>tfw no qt Nordic Bronze Age gf


>smelly bush
>smelly pussy
>smelly dick
>smelly breath
>eat bread every day 3 times
>smelly ass

I'll pass

She looks like John Cleese.

Have you tried not being on Veeky Forums, but rather strive through the woods in search of them?
Do you think you find them on Tindr?

The "smelly" part will disappear as soon as you're out there in the woods

I'm fine with the smell. You have no idea how good of a lay that would be

>"hurr durr ancient people were all smelly and dirty"

Can't spin
Can't dye
Can't weave
Can't dairy

Would not allow my son to marry.
Might enslave and get my wife to t ach te stupid bint how to milk.

At least post an actual qt

>tfw no qt BLACK QUEEN gf

Pick one


'n shiiiet

Moar? Nothing gets my dick harder than superior black females


only ancient city people


>mfw lost virginity to an impossibly THICC black chick

Goddamn guys, I nearly came the second I saw that enormous ass sitting on my dick and the tiny waist, she had some big chocolate chip nips too. Fugg, I'm get hard just thinking about it


I'm more into colonial girls I just have a fetish of knowing people have to have sex to survive

That's because the bronze age is over you doofus.

It's weird how only her hair, finger nails and brain survived. Someone splain that to me please.

>>smelly bush
>>smelly pussy

>implying this is bad

>Tfw no bronze age Aegean girl

there are these things called rivers. People chewed herbs and leaves for their breathe and drank water before we had mints, especially people living in the forest

water doesn't wash shit

>what is horse chestnut soap

Something that didn't exist in the bronze age as far as we know

it does if you know what you're doing with it. There as also other stuff other then soap that ancient people could use to clean themselves.

but amber did

>water is a waterfall
>what is a spring
>what is a stream
>what is gravel

in reality what we would probably see if we could look into the past would be a man jawed, chunky teutonic matron ready to snap your nuts

People used (and still use in some regions) ashes to wash themselves, it is even more caustic than soap and can be used to wash both your body and garbs.

Nordic people were the most hygienic culture of their time.

That's the Gauls, the Germanics were described by Romans as filthy garlic-smelling cabbage-smelling barbarians.

low test

No, Minoans had toilets, running cold and hot water, big baths

What did the Nordics have? they didn't have any of that and lived in stinky huts

>No ancient Nubian butts to be smothered in

>tfw no Zimbabwean qt to drape in a Rhodesian flag during coitus

>What did the Nordics have?
freedom, pristine wilderness, cool hair, adventure, heroism, ambition

no actually tacitus writes they took a hot bath every morning

asian people smell like garlic and windex to me but I'm sure their hygeine is fine. To asians white people smell like butter, bread and beef

italians having a go at others for smelling of garlic eh?

Sidonius Apollinaris who actually lived among Germanics, unlike Tacitus, said they smelled garlic, rancid butter, and so on

rancid butter because they used it to style their hair, not because they didn't bathe. Garlic I dont remember why but I dont think its because they ate it. And if they did you will still smell strange and bad to a foreigner with a different diet, even if you bathe. Germans spent their time training for war, hunting and farming, running races and equestrian arts, otherwise sitting around the fire probably sweating their asses off. If you take a bath in the morning you can still stink during the day

so nothing

tfw no pure nordic maiden wife living together in a cabin close to a lake surrounded by a green and peaceful forest.

well their zeal for adventure and raiding and their feirce individualism won them the continent so..

she's an albino, this is a nordic maiden . Would you really wanna muddy anglo/celtic/slavic genes with that. Germans and swedes were regarded as swarthy foreigners in early america, not even truly white

You realise if you are both smelly you cant actually smell it?

so you smell one concentrated cloud of stink, not even sure which exactly is your odors and which is hers, but certain half of them are hers. Fucking disgusting desu

well their clothes were pretty cool as well, they were tall and jacked, and they got pissed all day erryday. Women and children did the farm work and most of the menial labour while you hunt or get drunk with your bros, go adventuring in the forest or to another territory/country. Eat shrooms off the forest floor. Apart from the disease and brutality it sounds like a sweet deal. You'd be trained / practising with a sling shot since like age 5 so by 15 you'd be able to hit someone in the head from like 200m away. You'd get a wife at 13 instead of jerking off for another 10 or more years like millenial soyboys have to

>You'd be trained / practising with a sling shot
*sling, not denace the menace shit

City people voted for Christianity

hot desu

some of the most common Nordic bronze age artifacts found are bronze combs.

nice try though.

and razors.

you fucking retard! Egtved Girl is from the bronze age.
and see here

Would breed with desu

Would just lift that raggy ass skirt and plough her in the grass face down.