Are you ready for kinonov, Veeky Forums?

Are you ready for kinonov, Veeky Forums?

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But will they attempt to depict the execution in its full gory horribleness?

>But will they attempt to depict the execution in its full gory horribleness?
Being shot in the back of a head?

I, for one, hope they will depict a well known adventures within this... poliamorous family, and perhaps even certain gossip about Rasputin and their daughters.

>Being shot in the back of a head?

If only. The execution was a 25 minute shit show. The first volley of shots only killed Nicolas, Alexandra and at least one of the male servants. The maid, the daughters Alexei were shot but not dead, and the guards had to wait for the plaster dust and fumes to clear as they listened to their panicked screams. The maid, having survived the the initial gunshots, began saying God had saved her. She was using her pillow (with hidden layers of jewels) as a shield and one of the executioners wrestled with her, stabbed her repeatedly, and finally shot her in the head.

Finally the daughters huddled together and were targeted again as the executioners made their way into the room proper instead of standing in front of the door. Tatiana was shot in the back in the head and, as one executioner noted, her head exploded in a "shower of blood and brains." Olga was shot in the jaw and died. Anastasia was tackled, then stabbed repeatedly and so brutally in the chest by Ermakov that the scene made some of the other men vomit. She appeared to be dead. Alexei, who was covered in his father's blood, was also brutally stabbed with a bayonet by Ermakov, until finally Yurovsky came over and shot Alexei in the head. Maria was shot in the back multiple times and appeared to be dead.

Then when they were taking the bodies outside, two of the daughters-- Anastasia and Maria--suddenly regained consciousness, then began screaming and begging for help. They couldn't shoot them so they stabbed them again, but when this didn't work they bashed in their faces with rifle butts until they finally died, choking on their own splintered teeth and blood.

Death is too good for bolsheviks

How do you fuck up a firing squad?

Reminder that it was a jewish ritual murder.

By being a filthy commie

>too retarded to murder a bunch of pampered royals
It really is a miracle that the USSR managed to survive for some 70 odd years

>mfw they gloss over the entire plot and execution was done by Jews

By being told your whole life how much the Tsar is needed

A few reasons.

1) Almost everyone ignored their orders and shot at the Tsar when the order was given to fire, either out of rage/passion (these were zealots brought in specifically because they hated the tsar and the old regime and were killing to wipe out the entire family, whereas the 'standard' Bolshevik guards at Ipatiev refused to execute anyone the the Tsar himself) or because they wanted to be "the one" to kill the former tsar of Russia.

2) They were ordered to aim at the chest/heart to reduce the amount of blood loss. Everyone but the Tsar, male servants and Maria were wearing clothing lined with hard jewels which gave them a layer of protection against the bullets and the bayonets. It didn't make them bulletproof but it did drastically reduce the damage they received.

3) There was fresh plaster on the walls, so smoke, dust, and fumes sprang up pretty quickly after the gunfire, making it hard to see. This added to the length of the execution and to is difficulty.

4) Ermakov in particular was known for being a brutal fuck. He initially wanted himself and "his men" to be the ones to kill the family, and he wanted the family to be brought to a secluded area of the woods where they could be finished off in privacy. In the end only Ermakov himself was allowed to be in the executioner squad, and of course they were killed at the Ipatiev House, not in the woods. Some of his men grumbled when the bodies were brought to them because they had expected to be able to do the job themselves. One of these men's first actions when the corpses were laid out was to take off the daughters' blouses, so one can only guess what they might have done if they were given the family alive.

It unironically was.
>Old Bolshevik best known as the chief executioner of Emperor Nicholas II of Russia, his family, and four retainers on the night of 16 July 1918
>The Yurovsky family is of Jewish origin

Everyone screams about the Nazi's killing Anne Frank, but when will Anastasia get her justice? When will I get my chance to see a happy pregnant Anastasia? Why did they kill my waifu?!?

>It unironically was.
>One guy was ethnically Jewish (he wasn't religious)

Please get yourself some help.

Seek therapy.

Jewishness is primarily racial, not religious. In my language we even distinguish between uppercase "Jew" (race) and "jew" (religion).

hahaha woah

>People are allowed to dream of having Anne Frank as a loving wife as they sneak her out of Germany
>I told to seek therapy because I want to dream of saving Anastasia and holding her closely as my wife as we have a loving child and a happy family
Fuck you. If they can dream, so can I.

This is why people hate communism

surprise surprise communists are fucking retarded

Don't forget the part where the other Red Army soldiers who were supposed to bury the bodies were so mad that they hadn't gotten to lynch the family that they tried to loot the corpses and sexually violated the body of the Empress before being forced away at gunpoint

I hope they demonize the commies

Writefag here, I did the pitch for the TV series where FDR and Huey Long are presidents of the USA and CSA respectively and forced to together to overcome the Great Depression and the Nazis. There's a sideplot (which is also an independent story) where pregnant Anne Frank gets saved by Shelby Foote and William Faulkner.

I can concoct a prequel set in the same timeline where pregnant Maria Romanov (I'm not doing Anastasia because the popular myth of her survival plays a role in the plot) gets saved from certain death by a team of spies. It's gonna involve the infamous Fedorov Avtomat and references to Raise the Titanic though because I'm both a /k/ommando and a massive Cussler/Richard Jordanfag (yeah, I like trashy 70s adventure movies and novels, bite me).

What is it going to be? Nicholas playing tennis or doing something else completely fucking retarded while the country burns around him and he gets cuked by a fucking wizard with a giant dick?
What the fuck is the western worlds obsession with the Romanovs, they were fucking horrendously incompetent retards that did jack shit.
If you're going to do any TV series on the era, do it on the fucking Bolsheviks and have it go from February to Lenin's death, that story is fucking awesome.
Knowing fucking retarded Americans, it will probably portray Kerensky as the good guy backstabbed by the evil Lenin because, yeah, after the Kerensky offensive (Forced soldiers with machine gun fire from their officers shooting at them to sprint towards German lines, causing basically the entire fucking Russian army to nope out and go AWOL losing insane amounts of land), he totally was fucking going to stay in power.
Fuck at least do a series on Maria Spiridonova, she's fucking rad as well and was one of the most beloved, if not the most beloved figure in Russia at the time.

>turning history into a CW tier drama

all commies should be fucking exterminated

Yeah well if you think you have a better idea is better, you're free to post it.

>I am a communist

>communists were the good gu-

Will they also present them as the most corrupt and incompetent leaders of the late 19th and early 20th century?
Will they discuss the killing of monarchs and their children with Robespierres argument that they must die so the people can live?

But who am I kidding, it will be a muh glorious nobles muh evil russkies shitshow.

>inept failure of a leader
>drags country into two disastrous wars
>tacitly approves of ethnic cleansing against Jews
>gets cucked by a quack hobo

Why do people like this guy again?

Of all the victims of communism, why cry for a royal family who lived in luxury while their people lived in poverty and were sent into pointless wars?

The vast majority of people murdered by communist regimes were ordinary, humble, and innocent. Maybe start caring about starving peasants, murdered dissenters, or intellectuals killed in Maoist insanity, instead of crying over some dead autocrat and his inbred spawn.

he is a reasonably sympathetic character when you get down to it

>be communist

Death to tyrants


Yeah will they talk about all those crooked deals the 13 year old made

Omg this is terrible!!
*justifies all the atrocities done by nazis and japanese people*

I don't see people cry over Ludwig XVII, why are you guys so thirsty that you whiteknight some inbred child of a tyrant? If power is based on heritage than your children get the rope as well.

>not being a romanov cultist makes you a communist

Sounds like a shitty show desu senpai

An empty plate is better than a plate piled with garbage.

What atrocities?

will there be black russian nobles?

commies aren't human

>Anastasia was tackled, then stabbed repeatedly and so brutally in the chest
>Anastasia suddenly regained consciousness, then began screaming and begging for help. They couldn't shoot them so they stabbed them again
>bashed in their faces with rifle butts until they finally died, choking on their own splintered teeth and blood.
Wew, lad. This really rustled my jimmies.
This is why don't consider commies humans and would take pot shots at them when the time comes.

Jesus wtf...
So this is what /pol/tards mean when they say "commies aren't human"

Ok, which one of you fags did this?

Feeling sad for rich parasites instead of the people they oppressed, starved and send off to war to die.

All of these fucking faggots defending the aristocracy being put into their place - under the fucking ground. You absolute idiots.- the royal pampered fucks were living off the sweat and blood of the people for centuries, I wish I could rape and murder them all over and over again, the exploiting cunts living on the back of the working masses. Fucking morons defending these faggots, I wish I could shoot all of you, whie starving your counter-revolutionary family, because of your slave-mentality. You cannot feel emotion towards the rich, I'd single-handedly kill, rape and bash in the head of every single child of a person with an above 1000€ income. Fucking rich cunts, I want to eat their flesh and roast their pets, while bulldozing their mansions. I hate the bourgeoise so fucking much. I hope all of you privileged motherfuckers choke on that caviar and a band of homeless people eats your eyes after your bodies get infested with worms, you asbolute scum of the earth.

Hasta la victoria, siempre!

t. Lenin

Like I said, if you have a better idea, feel free to post it.

P U N I S H E D Anastasia

Thank god we got rid of those tyrants.

>because of your slave-mentality.
Geee, it's like communism allows freedom n'shiet...

>being so violent because of your impotent rage

Excellent bait, have a (You)

Maybe in North Korea - but even there the income inequality is miniscule in comparison to the proletarians.
Pic related is the car that literally everyone drove back in good ol' commie Czechoslovakia, both the party members and the carpenter. The difference was maybe 40% more income - in capitalism it's 4% of people owns as much as 96% of the rest.


>income inequality is miniscule in comparison to the proletarians
Because in North Korea, everyone but Uncle Kim is equally poor.

There is no slave mentality in socialism. It's the brotherhood of man.

Idris Elba
>we wuz czangs

>commies brutally stabbed her repeatedly in the chest
>she still survives because of commie incopetence and so they need to bash her face with rifle to death
>you will never save Anastasia and bring her back to Paris.
commies deserve no sympathy but brutall massacre.

>North Korea
Do Communists now have to convince themselves that North Korea's the only place that had a dictator?
So all a capitalist and officials have to do is use the right rhetoric and useful retard leftists will suck their dicks, oh wait, that's exactly what happens.

Except for hatred for people living in rural areas making it equivalent to contemporary American Democrats.

Yeah, especially when you are being sent to Gulag after taking pictures in red square...
kys commie

A proper depiction of this would actually be kino and I would love to see how commies would try to justify the killing

here you stupid capitalist slave, that's how I'd justify the cleansing of the world from the putrid presence of the leaching parasites known as the upper classes unjustly exploiting, stealing and murdering the workers

It can't be done, the movie would go against the liberal narrative of leftists being able to brutally kill people they disagree with.

>A proper depiction of this would actually be kino and I would love to see how commies would try to justify the killing
They were executed due to a threat from white forces. Before that happened, the royal family was attempted to be relocated into Moscow. Which failed. Thus, the choices were either execution or release.

Execution was absolutely correct choice. Letting deposed monarchs and heirs roam always caused disastrous consequences that caused much more damage than several lives.

How do you fuck up an execution so badly?

Thanks for reminding me my dreams are just nightmares. FUCKING COMMIES!

is no one going to comment on the ridiculous notion that Russian word Tzar translates to Caesar and that the Russian Emperors unironically considered themselves Caesars?

No shit idiot.

Same as german Kaiser...
What's your point? Every european nation was inspired by Romans and wanted something to connect it with their own nation.
Russians consider themselves as successors of Byzantines and called themselves as "Third Rome"

Are you a fucking brainlet?

>is no one going to comment on the ridiculous notion that Russian word Tzar translates to Caesar and that the Russian Emperors unironically considered themselves Caesars?
Title of Roman emperors, which both their most recognised sucessors have adopted. The Germans, of course, made it popular as a primary title to begin with.

no you idiots, i meant its ridiculous because Russia was never even a B-tier superpower. Theyve always been a regional "power" thats only good at bullying other Slavs but gets BTFO whenever they fight anyone else

>i meant its ridiculous because Russia was never even a B-tier superpower
Russia was A-tier superpower starting with Peter the Great, and ending with Alexander II.

>Russia was never even a B-tier superpower
>Theyve always been a regional "power"
>All above autism somehow relates to them being inspired by romans
Is amerimutt behind this post?

Who is going to play Rasputin though?

>t. butthurt slavboos

>gets BTFO whenever they fight anyone else
Yeah, like Napoleon or Hitler.
>ending with Alexander II
With Nikolay I rather, Crimean war was lost under his rule.
And although it had strong military, it was absolute agrarian feudal shithole with government that refused to change anything until last moment.

Has to be a nigger. Who else can compete with the BSC (big siberian cock)

>you will never save Anastasia and bring her back to Paris

So she can live under the boot of the Nazis 20 years later instead?

"live under the boot"
get fingered and shot


If she lived, she would have encouraged french soldiers to keep fighting and french would become very enthusiastic by her speeches and push krauts out of France.
>tfw Anastasia would have saved France and rest of world


Jews don't commit ritual murder. Genital mutilation, yes, but human sacrifice definitely not. Even animal sacrifice hasn't been part of standard practice for centuries.

All I'm saying is that if you've got a time machine and know the future, why not take Anastasia to live out her life in America, Canada, or Switzerland? Some place that doesn't get bombed/invaded in the 20th Century.

It'd be a damn shame if you spent all that time trying to save her, only to have her arrested and murdered by the Gestapo 20 years later for not cooperating with the German occupation.

Sounds like something a jew would say...

>trying to justify the killing of children

I'm just not being a biassed "somebody think of the children" brainlet and explain how it is.

You do realise that royal families everywhere killed more of their kin than any revolutionaries ever did, including (their very own) Children? The Romanovs, I think, killed a dozen other Romanovs at least.

Not to mention some plebian children, but even mentioning them would probably be too much of a distraction for the likes of you.

Only God knows what expressing disgust for a fierce execution has to do with justifiying other horrific murders

Sounds gay af

Eventually, Anne Frank becomes President of the CSA, and Maria becomes queen of USA, and series culminate in a tragic fight between two women.

For all the communists hipsters. here is your future if you ever set foot in my country.

Rather have it on the Whites DESU senpai

Uhhh... That wasn't part of the plot. Sorry.

Plus neither of them would be eligible for the Presidency in either country (natural-born citizen clause)

Reminder that the executioners were Jews and this wasn't a revolution but retribution.

Human flesh isn't kosher, and blood from any animal isn't kosher.


I'm not going to feel bad for Jews ever.

God fucking damn it, look at this shit.