murdered by the regime and she wasn't a communist. They didn't kill just communists, they killed people or disappeared them in order to make the quota for the day.

>Heheh le based xD MAGA my brahs

At college I read about them

They were literally Hitler killing students and union leaders for being socialist and wanting democracy

Same faghere but based Argentines.
>At college I read about them.
Kek okay there little snowflake. I'm sure you read about how "evil" they were when they were just cleaning the trash and helping the country against communism. But okay, keep being a socialist and a faggot who cries about "muh democracy" so much. Go riot snowflake.

we are trying to have a civilized discussion

killing people for being socialist is wrong

Destroyed the country. You'd have to be literally braindead to like those bunch of literal retards.

Not an argument cuck. Do I hear the sounds of helicopter blades whirling in the distance?

I know this argentine guy who told me a lot of stuff.

If you could have half a brain (much to ask to a conservative) you will know better.

I'm not sure if this is bait or an honest opinion.

I don't get why pinochet gets so much praise but this lot is effectively silent on Suharto, who killed more communists than pinochet could even find.

Anyone recommend any books or are we just talking out our asses based on whether we like socialism or not?

Go back to your containment board, brainlet.

Books on what

Argentina had almost no poverty and no homelessness, minimal unemployment, a strong industrial sector, and low external debt before the argentinian dictatorship. They fucked everything up. It's not about whether you like socialism or not, it's about whether you think a government that destroys its own country/economy is justified because it killed a few thousand socialists and intellectuals in the way.

but he didn't privatise copper.

Poverty before/after.

Veeky Forums is a monarchist board more than anything.

>le communism always kills a billion trillion people meme

Because Suharto isn't Le edgy helicopter man praise kek fellow centipede

But that's the thing: why exactly is he not? What makes Pinochet so great compared? It can hardly be his comparative moderation.

When your ass stops hurting

Because redditors only know pinochet from twitter neckbeards and le_donald, Suharto might take 5 minutes to research

I hate communism and Sukarno comes off as a meme dictator by some people who want to just spite the west but, Suharto was a pretty fucked up guy. He might have created relatively stable and economic strong regime, but it came at such a high price like a lot of Cold War era dictatorships supported by the west. Didn't he murder over 1 million people and not all of them were communist? Some were just enemies of the regime even if they weren't communist. Also I am pretty sure that over 100,000 East Timorese were killed under Indonesian occupation.

Yeah I believe he targeted ethnic Chinese and innocents suspected to be communist also and as you said East Timorese and maybe some in West Papau

Which actually comes to something strange about Suharto, allegedly Suharto is seen in this video from 1992 when North Korea was celebrating the 60th anniversary of the KPA and apparently Suharto can be seen in the crowds but that could be the King of Cambodia desu

The east timorese elected a socialist government by a wide majority. Just shoot, no need to aim, you'll hit a red.

>but it came at such a high price
Did not Pinochet's?

Veeky Forums is a monarchist board faggot

Imagine being this edgy that you excuse the murder of 100,000 people because of what their government did. I'm sure the millions of Jews killed in Ukraine, Belarus and in Poland needed to die because of "muh Jewish-Bolshevik" conspiracy. Literally Jewish infants in Ukraine need to die because they are all suspect!

The joke seems over your head. It is that Suharto is unknown but Pinochet is venerated, even though Suharto was better at systematic elimination of left-wing dissidence than Pinochet ever was, the main reason the guy is venerated.

Basically, the appearance of edginess takes priority to taking that edginess to it's logical conclusion. One celebrates wanton murder to political ends, but cannot quite stomach it's unlimited expansion. They can not only celebrate such mass murder, but even worse: be total hypocrites about it.


All the dictatorships in the south cone were puppets used to stop communism and generate debt that later it would fuck the economy of the region. Even the Falklands war was a strategic movement made up.

Operation Condor.