we are the elixmarines
We are the elixmarines
Pls tell me it will fly.
and we can't sell ;(
It will when they fix their retarded fucking white paper which should happen soon.
absolutely. the recent medium post strengthened market confidence.
you two are kind of new, eh?
you actually believed in this coin, eh?
Thanks for holding my bags. On behalf of my unborn son, I would like to thank you for giving us a chance to leave our 3rd world shithole. Love, Pajeet
i'm so new that i got in at 500.
see above. you are likely holding my bags. as Veeky Forums started to get in at 1000 when i was already x2.
ill give you a gift user, sell now, get chainlink and hold for the next month while you learn to discern the p&d's
hehe is good coin! low market cap! $1 soon! xD
>Elix, legit project, retarded white paper = scamcoin
>Ethereum Dark, scamcoin, retarded white paper = omg it's the dark version of Ethereum (like Bitcoin Dark) buy buy buy
I bought on sunday man why you gotta be so bitter
>bragging about getting in at 500
>most of us got in at 0
>bragging that you made more money than anonymous internet strangers
put that little dick away son
i made 2k from this coin, still have 3000 elix as a vote of confidence. Big if true.
im not a poor fag to hold only one coin retard.
besides chainlink has all the makings of a Veeky Forums PND too. just a higher market cap.
if you sold make sure you have your pink wojak folder up to date.
Doesnt matter if its a pump and dump because Link's value is way higher than 40 cents. The groups can pump and dump it all they want, the people who do their own research wont care.
kek this.
99% of us got in from genesis.
golly gosh. so is elix value. so the pnd shouldnt matter.
what kind of retarded argument is that.
you clearly have no idea how the market moves
coin went to saturn and now healthly corrected to 3.5k sats
if you bought at the ath, shame on you, but if you are so desperate about unloading your bags, sell in a week or two when it reaches 10k
this is an almost hidden gem
market cap is still low
t. holding since 400, sold at 8k, bought back in today at 3
>tfw sold enough of my ELIX for a free $30,000 but am holding the rest of my genesis addresses for the next 2 years for passive income and when the app comes out
If you actually paid money for this coin, congratulations on funding me while I cashed out $30,000 of my genesis addresses and will be saving the rest of them to dump on you later when it goes up again.
>nolifers bragging about following every bitcointalk ever on the off chance that one makes it.
good for you
Didn't sell. It's easy to hold bags when they cost $0
the coin would worthless if there was no market for it. and so would be your genesis addresses.
not sure what point you are trying to make.
yes the pump and dump doesnt fucking matter unless you buy ATH and panic sell, i am assuming you arent this retarded and buying ATH.
i have enough money so that i can hold 500 sat bags.
not sure what we are arguing about.
good for you that you got in early.
Lol someone else on here actually told me about it. Why are you so salty at us G E N E S I S holders? Is it because you lost some money on this shit token? :):):):):):)
Lolololol please tell me what price you got in. And I haven't made any money because I haven't sold.
We weren't arguing to my knowledge. You were saying if I sold I was going to regret it, and I assured you that I had not sold. Where's the argument brah?
im salty because i didnt get in earlier. but not t h a t salty.
and also somewhat salty that we had a good thing here. it will take a while to regain market confidence.
putting money to cash out 20money sounds good to me
while you were digging amongst the shit on bitcoin forums and upcoming ico's I was riding moons
get this 30 grand you got and invest on a career faggot
>having a life where you get actual time to know about a shitcoin before it gets launched
only on Veeky Forums
>tfw you fell for the scam
Pump and dumps are annoying because they deter people who were interested in it. I bought at 12 cents and sold at 35 because it was a very obvious P&D, the idea seems interesting and i will buy back in a week or two once the manipulators are gone.
>tripled his money
>pump and dumps are annoying xD
>if you bought at the ath, shame on you, but if you are so desperate about unloading your bags, sell in a week or two when it reaches 10k
When will it rise to 10k, senpai?
at least 2 weeks given the current rate
I've literally never been to bitcointalk dumbass.
I got this as a tip from a friend and spent an after noon making a shitton of genesis addresses for fun. That's literally it.
my guesses are 7k 1 week 10k, 2
it could take 3 or even 4, but it will get there
You give me hope user. Please don't lie to me.
I hope you're right... :(
>tfw made 200% gains of this shitcoin
tanks losers
>brown ID