Was Diogenes the original CHAD?

Was Diogenes the original CHAD?

That would be Gilgamesh
>be priest/king of Uruk
>build some sick walls, be so confident they won't break that you carve pictures into them.
>realize that people might forget who built these awesome walls
>have a long, slighly embellished epic sttory written about your life and adventures
>it survives for thousands of years even after your city, people and culture fall
>when another country makes a cartoon where everyone has the same face, the character based in you is is the stringest and coolest

>le chad virgin meem
Jesus fucking Christ. It's going to be 2018 soon and you cringeworthy faggots are still using this stale meme like it's funny?

>Plug a chicken

It was Aristotle that defined man as a featherless bird. He wasn't a stoic.

>a Stoic

Stoicism was an outgrowth of Cynicism though. They accepted their virtues but didn't want to live as hobos.

>Let the reader's voice honor the writer's pen.

I like this, thanks user. I've been reading shakespeare plays aloud with friends while drinking for fun and needed something to encourage my buds to put a little more effort into their delivery

You know, it never occurred to me, but being a scribe must have sucked. It would be like having to write sentences on a chalkboard everyday for the rest of your life.

Seems nicer than being a subsistence farmer, though.

Actually never mind, I just realized how much it would suck to copy stuff you don't agree with.

Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post

What does it say about modern times that when you'd larp as Diogenes in the city center you would be forcibly removed by police?

We value decency and privacy more than the Greeks.

You could totally get away with living in a barrel in an alley, but if you start masturbating in the open or shouting aggressively at passersby that's when the police will arrest you.

>was a homeless mentally ill foreigner who shat himself daily the original chad?

The absolute state of Veeky Forums

Only in the sense that he wasn't from Athens. Sinope was helleinc as fuck in that time.

And? Your point? He's not a citizen, he's from miles away, may as well have some derelict kiwi masturbating on the corner while you're trying to get to school. A former fucking money changer no less, if you believe the stories!

The man was a train wreck, he got repurposed by stoics when they wanted some foundation story. Just like repurposed that fat, murderous psychopath Herakles. What next??? Ephialtes told the Persians how to navigate the pass because he couldn't tell a lie? It's the world turned upside down!

*taking children to school.

"Oh don't worry kids, the crusty old man is playing with himself because, uh, he's a philosopher. Don't ask questions, you're late for class, hurry along now dears..."

The man would be in prison for the bulk of his life today

There is L I T E R A L L Y nothing wrong with masturbating in public. Children have genitals, and will do it eventually.

>well, uh, it's not, uh, evil to stroke your cock in public while leering at prepubescent children

That's your defense of Diogenes and the associated Stoic mythology that was invented centuries after his death? Clap fucking clap, no wonder stoicism is meme tier philosophy. The only good aspects of stoicism are those taken directly from Plato and Aristotle, and Platonists can tell you blow by blow the practical reasons and metaphysical foundation underlying why you shouldn't move to some foreign country and then spend your days street shitting and sexually harassing people

If you want to do that sort of thing, move to Thebes. I hear the Boiotians embraced every other form of sexual crime known to man

>think of muh children
>muh Plato
>"Diogenes was a Stoic"

It was Plato, he described man as a 'featherless biped'.

Where did I call him a Stoic? I didn't. consider yourself refuted, Prof. Brainlet.

Also, great job dodging the fact that the modern vision of diogenes is a stoic fairytale propped up by edgelord, babby's first philosophy types who can't handle the absolute arse-fucking they receive everytime Platonists step in and set the record straight re: literally any topic of worth.

>"...Diogenes and the associated Stoic mythology that was invented centuries after his death?"
>"Clap fucking clap, no wonder stoicism is meme tier philosophy."

>t. no understanding of history or reading comprehension

Read -> Comprehend -> Post

Diogenes wasn't a stoic

Stoics made up myths about him and claimed heritage from him via others

>"Diogenes was a dirty pedophile because the myths the Stoics created say so"

That there was a derelict kiwi street shitter who was mentally ill? That I'll accept, although I don't recall diogenes appearing in early 4th c. texts that we have.

That he had some wonderous philosophical foundation to his mentally ill behaviour and apparent train wreck of a life, and he went around owning superior humans, and embodied various Stoic virtues? Lmao

>"He probably wasn't even real,"
>"But he was still evil! Muh children! Muh clean streets!"

It's called not worshipping extreme mental illness.

But by all means, tell us more about the ideal life of being homeless and destitute in a foreign land.

>whining about what people choose to worship

I've got bad news for you...

>epic story
Hey, I need a friend! But you're savage! We need to civilize you! Here's bier and a hooker!

it was Plato nigga. that was diogenes' whole thing, publicly embarrassing Plato.

They accepted their virtues but didn't want to live by them

>believing the Diogenes meme

Diogenes literally never even existed, he was invented by later historians hundreds of years after the fact to serve as a comical foil to the philosophies of Plato and Socrates.

>t. i don't live in a big city

That kind of shit happens everyday

He doesn't need to exist tho.

>he was invented by later historians hundreds of years after the fact
Diogenes is referred to in the works of his contemporaries

No he's not, the first recorded mention of him is in the 6th century AD.

>First epic legend is about a guy whose so awesome the gods make a guy whose just as awesome to stop him but after kicking each other's asses they become friends and go around being awesome while dissing thots before one of them dies and the other goes on a journey to become immortal.

Its literally a perfect story and you have shit taste.

Dude, I actually love the story. Good old lumberjacking in Lebanon forests.