Was a skeptic but now convinced on Chainlink

Alright guys, I tried to spread a lot of fud about link and am going to own up now. I thought it was a shit coin and when it rose to over 40c, i thought shit maybe I should have bought so tried to fud it. Didn't work very well. Either way, I was still a skeptic and thought it would fail. After spending a few days researching and going through the white paper in detail. I am convinced that Chainlink is here to stay and will become adopted. I've invested, there is still much growth to be had. Good luck all and thank you Veeky Forums for bringing this coin to light before most of the community hears about it. We are the lucky firsts.


Bags approaching black hole status.

not our fault you sold early. kys

Congratulations on buying high as usual OP.

Pump&dump coin

So much salt in this thread. See y'all on the moon when my 420,000 link buy me a space shuttle this Q1 2018. Oh wait, you won't be there...

this is this is not high, it wont go below 40c,might not break below 45c

they have no money so just holding sour grapes. ive done my homework and i am now immune to fud.

I am in pretty much the exact same boat OP

FUDs and shills will say opposite, but people are coming around. I used to think the sheer number of FUD threads proved that Link is a shitcoin, but I copped some at $0.4 and have enjoyed an easy 13% profit in less than 24 hours.

$130 back for every $1000 invested, not bad for a few hours of watching Netflix and passing out.

Still holding for now

Former FUDder turned LINKie as well. I was basically kingpin of the toilet memes but have seen the light. That huge "actual ChainLink explanation" thread turned me

I actually bought late because of the shill.
I did the research last week and bought directly, I'm way up already and have no doubt it'll be at least x5 from there, but can go way higher.

yeh i had to own up, usually fud impacts the coin, but it wasnt denting it much. i gave up and bought in, sooner than later anyway. Also sounds like announcements will be after the conference. So i won't be selling around then either. I think there will be announcements, exchanges as well and it will be epic fomo.

You could've already made 400% by now. Lol at people who just watch the most hyped coin on Veeky Forums all year rise that much before buying.

yeh i wouldnt stress train has only started it's engines.

my mistake was i didn't research it sooner.. fucken wish i did. still happy we are in early tho. lucky dicks when this coin is top 5

It's too bad you've converted too soon, it was fun waking up to a board full of anti and pro LINK threads. Many laughs were had.
Also, tip of the hat for those toilet memes.

ripple having their swell conference same time as sibos... cocks are threatened


I bought 100k pre ico, haven't sold. I have been fudding this non stop for the last week for no real reason. I know where this is headed, I find it funny people listen to me and dont buy.

Sam here.

I can almost understand FUDing to get in at a good price, but to just FUD for the sake of it? Reevaluate your pathetic life before it's too late.

But that's actually what he did, dumbass.

You're definitely still in early, it's just weird you didn't research it when Veeky Forums was talking about it a lot all summer.

you don't belong here, cunt.

ignore him you are a hero sir

you lucky fuck. give me some of your link for owning up to fud. lol that deserves a worthy donation. :9

Yeh i was just lazy fucking annoyed at myself. All gud tho, it's like bitcoin at $20 instead of $20c. im ok with that.

>mfw sold $6 ETH