lol guy i know biz can be filled with lying pajeets, but that paranoia won't do you any good. go on the official slack and check, if you don't believe it
The new exchange is hitbtc. This is going to dump. Sell NOW. Not LATER
David Parker
Daniel Reed
I'm having some Signatum deja vu with this shit. The only thing keeping on board is that the developers aren't pieces of shit like Jason Crowe (Crowetic, known thief who I thought would have been suicided by now) and a Pajeet who says he has a Phd in """cyber warfare""". I haven't lost a cent on it so far, but we'll see what happens.
Nathaniel Bailey
only thing it has in common with sigt is the whole #1 on cryptopia aspect, and the pajeets that came with that. but sigt was not shilled by anime-chan, and sigt didn't have flufypony on as an advisor (who yeah, isn't that big of a deal but he is an important person in the field).