How will people be able to enjoy heaven when probably many or most of the people they know ends upp in hell?
How will people be able to enjoy heaven when probably many or most of the people they know ends upp in hell?
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Being purified before God they'll no longer have any empathy for sinners.
They deserve to be in hell. People in heaven are just
>Implying the single greatest joy of heaven isn't smugly looking down on the suffering bastards below.
This !
(Schopenhauer in heaven)
>isnt baptized
>gets into catholic heaven
whos the HACK FRAUD who wrote this episode?
Because your vision of heaven and hell is childish
And theirs is as well
>only makes fun of people he has never read
>in his blog he says you can "avoid reading Kant" while studying philosophy
Well then tell me yours, great master of wisdom. I'm eager to listen to your unsurpassable and thoughtful visions of a christian after-life
Excuse me. I'll take it back then. I've read two books of Schopenhauer so far (actually three, since on the edition of "die welt als wille und vorstellung" there was also "Ueber die vierfache Wurzel des Satzes vom zureichenden Grunde". But I always have a relieving laugh after reading these comics....)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't hell just eternal nothingness?
heaven not even that nice and hell isn't a palce for people to live forever
>not reincarnating in the space colonization era
They will be remembered no more.
People in hell are there for just, holy, and righteous reasons. They are not victims. They are evil.
Lake of fire where you never die, and the fire never goes out.
Heaven is better than you can imagine.
Hell is worse than you can imagine.
Ive been through worse than any -real- hell. Heaven itself isn't nice, or more people would visit.
Why is it called Second Death then?
Guys, let's just wait and see what happens, okay?
Agreed. Let's meet here again and dunk some fresh autistic memes.
Can't wait
>How will people be able to enjoy heaven when probably many or most of the people they know ends upp in hell?
If you love that which is God, you will have immense trouble forgiving those who sided with Moses against God.
Being in heaven will be like a mania (think of yourself when you are happy af because you are in a nice concert or with a person you love). In that case you don't even think of people other than those you are with (that person you love). That type of happiness only happens to me in church mass [spoiler] and when i think of my crush kek [/spoiler]
It was their choice to live and die unrepentant
There is a poet, I dont remember his name atm,, but he said
Let there be a heaven, even if we are not meant for it.
Like apreciating something ood existing even if you dont get to see it.
Baptism of desire.
But what if the person you love ends upp in hell then?
can anyone give me a rundown on this schizo that keeps posting his videos in every thread
>Nobody is ever self destructive
Schizo who was abused as a child.
but would they not want all the treasures of heaven after destroying themselves?
>Schizo who was abused as a child.
>can anyone give me a rundown on this schizo that keeps posting his videos in every thread
True, but I'm also God. This species decided long ago the universe revolves around you - that absolutely nobody is not expendable if it fulfills the murderous rage of Moses followers.
I'm just here to remind you that the universe doesn't revolve around you and absolutely nobody's soul is not expendable on this planet.
Most of you gave up everything that matters in life for a chance to pretend to be Pharaoh. Congrats on getting booted out on your ass and out of heaven like a drug-addled gangbanging teenager.
I don't believe in hell
I think i didn't explain the analogies i gave. look at the other example ''concert/me being in church''. When a person is in mania/joy he doesn't think of anything other than that what makes him happy. And in heaven we will be happy because we are with our God and that we are in his presence.
a simpler answer is the person that we are happy being with is God himself. Loving God is very important to salvation.
Luke 10:27
He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind