>The average American high school student has more anxiety now than an average American psychiatric patient of the 1950s
>Veeky Forumsfags will still argue that things are the greatest they've ever been and are only getting better.
The average American high school student has more anxiety now than an average American psychiatric patient of the 1950s
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What's wrong, bigot? Triggered much? XDDDDDDD
You would rather return to the dark ages where Churches were used as prisons for scientists and teachers, where priests would go around whipping people demanding money and burning their books, huh?
Is that what you want?
You want the state sponsored oppression of a king who demands taxes and sleeps with your wife and daughters, heh talk about a cuck.
Let me tell you, uhm, no XD.
I prefer my people educated by the government and my philosophy full of epic nihilism, did I mention nihilism? Sorry bro, its just the truth, some people can't handle it because of their weak minds.
This neo-liberal hellohole where everyone is an individual with no coherent group identity or solid foundation for ethics is great!11!!!1
Like, just don't be a dick lmfao how hard can it be?
if you need god to not be evil then you are a just a shitty person XDDDDD
Like anyone who doesn't do bad things because of the consequences is just a bad guy lol.
Of course I don't steal, I would go to jail?
smoking isn't REALLY wrong man lmao who does it hurt?
I keep forgetting why I cant get a job
What do you mean it's wrong for me to pump my kids full of hormones?! I consented for them. They need to explore their sexuality unlike those bigots!
Just take some pills lol, take your pills grandpa, we all have to take our pills, so that we don't drive into a post at 50mph XDDDDD
time to go party
>That reddit spacing
I have no idea how many layers of irony this is but I do know you must kill yourself immediately
I imagine people were pretty anxious back when the whole world was brutish and life was short
Kill yourself if your hate this world so much faggot nigger autistic obese manchild redditor fuck
I'm tired of you whiners
First, what is your reason to believe that the average US HS student today really has more anxiety than the average US psychiatric patient of the 50s? What's the evidence?
Second, why do you assume that more anxiety means things are worse? It could just mean that people have more information and fewer illusions. Why would that be a bad thing? Illusions are crutches, not a sign that things are going well.
>holds up spork
your spacing and audacious space-taking did give me a good chuckle, you little comedian you
>It could just mean that people have more information and fewer illusions. Why would that be a bad thing? Illusions are crutches, not a sign that things are going well.
Don't you get it though, OP? We live better than kangs did xD i mean it's not like quality of life is based on more than just commodities
>anyone who doesn't think sticking one's head in the sand is a good thing is le reddit fedora meme and I don't need to address what they're saying...
Thats because people are fucking pussies, half of these """"""people"""""" wouldnt know real anxiety if it raped them.
I don't know how true that is, but maybe we have changed the definition of anxiety/got better at diagnosing anxiety
Go ahead, then. In what way would you like your life to be more like an average person's life from, let's say, 1460? If that year's not to your tastes, feel free to pick your own, anything between 1900 AD and infinity BC.
Except no one is sticking their head in any sand. It's something you fabricated. It's our modern lifestyle is filled with shit unhealthy food, addiction to technology, isolation, no community cohesion, no solidarity, a broken family unit that makes everyone involved miserable and to top it off everyone is just plain stupid.
I wouldn't, I'm just poking fun at the idea the average person lives better than kangz did.
It has nothing to do with time nor technology. It's all about lifestyle, how the technology is used, what's requried of people, what truly fulfills peoples needs as human beings ect. The modern American lifestyle is 100% unfulfilling and if it wasn't for everyone being mindless drones the system would have collapsed a long time ago.
It's unfulfilling if you haven't made it fulfilling. Don't blame the times for your own failure. Modern times give you all the tools you need to make your life fulfilling, but it seems you would rather whine.
I'm not talking about myself. I'm talking about the large rates of high anxiety among American High school students. You can easily apply to the entire population though which is riddled with mental illness.
You seem to lack reading comprehension. I was clearly saying that people in the 50s stuck their heads in the sand.
To be fair, people stick their heads in the sand now to - using food, drugs, religious and political cultism, and so on. However, sticking your head in the sand doesn't work as well as it used to because there's now more access to information and things change quicker.
I claim that this is a good thing, not a bad thing.
Also, you still haven't provided any evidence to support your claim that modern HS students are more anxious than 50s psychiatric patients.
Still waiting on that one...
Anxiety is a made up bullshit word for people who are too pussy to handle life. The only difference is that you are taken serious by some people nowadays.
A good cure for "anxiety" is getting laughed at until you stop bitching.
>I was clearly saying that people in the 50s stuck their heads in the sand.
they weren't though. you made that up. People today have their head stuck in the sand for sure, as they live in media fueled delusions.
>Also, you still haven't provided any evidence to support your claim that modern HS students are more anxious than 50s psychiatric patients.
Still waiting on that one...
you have google, right?
Belief in religious dogma and faith in government were higher in the 50s than now. Both are based on illusion.
That's not a real thing though
Fair enough. Don't know why you start a thread making a highly specific claim like that without just linking the source in the first place.
Alright, on to my second point: why do you insist that more anxiety is necessarily a bad thing? More anxiety can simply mean that people have fewer functioning illusions. That would be a good thing in my book.
Im not going to respond to your shitty b8 but I literally had a girl tell me life was better 100 years ago because no GMOs and "people today don't have access to vegetables" ????
Not even getting into the fact that KANGS in the US deliberately choose hot cheetos and fast food over produce, i wish she could go back 100 years and experience heightened infant mortality, infectious diseases, polio, and all the other shit. Cant go one hour without an iphone but life was better because reasons. The fucking Spanish influenza was exactly 100 years ago. Go live back then
>Why the increase in anxiety? In both studies, anxiety levels are associated with low social connectedness and high environmental threat. During the study period, social connectedness decreased because of higher divorce rates, more people living alone and a decline in trust in other people. The author says many of these changes involve greater individualism, but she says there can be a down side to this. "Our greater autonomy may lead to increased challenges and excitement, but it also leads to greater isolation from others, more threats to our bodies and minds, and thus higher levels of anxiety," said Dr. Twenge.
>Most threats also increased during the study period, including violent crime, worries about nuclear war and fear of diseases such as AIDS. The study also cites increased media coverage as a source of a greater perception of environmental threat since the 1950's. Since the study ended in 1993, some of these environmental threats have declined, including crime rates and worries about nuclear war, which are good signs for stopping or reversing increases in anxiety, according to Dr. Twenge.
>However, she says, social connectedness has not improved very much since the early 1990's. "Although divorce rates have decreased somewhat, the percentage of people living alone continues to increase, and levels of trust are still declining," said Dr. Twenge. "Until people feel both safe and connected to others, anxiety is likely to remain high."
There sure is a whole lot of assuming and correlation=causation going on here.
>hurr if you like the past so much why don't you live there?
>as if it's impossible to progress technologically and medically without the slow undermining of tradition and community
I like the undermining of tradition and community. I don't see it as a problem. I dislike traditional communities and much prefer modern capitalist techno-alienation.
Just to clarify, I'm being serious, not trolling - I genuinely don't understand people who would rather live in more traditional tight-knit communities. I love the freedom of modern "alienated" techno-existence.
I also have never had any difficulty making friends. I make friends easily whereever I go. So I don't really understand why people complain so much about modern alienation, etc. The way I look at it, we have the best of both worlds now. If you want tight-knit community, you can find it. If you want to have a small circle of good friends, you can have it. If you want to be a loner who surfs the Internet 18 hours a day, you can do that. Or you can mix and match as you wish.
Cont. And to clarify, surfing the Internet 18 hours a day doesn't even necessarily make you a loner. Some people find more authentic and better social interaction online than they do in real life. That's not being a loner, that's just using technology to assist one's social existence.
What if I want a healthy population and not just to be a healthy individual?
That's fine for you but awful for maintaining the mental health of normies over a long period of time.
Ironically, even though people could die of cholera at any age, people in traditional societies knew they could always count on the support of their family and friends for anything, so they were in some ways happier.
Get a DNA test Chaim
Anxiety is a good thing, otherwise people would still be uninhibited, barbarous thugs that go around raping and murdering.
>muh bootstraps
t. someone who has never had anxiety
The way I see it, we have to go forward, not back. To resort to tradition and old-school community would be to try to stick people's heads in the sand.
The best way to reduce anxiety would be to improve everyone's economic well-being.
Fundamentally, the modern Western economic malaise isn't caused by social changes, the collapse of traditionalism, or any such thing - it's caused by the rise of Asian economies as competitors. For the first time in centuries, the West has legitimate economic competition. That's what's really caused the economic problems.
If we want to reduce anxiety and improve society, we need to figure out how to reduce everyone's level of economic stress somehow. How to do that, I don't know. But it's the real answer.
The economically well-off people I know have very little anxiety.
You mean someone who doesn't need a label for feeling things everyone feels.
Kek, I appreciate the effort you put into this user
I find it reasonable though, today's life is much more stressful even if it's more peaceful
This is nice
Mind if I save it for later?
In some ways we absolutely do. Not every way, of course. I get up 5 days a week and go to work for a boss who can make my life heartily fucking miserable if he happened to wake up grumpy that day. I'm pretty sure kangz never had to put up with that.
But I have access to better medical care than any king you can mention did. I'm almost certainly going to live longer. I have access to more information, I'm more educated, I know more about the world. There's no period in history in which I would have had more freedom in how to pick a spouse or raise my family (even for a kang, sometimes especially for them). I've been to places far enough away that they would have been barely imaginable to most people hundreds of years ago, and when I went there, I flew in the sky, an experience the richest men of a couple hundred years ago would have paid a fortune for. I have access to a much wider variety of foods. I regularly consume fruits and spices that used to be fantastically expensive (and often simply unavailable, even if you were rich). I've probably read more books than your average kang had even heard of, and I'd guess he wouldn't even be able to imagine the music and movies I consume casually, on a daily basis.
I think it's clear those are not all "commodities." If education, medical care, travel, love, family, music and art do not count towards "quality of life" I'd like to know what fucking does.
At what point in history do you feel life, on average, was more fulfilling?
>more, more, more, more, MORE, MORE, MORE
Jesus dawg how spooked are you
Literally not an argument.
With the exception of the fruits & spices (and fuck you, my life is improved by eating blueberries) I was very careful to list things that were intangible ("knowledge," "medical care," "freedom in how to raise my family"), so that nobody could accuse me of just wanting to collect all the hot dogs or whatever.
But I guess you're still gonna try.
you just sound like an idealistic man in his mid-20s at best. you have to come back in 10 years when you learn what truly matters.
34 year old here. He's right, and you've still given no argument.
Modern life isn't stopping you from having whatever it is you're craving. Unless, of course, what you're craving is to have all of society be as you wish it to be - but that would be rather absurd. Nothing is stopping you from creating your own sub-society within larger society, and arranging that sub-society as you please.
>Over diagnosis of anxiety is evidence that things are getting worse
you think everyone feels the same
Curious how you quantify stress levels for comparison between different decades.
Crushing debt, incoming war, pointless wageslavery, climate change, economical apocalypse, shithead people who I swear are getting more psychotic every year.
It's ok. It's fucking eldritch.
Hi guys!
I'm from ultra Reddit, the website of the future!
What's going on in this thread?
I know that 99.9999% of all human beings to ever exist have experienced "anxiety". Most deal with it and live their life. It is only a small part of our current generation that insists on labeling it and using it as an excuse to function poorly in life.
What the fuck are you talking about? Literally all those things are imaginary.
The king had the absolute best for his time. You don't have the absolute best for your time. Simple as that.
>It does't matter how much I have as long as somebody else has more
Literally the mental functioning of a 3 year old
I left my mid-20s behind a few years ago, but I'm not going to get into a pissing contest with you about our respective ages. Age & experience is certainly valuable, but it's not an automatic "I'm right" button, and it's not very impressive when you hide behind it to avoid saying anything definite.
All my cards are on the table, face up, and you've said nothing of substance in response. So quit hiding. What is it, exactly, that you think "truly matters" and that's so lacking in modern life? Once you've answered that we can get into what time or place was/is more fulfilling, but you have to give a straight answer first.
I don't see what you're trying to say
Yes, and... ?
I don't see what you're driving at.
It's also a borderline non sequitur. When people say "we live better today than kings did hundreds of years ago", it's obvious they're saying, if you took a king from 1300 AD and plopped him down next to an average 21st century dude, in many respects, the dude would be better off. Or, to put it more simply, they're explicitly comparing their respective qualities of life in ABSOLUTE terms, not RELATIVE.
Everybody knows the king would be better off in relative terms. It's not an interesting or novel point.
Fair enough.I was arguing out of my ass for the sake of it.
Would you rather be a king from 1300 AD or an average 21st century dude?
You got a source for that faggot nigger
>religious dogma is based on illusions
That's just your subjective opinion
>faith in government was higher
That may be the case, but reliance on government is much higher now. Also i'd say more people now trust government without consciously trusting it, as opposed to back then.
What am i the king of?
The 1950s set the stage for the 1960s (the big take off of degeneracy you /pol/niggers despise so much) in every sense of the word.
It was when the civil rights movement took off, Brown vs. Board of Education, the beginning of a slew of civil rights laws and SCOTUS decisions that made the US race situation what it is today.
>Lmao life is just about money.
>You just need more MONEY and more STUFF ti be happy.
>Rich people don’t have mental issues like poor people.
This is retarded.
>national highway project was literally the government creating jobs
>all those people in the military cause muh cold war getting taken care with tax dollars
>the House Un-American Activities
>poverty was higher back then
>That's just your subjective opinion
It's pretty close to being objective, in my view. I see no more reason to take Christianity, for example, more seriously than I would take the ramblings of a schizophrenic.
>That may be the case, but reliance on government is much higher now. Also i'd say more people now trust government without consciously trusting it, as opposed to back then.
You might be right. But the answer isn't to go back to times when people had less information available. It's to get people to be less reliant on the government.
It's not money or stuff that reduces anxiety, it's the security of knowing that, because you have money, you have a lot of power to handle practical problems that might arise.
I would rather be the dude. I'm not kidding. I'd rather have the opportunities the 21st century first world has accorded me.
And when you think about it, despite being a regular dude, I have more freedom in how I choose to live my life than the king would have had. More freedom than many actual members of modern royal families have, for that matter, despite their wealth. If I had the chance to be magically reborn as a member of the British royal family I'm not sure I'd take it. (Of course that's not really comparable to being a king, excuse me, a kang - a better analogue would probably be being the son of some obscenely wealthy CEO. That I might do.)
>it's the security of knowing that, because you have money, you have a lot of power to handle practical problems that might arise.
Westerns today have no problem whatsoever with “having power to handle material problems”. It’s literally impossible to starve to death unless you’re trying to; homeless people are obese. Westerners have more resources than anyone is history yet are depressed.
The problem is not a material one, it’s a mental and spiritual one.
Capitalism is a damn cancer.
Don't worry, Science & Technique™ will fix that
Did daddy touch you in the wrong place when you were a kid?
>national highway project was literally the government creating jobs
ok? that doesn't negate the fact that government is much larger today, staffing much more bureaucrats and handing out people's livelihoods be it welfare or social security.
>all those people in the military cause muh cold war getting taken care with tax dollars
It's still the case that the US maintains a very expensive military
>the House Un-American Activities
Nobody really cares about that you hate them.
>poverty was higher back then
And yet people were happier. It's almost like money doesn't buy happiness.
>It's pretty close to being objective, in my view.
that's great. Just don't expect everyone to take it seriously outside of a fedora circle jerk.
Explain to me why I should take Christianity seriously.
>Caring about ameritards
The truth is that they aren`t just uneducated, they are anti-intellectual. Just take this board, it would be one of the best historical sites worldwide if they were rangebanned.
Fuck you fag
Bomb yourself to fucking oblivion
This isn't a Christian focused thread. Perhaps you should think for yourself why you should take Christianity seriously.
I have. I decided that I shouldn't.