What the fuck was his problem?
What the fuck was his problem?
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being a pretty cool dude
He wrote my favourite book.
my fucking nigger
the glass bees? or storm of steel?
Storm of Steel. I love the WW1 history and he does a perfect job of blending real events of WW1 with literary brilliance.
The virgin "johnny get your gun" vs the chad "storm of steel"
Yeah, just rob my contribution picture to your last thread about who was the most Chad person in history
virgin "content provider" vs the chad "image thief"
Poor fashion sense because sometimes when you wear a captured enemy trench coat during an assault, you get shot by your own team.
He was just bored of easymode and wanted to up the difficulty.
Too intellegent to get ptsd.
Being a high-functioning male human.
>Literally told off Hitler
Imagine ADOLF HITLER coming to you and telling how much he admires you and asking for your support and you tell him no.
I fucking love Ernst Junger.
One of Germany's best 20th-century authors, if not the best
Speaking as a kraut, I hate the fact literally nobody knows him today
This, I legit admire the man and I'm not even a German, Storm of Steel was a badass read
He wasn't a Nazi so he's not allowed to be remembered
>tfw you will never get the chance to speak to Ernst
Kill me now
There is a funny anecdote, Juenger attended a literature congress in the 1970's and many French writers had the legion of honour button on their lapel.
Old Ernst asked whats that about and when they told him it was a medal from the government, Ernst went home and put on his pour le Mérite order and went back to the party.
He received Imperial Germany's highest honours for for serial killing French soldiers like some video game endboss.
Did you know Ernst Juenger and Albert Hofmann were close friends and often did LSD together?
Also he had a healthy disdain for stormfags and told the Nazis to go fuck themselves.
Stormfront hadn't even been invented yet
Inter war Germany, Juenger is a famous author and war hero, Nazi party tries several times to recruit him for their purposes, tells them they are scum and brainlets. Gestapo has an eye on him and he gets some minor post in France.
Brainlet here who didn't read his works.
Is he a natinionalist conservative or something?
I know he didn't like nazis,even btfo Hitler and served durring both WW1 and WW2. He was even inpsired by plotters of 20 july.
Virgin All Quiet on the Western Front and Chad Storm of Steel.
Erich Maria Remarque Epigraph
"This book is to be neither an accusation nor a confession. It will try simply to tell of a generation of men who, even though they may have escaped its shells, were destroyed by the war."
Ernst Juenger's epigraph
"For the fallen."
A conservative militarist who put country before race.
Based. Gonna go buy and read Storm of Steel
He was a war hero, like wounded 14 times and received the blue Max for combat infantry duty as stromtrooper, he published his war diaries, which show WW1 in a positive light which is totally harram in modern Germany, so he is kinda hated by modern universities. Later he wrote deep works about human nature and was an independent thinker. He was conservative but he would flick the finger to the NSDAP and instead drop Acid with Albert Hofmann. He died at age 101. Interesting guy, and "In Stahlgewittern" is for sure the anti-thesis to Nothing new in the west. Unlike Remarque, Juenger was a real combat soldiers
I think him and de Gaulle could have been good friends.
If I recall right, he was stationed in Paris during the war and played a role in keeping Paris from dealing with too much Nazi autism.
>rob my contribution picture
are you an anglo or a j*w?
What do you think the first S in SS stands for?
user, I...
>“War is all – fighting is all – everything else is cropped away.”
>“I had felt Death’s hand once before, on the road at Mory – but this time his grip was firmer and more determined. As I came down heavily on the bottom of the trench, I was convinced it was all over. Strangely, that moment is one of the very few in my life of which I am able to say they were utterly happy. I understood, as in a flash of lightening, the true inner purpose and form of my life. I felt surprise and disbelief that it was to end there and then, but this surprise had something untroubled and almost merry about it. Then I heard the firing grow less, as if I were a stone sinking under the surface of some turbulent water. Where I was going, there was neither war nor enmity.”
>“Of all the stimulating moments in a war, there is none to compare with the encounter of two storm troop commanders in the narrow clay walls of a line. There is no going back, and no pity. And so everyone knows who has one or other of them in their kingdom, the aristocrat of the trench, with hard, determined visage, brave to the point of folly, leaping agilely forward and back, with keen, bloodthirsty eyes, men who answered the demands of the hour, and whose names go down in no chronicle.”
“…There is a quality of dread that feels as unfamiliar as a foreign country. In moments when I felt it, I experienced no fear as such but a kind of exalted, almost demoniacal lightness; often attended by fits of laughter I was unable to repress.”
>“It was our last storm. How many times over the last few years we had advanced into the setting sun in a similar frame of mind! Les Eparges, Guillemont, St-Pierre-Vaast, Langemarck, Passchendaels, Moeuvres, Vroucourt, Mory! Another gory carnival beckoned.”
He didn't have a problem, clearly other people did though since he was variously shot / blown up 14 times and didn't lose a limb
That's even funnier because he briefly enlisted in the Foreign Legion in the war
Well Damn. I meant the SA, my bad.
Hes probably thinking of the SA. But its a common mistake to assume the S means the same thing in both
Now these are some top level bantz
My kind of German.
Meh, he was General staff officer for the MFB, so his direct boss was the military command of all German troops in occupied France.
He had a great time in Paris, oysters and champagne, cultivated ladies and great literature. Read Strahlungen for his 1949 printed WW2 memoires.
MBF, sorry.
Does anyone have his quote describing what shelling in an exposed position feels like? I forgot it but when I read it I felt it was very compelling and good way of describing it.
Considering he spent almost the entire war in the mud of the trenches, he earned his Vacation in France for the next one.
Why Remarque's book, that was totally fabricated, has two movies, while Ernst's book that is totally legit doesnt.
Because Militarism is absolutely haram in nu-germany. thanks for asking.
wtf i like german soldiers now
Probably the greatest Kraut author of his lifetime, a decorated Stormtrooper who represented the very best of what Germany was before the World Wars. He wrote about World War I as a transformative personal experience, not as a moralizing peacenik
Exactly how many times was he shot again? I know he was wounded a grand total of seven times, but specifically how many bullets did he take?
I can't recall exactly, but I believe it was between five and six
Fucking based
>a controversial man
How is he fucking controversial? He told hitler to eat a dick for christs sake
I doubt the veracity of this anecdote, he was a huge ouiboo and would most likely have known what the legion d'honneur was
>tfw the only two biographies on ernst junger by men who knew him personally are in fucking german
Remarque fought for a month, was wounded and then spend the rest of the war comfy.
That and the fact his book is not a true story have ruined the man and the book for me.
He served in the FL so yeah he probably did
>“If the thing they were fighting for was important enough to die for then it was also important enough for them to be thinking about it in the last minutes of their lives. That stood to reason. Life is awfully important so if you've given it away you'd ought to think with all your mind in the last moments of your life about the thing you traded it for. So did all those kids die thinking of democracy and freedom and liberty and honor and the safety of the home and the stars and stripes forever?
You're goddamn right they didn't.
>They died crying in their minds like little babies. They forgot the thing they were fighting for the things they were dying for. They thought about things a man can understand. They died yearning for the face of a friend. They died whimpering for the voice of a mother a father a wife a child. They died with their hearts sick for one more look at the place where they were born, please God just one more look. They died moaning and sighing for life. They knew what was important They knew that life was everything and they died with screams and sobs. They died with only one thought in their minds and that was I want to live I want to live I want to live.
>didn't just get the Iron Cross twice
>but also got a Wound Badge in gold
>didn't even become a cripple
What a chad
Who knows what goes through the head of a soon-to-be-dead man?
I do, it's a bullet.
holy shit champ you are gonna SLAY at prom this year
I know lad, I'll get those cracks well moist I'm telling ya
Lots of his works aren't translated into English as far as I know. Anyone know of one?
looks like i gotta learn fucking german now. Thanks, ernie.
>tfw most of his books are still in german and will probably never be translated
it hurts
There are worse reasons for learning a language.
Yeah but doesn't this make me like the weebs who only learn moonrunes to read their chinese cartoons? I really do like junger's work, but i'm worried that just wanting to read all of them isn't enough of a motivation to learn an entire language.
Literally this
Nobody wanted to ask him about beetles
Did he ever write anything about his entomological hibbies? I remember being surprised to learn he was interested in entemology in the first place, it being completely absent from storm of steel and all.
Do you have a pillow that features Ernst or any other famous germans? If not you're gonna be fine.
IIRC he wrote about it, but it was mostly academic stuff that never got translated out of German. He apparently has several insect species named after him.
>Did he ever write anything about his entomological hibbies?
What? Is this bait? There's literally an entomological prize in his name that has been given out since 1985.
Imagine being a French Poilu in your wargrave, you stabbed, shot, fragged and clubbed that fucker 14 times, and he shows up for the 75 years armistice party, dancing on your fucking grave while your own children have already died of old age.
Why hasn't there been a film adaptation of this man's life?
Or at least of 'Storm of Steel'
Because militarism is absolutely haram in Germany.
>do you have a pillow that features ernst or any other major german generals
Can't sunder the Junger
>can't sunder the junger
Meant for
Fuck, now I want an Ernst Jünger Dakimakura
biggest chad in history
The more I learn about Remarque the more he seems like a whiny faggot
>Have interdisciplinary education on World War I in my junior year in highschool.
>Had to read and watch videos from the view of anti-war poets, writers and movie makers discussing PTSD
>At one point, teacher mentions "Some people also liked the war, such as jünger, but we won't go into that".
>Go on with the regular curriculum.
This was 5 years ago, I hadn't even remembered Jünger untill I came to Veeky Forums and now I want to read his works.
He appears in Volker Schlondorf's "La mer à l'aube" based on memoirs of several people involved in the execution of French hostages in 1941. He's played by the guy who played Goebbels in "Downfall" and seems like a total weirdo because he's not the main focus of the film.
Still better than nothing.
The teacher was a fucking moron. It's not about liking war, it's about re-contextualizing it and giving it meaning which is the only way to preserve your fucking sanity.
Some pieces in "Stahlgewittern", for instance where he searches some dead Brit's body and finds an address book with the names of the girls he'd dated are more touching than anything in Remarque's book.
So a cuck? Juenger was a libertine faggot.
At the very least you should read Storm of Steel. It's actually a gripping and simple read, no weird modern lit boringness. It almost feels like an adventure novel.
At least he wasn't hooked on meth executing civilians like the people you venerate.
Meth is good for you retard