If Veeky Forums was a world then what kind of nation would Veeky Forums be? What about the other boards that make up this website?
If Veeky Forums was a world then what kind of nation would Veeky Forums be...
whats on the other one? Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums best friends - like Poland and Hungary
I think its fair to say that Veeky Forums is a center right/republican(not US party)/classical liberal board that detests fascism/communism/other meme ideologies
Pic related
Where does /k/ factor into this?
The guy with Altai spear thrower behind Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums
Late 1930s Spain
/k/ is the dude that stands in front of the door menacingly so that we can talk in peace
In regards to countries, Veeky Forums is the Athens, Veeky Forums are Thebes and /k/ is Sparta.
All in one beautiful union.
A man can dream.
Yeah, not so sure about that.
What the fuck are you on about? This board is full of Catholics and monarchists
Something like this
One of these desu
they're a vocal minority, like protties
The huns.
Your post is bullshit, starting with "I think".
>constant infighting
>invaded by other countries
Veeky Forums is Poland obviously
>young country full of larpers
What of Veeky Forums?
>/k/ is Sparta.
Kind of mean to /k/, aren't you?
you're saying a catholic republic is impossible?
So who were the French and Anglo of Veeky Forums?
Are the shitposting camps ran by Australians and Canadian Waffen SS?
/k/ here.
I prefer to think of us as Switzerland.
>heavily armed
>indifferent to whatever bullshit is going on outside
Veeky Forums wishes it was Veeky Forums but 90% of posters here would be out of their depth if not for the masses of low quality memes.
It's not that bad.
And quite nicely represents every /k/ posters wet dream about the ultimate military state with only one thing on it's mind - weapons and stuff.
I thought of Switzerland too, but it didn't fir into the comfy greek states.
Wouldn't /k/ fit in with a Germany-esque nation without the retardation and autism of /pol/?
>Veeky Forums wishes it was Veeky Forums
>he doesn't post relevant posts on the relevant boards
/pol/ is that you?
Monarchists are 25% of the population.
Can't we agree to be a libertarian monarchy?
/pol/ is grossgermania of course
Veeky Forums is poland
/k/ is the mighty finnish warrior
/b/ is any anarchist rebellion
/r9k/ is catalonia
i make bad postt
So /b/ is republican spain?
yes but replace their love of communism with a love of tits
>yes but replace their love of communism with a love of dicks
is Danzig pregnant Anne Frank?