What period in recent history can be considered the climax of degeneracy?
What period in recent history can be considered the climax of degeneracy?
Define degeneracy
NatSoc German
>the whole fucking military and command is tweaked on meth
>going around killing people for arbitrary reasons
>acting like entitled spoiled bitches when people oppose you
>a shit ton of LARPing using foreign symbols
>end up cucked by Soviets anyways
Nazi Germany
But don't let /pol/ hear you say that, they'll call you a soyboy
>What period in recent history can be considered the climax of degeneracy?
The middle to late 1960's and the 1970's.
I think that right now, things have stabilized and some people are already starting to question promiscuity (even outside Veeky Forums).
A weakening in mores.
remove meth and you described the french revolution
>A weakening in mores.
what mores?
>OP post a vivid example of degeneracy
>dude that's not real degeneracy that's progressiveness and celebration
just nuke white people. We don't deserve to live in this earth
I believe OP is talking about sexual mores.
the fact that people walk like this in public is degeneracy itself. The fact they do this in the name of sexual liberation just make it worse
this is garbage the lowest denominator when it comes to trying to make sense of the world
>state sponsored bastard kids
So basically degeneracy is people doing things you dont like?
I'm not him.
People having habits and ways of life that lead to worse outcomes both for themselves and for society is degeneracy. I don't like playing chess. But I don't think more people playing chess would be degeneracy (as long as they didn't get addicted to it).
On the other hand, an increase in binge drinking could be considered degeneracy.
>concept of morality and degeneracy are based on liking vs disliking
>if I like then it can't be degenerate because that's relative
Limiting case in which an element of a class of objects is qualitatively different from the rest of the class and hence belongs to another, usually simpler, class.
Can't be a worse outcome if it makes them happy
It doesn't make them happy.
Serious question, how come this isn’t talked about more? The Nazi aliens and occult angle has been beaten to a pulp yet why does nobody talk about the uniforms from the 1936 olympics and other perverted things Hitler did?
Was not only Meth it was Pervitin. Close to meth but even stronger and longer lasting.
They even had to make it illegal in Germany after a while because not only the soldiers were tweaking but the whole lot of Germany pretty much.
Which only enhanced demanda nd so they had a GIANT blackmarket for these little red pills.
Soldiers even asked in letters to their family to send them more Pervitin.
But youre completly wrong about the degeneracy. The biggest up in degenerate and really shitty behaviour as a whole is possibly 80s America.
when you look at the weimar republic the worship of body that Hitler promoted was an upgrade to street prostitution and jazz/cabaret clubs
>A weakening in mores
Was Afganistan more "degenerate" before the Soviet invasion? Is current China more degenerate than China of Cultural revolution? Is Trump a more degenerate POTUS than Obama?
Remember when the French revolution illegally occupied entire countries?
>uniforms from the 1936 olympics and other perverted things Hitler did
Such as? Genuinely curious.
Absolute fucking retard "doing things you dont like"
Act like a dog in fetish attire in broad daylight in front of kids.
Are you literaly retarded bro?
>Remember when the French revolution illegally occupied entire countries?
Yes? what, do you think 1799 and 1804 imperial war wasn't a direct result of enlightenment values?
Nope, tell us about it.
>imperial war
>french revolution
How do you know this?
>Was Afganistan more "degenerate" before the Soviet invasion? Is current China more degenerate than China of Cultural revolution?
I have no idea about the mores of Afghanistan and China before or after those events.
>Is Trump a more degenerate POTUS than Obama?
Trump the person or his rule?
I don't know either personally. But the image we have is that Trump was a hedonistic playboy, while Obama was a family man.
So all these wars have nothing to do with the french revolution?
It's hard to talk common sense to people who are so emotionally attached to the french revolution. Besides you are a leftist greek you have nothing to contribute to this thread
>France didn't invade Austria in 1792
ok kid
I don't know about this, but there were other examples of Nazi, let's say, double standards. They liked naked chicks, just not in "degenerate" cabarets and clubs.
It starts around 1:55.
Pervitin is a brand name you dullard.
Like Israel does?
they are well-dressed, women and children included in the first minutes. De Nacht van de Amazonen however is pretty much the reason why europeans lost their moral values for a long time, they enjoyed celebrating tribalism like in rome in the 3th century
>I have no idea about the mores of Afghanistan and China before or after those events.
Taliban values x Secular values
Fanatic communism x More relaxed communism
Which one of those is the "Degeneracy"?
>Trump the person or his rule?
Mores and lexicon. Namely Obama was more bound by mores (political correctness), while Trump has less filter over his mouth. Does it mean the Trump phenomenom is "Degeneracy"?
You are playing with linguistic tricks. Political correctness is both suppressing sexual values and promoting them 24/7. Never wonder why the first thing the LGBT organizations did when Obama put LGBT rainbow lights on the white house was to celebrate naked on the streets?
The political correctness is a dialectic movement in the sense they hate sexualization while sexualize kids since early age
Define degeneracy.
*correction: I mean they hate the objectification not the sexualization. At the same time they behave in a way that can only be appreciated through objectification
The sexual desire to them is the most important thing even though they claim they are against seeing humans as sexual objects
The hedonistic lifestyle (hedonistic here in the popular sense of the world) does not lead to a happy life.
Here is a text about Epicurus, who was a hedonist in a different sense:
You can also find why reading Seneca's "Of a Happy Life" (you can find it for free on the internet). Or Plato's Gorgias.
>Besides you are a leftist greek you have nothing to contribute to this thread
I am what? I don't understand.
Yes, the French revolution itself caused these wars. Not the goverment that came after.
>so emotionally attached
Making rather heavy presumptions there.
Why are you replying to the greek marxist? it's hopeless. He only wants (you) and be the snowflake in this thread
He thinks he is being Socrates but he is simply saying that values of morality are based on ''like vs dislike''.
Don't waste time trying to educate people who don't want anything other than get attention
Why do you think I am a)Greek and b) marxist, unless it fits your narrative?
>the government that came after.
After what you shit head? the french revolutions happened thorugh 1789 to 1795 and as you know there were invasions in 1792
Well, both were Nazi inventions. Nazi leadership also wasn't exactly a paragon of virtue. Hitler bullied his niece to commit suicide (we will never know what happened between them), Goebbels cheated on his wife, she cheated on him, Rohm was a homosexual and apparently homosexual behavior was rather common among the SA and Hitlerjugend and so on.
Apparently one of the most popular books in Nazi Germany were books with nudist photos such as Mensch und Sonne. Yeah, yeah, it was 100% pure, no one ever masturbated to those books.
Nothing wrong with linguistic tricks in a linguistic game.
Political correctness and humanism are current "mores", do you consider weaking of those mores (which you obviously dislike) a "degeneracy"?
The revolution changed heads rather rapidly.
I am more curious about your "greek marxist' inquiry.
I don't think anything but the same filename with the same checksum was posted on /int/ and the flag was greek.
Unless you are using VPN which is against the rules. And judging by your comments you are the moral relativist superstar and wants to get attention for the simple fact you enjoy it
>Taliban values x Secular values
>Fanatic communism x More relaxed communism
I would be dishonest if I talked about Afghanistan either before or after the Soviet invasion or about China. I couldn't even point Afghanistan on a map and I have no idea about how Chinese society is or was, other than a crude caricature.
>Mores and lexicon. Namely Obama was more bound by mores (political correctness), while Trump has less filter over his mouth. Does it mean the Trump phenomenom is "Degeneracy"?
The mores you are talking about is political correctness? I think modern political correctness does more harm than good.
>my morality is so absolute that it MUST be everyone's
>some people are already starting to question promiscuity (even outside Veeky Forums).
>BARELY make a tongue-in-cheeck comment about the french revolution
>accusations of being greek, marxist, and browsing /int/
I didn't insult you now did I? For Christ's sake you are probably exactly what you are describing.
Rome at its peak
Walking naked celebrating your penis and/or the fact you have anal sex is degeneracy and it will always be
It's not something worth to celebrate. People that celebrate the fact they love beacon or party naked on the streets because they like cold weather are degenerates themselves as well
>Oh look let's organize a movement to celebrate the fact we love anal sex
>muh feelings towards morality is what dictates what moral is
Yes, pretty much.
how do you explain the same picture being posted on Veeky Forums with the same checksum with a greek flag?
You have nothing to do in this thread other than spread your memes and relativism
Close tab and do something else
I also just realised that you think I am marxist just because I "defended" the French revolution.
This is the current state of Veeky Forums.
>The french revolution didn't cause the 1792 and following dozens of imperial wars
That's what you said. People with heavy emotional ties to the french revolution tend to blame the wars on the ones who betrayed the pure ideals of the french revolutionaries in the same fashion Trotskyists accuse Stalin of betraying the pure ideals of the 1917 revolution
Perhaps we both saved from the same place, I don't browse /int/. I got it from here though.
You still didn't contribute anything yourself besided trying to label me and devalue my opinion thusly.
Just like a marxist to be honest.
The heads of the revolution weren't the same in its entirety. My original post was refering to that fact and I waited to make a second "hilarious" post that kinda explained it, but of course I accounted without the massive autism that comes from /int/.
I shit on marxism. Did that statement satisfy you?
what opinion? you don't have any. Your opinion that the french revolution is not related the french invasion of austria and many other wars that followed is false and absurd
So you either say things you don't know or you have emotional attachment to the revolution. There is no third alternative.
>Action A is degeneracy in all mores
>Degeneracy is weakening in mores
Mores change, therefore your definition is wrong.
>you don't have an opinion
Amazing conversation really. Look again at my posts.
>Mores change
I'm pretty positive what was considered morality in Socrates, St Paul, St Augustine are still considered morality today user
He is not wrong.
Promoting a lifestyle that will be unhealthier is degeneracy.
at my posts, again*
Sorry, got a bit mad. If you are a troll you succeeded. Props.
I'm pretty positive if you had sex with a little boy you'll be forever damned by everyone.
Read again, your argument doesn't challenge my statement.
You do realize Obama is gay and it's an open secret amongst the political class in Washington?
>Political correctness and humanism are current "mores",
Political correctness is a weakening of mores.
I didn't mean to upset you but what can you do when you find people saying Stalin betrayed the pure ideals of the 1917 revolution?
>Look dude french revolution didn't cause any war
You didn't even read Babeuf or Robespierre who called for a world revolution
>You do realize Obama is gay
when prostitutes ask Jesus for forgiveness it's one of the thousands of historical accounts in history that they knew what they were doing was wrong
You can say prostitution is the mother of the LGBT movement which all over history the gays knew their behavior was anti-natural and caused decline in moral and spiritual health
>Read again, your argument doesn't challenge my statement.
Of course it does. If mores didn't change, there would be no degeneracy. Degeneracy is the weakening of mores.
>Why didn't anyone bring it up?
Because there's a lot more faggy representatives and senators than you think. Especially in powerful committees. Their families are covers for their homosexual appetites.
Well, one could say that nationalism or religiousness can be unhealthy. In the past both caused wars and indescribable suffering.
Michelle looks like she has more testosterone than him. Just look at him it fucking screams "I love being railed by blond boys". If you lived in Washington DC long enough and hung out in enough bars, you start to realize how gays are over represented in the legislative and executive branches.
Probably the last time you masturbated.
>Just look at him
Yes, optical based assumptions are enough to reach a steady, iron clad conclusion.
How many DC bars have you hanged out in?
Ok user, then I'm sorry.
In the sense of nationalism, I would agree. Religions do have good aspects. The "weakening" of religion in terms of influence has led to nihilism.
( I am the greek poster though I give you that, haploturk, although you really did make me angry, the joke was really good )
Every day seems to get more depraved than the last, so right now.
Only gay people find LGBT parades and LGBT culture something worth
Trans-humanism is something that should be considered a mental issue and demonic possession
>Yes, optical based assumptions are enough to reach a steady, iron clad conclusion.
Denying that gay men have been over represented in positions of power for ages isn't iron clad. And yes, we judge people mostly on our optical based assumptions. Oh my god it's like humans use bayesian-like heuristics to gain most probable information from a few data points.
And in the past religion led to persecution, witch trials, religious wars and so on. I'd rather have gays on streets than experience Thirty Years' War.
>implying he didn't say that to gather more votes
Obama is manly as fuck
*2500 years of philosophy got murdered by a single post*
>he thinks gays won't degenerate society to a point of civil war
>he thinks after civil war there won't be another tyrant that will kill everyone
Best case scenario the muslims the gay people are inviting will kill them and spare the heterosexuals
Regardless if he said in favor of gays and trans-humans for votes, only a gay person would find interesting the idea of pandering to that crowd.
Besides in 2015 Obama didn't need votes user, he was in his last as president
Nigga you are not sherlock holmes
>Of course it does
Nope, my statement didn't had anything to do with "heatlhy lifestyle".
>Promoting a lifestyle that will be unhealthier is degeneracy.
>Degeneracy is the weakening of mores.
What if mores pomote an unhealthier lifestyle? Or are orthogonal to health (which they most often are)?
Nope. It is an established more of presentation in the higher circles of society.
Yes, if he looks gay it's more likely than not he's gay. Especially if he wears a wedding ring years before he got married (it's a symbol for "wink wink I'm gay"). I'm not absolutely sure but I'd bet significant hard cash that he's gay.
that doesn't mean he isn't a cuthroat politician who looks out for numero uno in electoral cycles.
Votes don't always come in the way of votes.
The 30 Years War had many factors other than religion... And religion helps people have healthier lifestyles than modern nihilism.
Look at presidents and their wives.
Look at Obama and his wife. Something is off. Mrs. Obama literally looks more masculine than Mr. Obama.
I am going to need source for all of those statements since I have never heard them before.
>What if mores pomote an unhealthier lifestyle
That state is called degeneracy
So he wanted the support of the LGBT people? aren't they a tiny minority?
Reverse True Scotsman isn't a good argument, user.
Qualify "degeneracy," because it can be anything and everything ever since the first cities in human history.