Most asthetic European city?
Most asthetic European city?
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Some of the most aesthetic European towns I've ever been to are
Albi, France, perfect old town in impressing brick gothic architecture and fuckhuge cathedral. Also good food, fair prices and next to no tourists.
Next would be Stralsund, Germany, for being a perfeclty intact Swedish fortress town, excellent beer, fresh fish.
Wismar would be next, another pitoresque Hanse town that made it trough the war without damages.
I see you are a man of culture as well.
Any more? Not OP but was thinking of backpacking around Europe next year and I want to visit some truly beautiful places. Capitals, cities, towns, villages, whatevers best.
I love Prague because it's mostly a mix of Gothic and Baroque architecture, not Neoclassical faggotry that's so prominent in other cities.
Actually has a cultural feel to it as well
Fairly good looking, unlike most British cities barring smaller cities.
Dude, he said European.
Currently? Dunno
Prior to WW1? A lot of them
St. Petersburg, followed closely by Krakow. Prague and Budapest used to be good before tourist onslaught. Paris, Berlin, London, Amsterdam are all filthy dumpsters.
Vienna by far and large.
Budapest around the danube is hard to beat.
whichever one didn't get bombed to pieces 70 years ago
Berlin is the biggest shit hole in all of Europe. I'd rather live in Tirana than Berlin.
Never been there but the layout of Kamieniec Podolski is great
It is but it's always crowded with tourists
The Planty park is a great concept, does a thing like that exist in other cities?
London seems to be a messy mish-mash of every style in the last 400 years, is it any good from ground level?
The City is impeccable as always but otherwise no. Think of New York style townhouses but very poor, with littering and worn out paint everywhere.
Durham for that quietly English pleasantness.
I can see why, I went there once, such an aesthetic place
Good pierogi shop too
Venice, Mont Saint Michel, things like that. Few exceptions are 100% aesthetic, don't be fooled, every European (world...) city is filled with trash, dirt, concrete monstrosity, supermarkets, bums, misery and so on.
Lisbon is pretty nice, and Prague has great architecture.
This, York is also good for that, as is Huddersfield I think
Tough, depends a bit on what you want. My advice is to avoid the tourist traps like Venice, Florence, Barcelona, Budapest and Prague and instead visit things like Sienna, Vienna, Krakau or Montpellier or other historic mid sized towns. There is so many nice historic regions in Europe and all have some mid sized towns with great historic substance. What countries are you going to visit, what culture / arts / epochs are you interested in. food preferences? budget?
>Venice, Mont Saint Michel,
You just named the two single biggest tourist traps in all of Europe. Expect to be herded trough the town together with legions of other tourists and get ripped off by every restaurant, hotel and souvenir shop in town.
Yes, because it is the remnants of a the old city wall. Greifswald Germany has the same IIRC
Venice is busy but it's still damn gorgeous
Another one I can recommend is Bamberg, medieval old town, baroque residence and 60+ breweries producing 400 different beers. For that full HRE immersion feeling.
They're tourist traps for a reason: they're among the last untouched areas, thus the most interesting. If you think you won't be milked in Prague, St Petersburg, Paris etc I have bad news for you, it's even worse. Not to mention all the other urban joyfulness mentioned before.
>they're among the last untouched areas
What's that supposed to mean? St Michel looks like pic related. There's like 100 towns with impressive cathedrals and literally thousands with historic substance in France and you'll have much more fun there. Visit Narbonne or Albi, or take a drive trough the Loire valley and see the castles, visit Vaubans fortresses.
the mont st michel is great to visit though you dumbass
Vienna is likely on of the best best European capitals, shitloads of worldclass baroque and Albertina and Hofrüstkammer and good food. Also surprisingly not that many tourists last time I checked.
So you went to the most obvious tourist trap you liked it and now it is somewhat not a tourist trap?
its boring as fuck
Yeah, because some of the best baroque art and architecture ever produced is completely uninteresting to Veeky Forums user. Also all this world class museums are just shit.
it's a tourist trap because there are plenty of people?
I guess so are the louvre, notre dame de paris, the eiffel tower, versailles etc
Yes, it is a tourist trap exactly of that, you can visit one famous but tiny and only moderately interesting monastery on a shit stained rock together with 30k other tourists a day, see 100 souvenir shops and 150 overpriced restaurants and hotels, take some pics and you never ever need to speak French.
Or you can visit some mid sized French medieval towns with fantastic Gothic architecture and churches, 20 times the size of St Michel, intact old towns were real French people live, dine for half the price twice the quality at restaurants that cater mostly to the locals and visit the locals museum and you are one of about 200 tourists in town, mostly cultivated elderly French.
Your choice pajeet
>Mosques,synagogues and gorgeous churches and chapels
>Great gothic cathedral
>Roman and visigothic ruins
>The greatest concentration of El Greco's art
> Gorgeous monasteries throughout all the city with
>Cheap and great food
Most underrated town in Spain. You could spend a whole week there and find new crap every single day
>intact old towns
Doesn't exist. That's what I meant here >3769511
Except bizarro exceptions like Mont Saint Michel every urban area is plaged with concrete and supermarkets.
Been there, great venue but most tourists need to be lynched and shitty "armory shops" need to stop anime crafting and selling plastic switch blade swords.
Sorry, but you are telling bullshit, there is hundreds of good old towns in France, many better than St Michel.
Fossbergom in Lom
I'm French and old enough to know my country, thanks. Outside remoted villages you'll always find a MacDo and a deliquent urban nest. There are VERY FEW untouched places. Albi? lol
Yes, and Mont St Michel's 150 tourist shops with plastic swords are the tits. The architectural substance of Albi is world class and the old town is virtually untouched. Same goes literally for hundred more French towns, NArbonne or Avignon to mention a few.
why do you push your tourist trap this much?
Hopefully I'll visit Burgos one day
None lmao
They jave destroyed la Plaza mayor with that shitty red floor. Other than that Atapuerca and the museum of science are great outside of oldtown and the monasterio de Huelgas is really pretty as well
checked them, the Monastery looks really cool
are you from there?
I was not born there. I am from Valladolid. I just live in Burgos due the insane wages and the fact that is comfier and less inhabited than Valladolid
Well, I'm not really sure what do with myself after finishing college so I'm taking a gap year; working over Christmas so I'll have a fair few grand by February in terms of budget.
I'm absolutely content with visiting more obscure areas - places like Urbino and Sienna were on my list, so basically what you mentioned. Was thinking of France down to Italy, Austria, down into Greece perhaps heading into Poland, Germany, then France back into the UK. Love Roman and Italian history so I'd intend to stay in Italy for the most amount of time, though visiting areas of interest (like what you suggested) I'm absolutely fine with.
Moscow is monumental but it's not aesthetic, it has to be one of the ugliest cities in Europe if not the world.
>it has to be one of the ugliest cities in Europe if not the world.
It sure ain't the ugliest city in Russia
Sounds like a great plan, you gonna have a good time. Are you more into architecture or fine arts?
same here, I was impressed by Moscow, but I wouldn't call it beautiful.
Rome and Prague.
That's a bit unreasonable, user. Moscow is one of the better Eastern European cities to live in. The Kremlin is incredible, the business district is up to scratch and there are many rich areas. Granted it comes with it's commie blocks (a lot of commie blocks) but you can find those in every single city in Europe. Moscow is kind of a dream/goal destination for most Eastern Europeans.
Florence, Italy
Well, as long as you don't mind the Three Seasons problem, I'm suppose you could call it that...
Architecture, easily.
wew lad
Have you seen the palace of the parliaments my friend
Theres not a sight quite like it
Then don't waste much time on the Balkans and Greece.
If you still do, make some island hopping, ferries are cheap
Also the Mediterranean region is most beautiful in spring, too hot in summer, you rather want to be in Germany or Austria during the summer.
>fucking Sarajevo
t. Gypsy caravan conductor of balkans
The weather in Burgos is not much different from the one of Valladolid outside of the humidity which can get pretty anoying. The city is smaller than Valladolid,calmer and surrounded by way better scenary,villages and natural sites. Also unemployment is lower here and wages are higher. Unless you can't stand cold Burgos is amongst the best places to live in Spain
All. Becasue Europe the most aethetic in the world.
Give me the criminality rate in that anthill.
Neoclassical is great you heathen
It's plastic shit tier
w-why are those courtyards crimson red
I'm studying in Prague this summer. What places in Prague do I NEED to hit?
Adelaide South Australia is surrounded by park lands
Just follow the half million tourists per day.
>Also surprisingly not that many tourists last time I checked.
Yeah no fucking shit. Only rich elderly ladies sitting outside cafes eating cake with small forks. Because only they can afford to live there.
Vienna is like half price compared to my home town, likely even less. Also it ranks as World #1 most liveable city. I take it you are eastern yuropoor then?
And if tourists bother you, don't visit in the middle of summer or Carnevale.
The Bruges, it's a fucking fairytale town or something. How is a fucking fairytale town not somebody's fucking thing?
Is there anything to be said for Cork and Dublin?
t. beurette