Alright Hans, time to deploy. You have two options.
>The Afrika Korps, fighting the British in 40 C (105 F) heat across the Sahara. >Your brethren on the Eastern Front, fighting the Red Army in -40 degree weather during the Russian Winter.
Where do you go?
Michael Gutierrez
Norway pls
Matthew Garcia
Afrika Korps. At least the brits won't torture me to death for fun when we lose.
Justin Young
Africa Korps atleast you wont be thrown into the damn gulag if captured
Kevin Davis
>join Afrika Korps >observe positions and gather information >desert when possible and join up with the British >give them all the information I have and chill out in a POW camp for the rest of the war >probably get hailed as a hero afterwards by my own shamed people
Wyatt Flores
excuse me when did this happen and why didn't the Germs deserve it if it did
Nicholas Roberts
The Germans actually killed Soviet prisoners proportionally than the Soviets ever killed of their German prisoners.
Gavin Parker
Can I have Lettow lead the Afrika Korps with me? Fox and Lion.
Jayden Edwards
I don't think Lettow would ever want to command the army of nazi germany since he wasn't a big fan of hitler
Henry Edwards
No one in his right mind would choose eastern front.
Gabriel Allen
>there's an anecdote about Hitler offering Lettow a spot in his new regime and Lettow basically say fuck you but in a harsher way
Jace Hall
Anybody with even a cursory understanding of WW II would say Arika Korps, pretty dumb thread
Jaxon Barnes
How could anyone not choose the Communist girl?
Ayden Barnes
>inevitably get captured in NA at the end of the Tunisia campaign >get treated with respect and sent to a prison camp in America where you get to watch flicks and play sports all year round with your m8s >its so pleasant you immigrate there after the war with your family and start a new life in the New World.
>inevitably get captured on the Ost front >sent to a gulag doing forced labour in the most horrendous of conditions >watch all your friends die from sheer exhaustion and losing the will to live after surviving some of the most brutal combat on earth >only get to return to your family in 1955 after Stalin dies >theres a good chance you live out the rest of your life in a miserable commieblock in East Germany
Ryan Butler
>How could anyone not choose the Communist girl? I don't want a neet to drain my income.
Joseph Long
mosquitoes vs mosquitoes, can't I just continue to make fabric and babies
Colton Mitchell
Norway. I get to fuck blonde Scandi whores.
Colton Kelly
> t. americanmongrel.png
Christian Jenkins
But it would be fighting the true enemy
Gabriel Miller
Logan Evans
Afrika Korps to fight for based Rommel
Austin Miller
Me on the left! >tfw fascist girl is literally me irl but female
Sebastian Powell
That's not the fucking question. Will you be saying "Atleast my german ass deserved it" when you freeze to death on the way to the Soviet POW camps?
Blake Brown
*the fucking point Shit
Liam Lewis
after 1941 getting sent to the eastern front equaled punishment or it meant you had no connection
>be "national" socialist >have little to no regard to your fellow countrymen
Wyatt Taylor
Afrika without a doubt. People from warm countrues have no idea just how painful and spirit draining extreme cold is.
Blake Bell
afrika corp no competition, and i hate the heat but the eastern front is so shit i would rather put up with it for a bit before spending the rest of the war in a POW camp somewhere in an allied nation.
Gabriel Cruz
Africa, what kind of question is that even? Basically no one returned from the eastern front compared to africa.
Levi Perry
Afrika, maybe I can start a new colony after the war.
Chase Hernandez
I cannot fucking stand heat, but I will still go for the Afrika Korps over the shitfest that was the Eastern Front.
William Stewart
Afrika Korps no question about it, heat over cold any day, great looking kakhi military uniform, actual respect between enemies.
Mason Garcia
nobody is saying that you retard
Michael Roberts
Afrika Korps. The British will treat me better when I desert... I mean, when I "get taken prisoner while conducting forward reconnaisance".
Easton Flores
Pls learn English grammar before posting
Cooper Nelson
Fascism for the win.
Sebastian Bennett
Capitalist girl is best
Liam Bell
Red Army. I'm pretty sure that I could not handle the desert heat stroke. While being a red on the frontline is a death sentence, at least you could spend your last moments drunk and running.
Jose Martinez
Id love to be touched by middle's invisible hand if you know what I mean.
Easton Lopez
Communist girl obviously Not even a commie myself.
Austin Watson
Afrika Korps obviously, at least i will be rotting in a good prison with good food, instead of being sent to Gulag and freeze to death on the way there.
Grayson Butler
that's like asking if you would rather be dead or alive
Bentley Morgan
Afrika Korps It's not even a competition.
Jordan Hughes
>not a single Red Army troop ever committed a war crime and every German soldier was a baby raping killer
I dislike Wehraboos and Stormcucks but seriously, replies like this are cancerous.
War Without Garlands by Robert Kershaw is one source for the occasional torture and execution of captured German soldiers by Soviet troops.