At 160+ million market cap and going
Already top 40
It's only the beginning. Lots of youtubers are starting to make videos about it, bringing it to normie world
Oh shit faggots, /ourcoin/ is the next Neo
what is the chance of this getting to a 20 or more, i know marketcap blablabla but this is only the beginning of crypto, chainlink could be one of the changers that brings even more then a couple of billions into crypto (Oracle and shit) and a lot of coins are kept to stake so this could go fast, but how fast?
Just don't fall for the hodl meme, dump all over the normalfags' heads at the top.
That cap will reach a billion soon.
Are these people retarded?
They thinking LINK is some shitcoin for pump and dump?
kys normie traders, this is the new meta of crypto, you are not worthy of it
i will flip 50% of my stack
keeping the rest just in case we go nuclear
When is the top?
Whatever its at at the beginning of SIBOS. Dip always comes after a conference.
Perhaps a $1 or over during and after sibos, $5-10 by December, $10-30 by quarter 1 2018.
Pick your spot.
If you see the coin reaching the top25, get your lambo order ready.
Can someone please explain the lines on this graph? I see no explanations on binance.
I'm still accumulating
in order to get to 4 we need to get to 1 billion marketcap and some. Since there will be 1 billion tokens in circulation it will raise 1 for each billion the marketcap increases not counting the lost&burned tokens. If LINK gets to be a top 10 coin i say 5-10 billion marketcap its not very farfetched
wrong, dips come 2-3 days before the conference
Bullshit. The only one that that's actually true for is ANS and that's because it shot up over 400% in two days. If there's a price movement like that then yeah, sell early.
LOL link holders are actually this delusional
$1 would just put it above Stratis by a small margin.
If you don't think LINK should be valued more than Stratis then you're delusional lol.
Stratis is heading to 0 regardless.
salty...could've bought on etherdelta but you didnt listen i guess.
It actually is
most of the top 20 needs to make room for the king of crypto, chainlink.
>muh oracles
name one thing that would be worth paying huge transaction costs to put on-chain
Lol no, there will be no announcement right after the conference.
Feel free to unload cheap bags though.
Realistically it'll be in the range of 1$-3$ it'll beat out other contenders that have no where near the completion and usability of link
In the grand scheme of things if we hypothetically say more money pours into crypto, and a year to 2 years from now it reaches to where ethereums market cap is it would place it roughly 85$ a link.
Will it get there? I don't know but for sure it'll beat ripples market cap which would place it near 22$ a link
In-contract aggregation has
a key disadvantage: Cost. It incurs the cost of transmitting and processing onchain
O(n) oracle messages (commits and reveals for A1, A2, . . . , An). In permissioned
blockchains, this overhead may be acceptable. In permissionless blockchains with onchain
transaciton fees such as Ethereum, if n is large, the costs can be prohibitive. A
more cost-effective approach is to aggregate oracle responses off-chain and transmit a
single message to CHAINLINK-SC A. We propose deployment of this approach, called
off-chain aggreation, in the medium-to-long term.
Even the request network ico is considering using chainlinks smart contract
how did this happen? wasn't zrx supposed to do this?
off-chain defeats the purpose. the point of oracles is supposed to be that you actually can get the values by calling autonomously from another contract
A screen shot of the main guy through their slack talking about options and one of the options was using chainlinks off chain Oracle. But they said they were going to explore a fiat transaction something first i don't remember the full read.
Testing the current ATH
here we go boys
10,850 Sats righ tnow
24hr ATH*
>big market cap of chitcoin
suicide investors