Pic very much related. Based Cicero
ITT, Historical Figures that Females and Beta Males Will NEVER Understand
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high inhibition wineboy who let the republic down. all talk no action.
Stefan George
You mean historical figures only cucks will understand?
Literally spent his whole time angry at Chads (Antony and Clodius).
I love Cicero too user but he was no Chad, he was a pragmatic coward, and his constant character assassinations of Caesar and the Catilinarian Conspiracy doesn't lend him much credit.
>a Romans talking shit about other races
>this is somehow new
>hurr durr look Cicero hates jews therefore jews are ebul
and never come back
Unironically this.
It may seem like I'm memeing you but I mean it; and I don't mean in it the /pol/ "muh Hitler did nothing wrong" way either.
I mean that most of the people you're talking about really have no idea who Hitler really was or what the Nazis were really about. Pop Culture has basically reduced them to, well, cartoonish supervillains who only want to genocide and take over the world.
It fails to account for all the intricacies and planning that Hitler made for his Reich. How extensively he and the other Nazis thought out the kind of nation they were going to create. Codifying things as minuscule as fonts as being "Jewish", the extent of their race classification (using color charts with specific shades for skin/face/hair and examinations of facial structure to determine Aryan descent), the sheer amount of social programs that went into promoting their ideal society.
It really took me to watch a documentary on art and culture in Nazi Germany for me to understand how much aesthetic mattered to the Nazis. EVERYTHING had aesthetic value to them and EVERYTHING had to fall in line with that Nazi vision. The way you walked, talked, looked, acted had to meet the vision. I compare it to a painting: the Nazis thought they had a canvas in Germany (and surely, the world), and wanted to make the perfect painting according to their image. Blights such as "subhumans" and "defects" needed to be "corrected", less the image becomes imperfect.
I can't even articulate fully what went on in the Nazis' heads. I feel like, though, that both /pol/fags and sjws/"antifa" don't get it. When they invoke the Nazis they really have no idea what they're talking about: who the Nazis really were, and what they actually stood for.
I assure you, whatever the truth is, it's MUCH more horrifying (in retrospect at least) than many of us think.
tl;dr No one seems to understand the Nazis for who they really were vs the memes and what pop culture has degenerated them to
JFK unironically felt this way about Hitler
Good post user
I agree actually.
Have you ever been to a concentration camp?
I think I started smoking that summer.
and they didn't have great taste in aesthetics
That was not user's point.
He's the very example of beta weakling balding crybaby whose only ability is "shit talking" and who pisses his pants at every occasion
We might have a info flood problem nowdays but thank god for communication.
Unironically Jesus.
Would drink wine with!
I recommended "On Aging" by Cicero to a girl recently. She had commented that she'd like to die at 51, and that aging is something she doesn't want to do. Did I screw up?
She needs a good dicing not a good book
Came to post this.
Also this
>"like why was it important to conquer a lot of stuff? xD"
why are you so mad rabbi?
What women and beta men will never understand
>Strong leaders who strengthened their country
>Ancient heroes and conquerors
>Adventurers and risk takers
>Any philosopher pre-WW2
What they do like
>Quirky inventors (Tesla), actors, comedians and civil rights activists who made their lives more comfortable.
>Mother gives birth to you just so she may gain power for herself from your existence
>Hands you off to a woman who acts as your real mother until you are of age
>Has the woman who raised you, your TRUE mother killed
>Has murdered plenty of other innocent people before
>Obtain power, do not let her control you
>Strip her of all nobility, send her to live far away
>Send people to annoy her in her last dies
>Finally have her killed
Watermelon Bonanig
He should have consolidated a bit more tho rather than just going nuts. But I understand obsession
Kike mad that he's 100% right, don't let the goys know.
Alex was unstable though.
Even reading about the philosophy schools one realizes he was the flash before the Hellenic decadence.
I honestly think Hernan Cortes, for me he is the man. Charismatic, ambitious, gregarious, a fighter, a lover, strategist. With a few hundred men (although better armed, too small of a number), some animals, and his wits, with alliances made on the run, he conquered a giant empire in a new world. Fortes fortuna adiuvat, self made man, the Renaissance man.
>*teleports behind you*
>beats the entire Optimate faction then let its leaders live
Pssssssh, nothing personnel Cicero
The hell it wasn't, user! Hugo Boss!
Who's this?