What would Marx think about the contempt for the working class that modern day leftists have? Would he call them corporate stooges for supporting illegal immigration, BLM, and fag rights?
What would Marx think about the contempt for the working class that modern day leftists have...
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Most likely, can't speak to his views on homosexual people, doubt they'd meet the standards of these "leftists".
He would probably say that at the shadowy action of the captialist interests, they have been badly distracted from the real issues of the day (class ones), and had their attention focused on ephemeral conflicts not related to class.
>servants of capitalist ideology wrapped in hammer and sickle
they'd get fed to dogs like all the rest did in Russia.
Marx was about as racist as it got. He would hate the shit out of them.
all men are equal
>cept niggurs, kikes, and chinks
definitely. Marx believed in amoralism. These SJW fags are the complete opposite of them
I honestly can't tell whether that's s masculine woman or a feminine guy.
Yes. I'm not even a Marxist and I more or less think the same thing. The modern left is popular among billionaires.
No Adam's apple. Female detected
I cant really imagine Marx would actually like this shit and feel anything other than contempt for what his ideas had turned into
Modern leftism has been wholly subsumed by its neoliberal faction, so much so that self-labelled ‘Marxists’ cannot see they’re being used like pawns to further the agenda of global capitalism.
I would go so far as to say there has not been a single effective working class Marxist movement in modern US history, and the reason is solely bad publicity. Marxists today are mostly interested in raising hell and martyring themselves for a cause they wield a layman’s understanding of. They have more in common with 18th-century European anarchists than Marx’s vision of the proletariat.
"Working class" doesn't mean "stormfag".
"Working class" means Johnny who works down at the plant, voted for Trump, dislikes gays and Mexican scabs, and drinks a cold one every evening with the boys.
That = "stormfag" to modern western leftists.
>Modern conservatism has been wholly subsumed by its neoliberal faction, so much so that self-labelled ‘alt-rightists’ cannot see they’re being used like pawns to further the agenda of global capitalism.
Both of these are right.
pretty much this
The only thing that modern leftists would generally dislike about said individual was voting for Trump and disliking gays and Mexicans for their race.
Don't even have to be liberal to dislike the last bit. I'm conservative and frown on people disliking people based on their race or sexual preference.
I dunno if he necessarily hated fags and nig nogs, but he'd probably be pretty pissed that the focus has gone from income and class inequality to trying to ban certain words that hurt peoples feelings.
But the alt-right legitimately wants to kill or deport all the capitalists and neo-liberals.
From what I what I can see antifa and people like the one in OPs pic don't seriously want to oppose the capitalist system.
He would most likely have felt the same way about the Soviet union.
Marxism, Communism, whatever is just abstract wanking for self-righteous people who live in cities and look down on rural people.
"rural and suburban retards" has always been the theme of this cancerous ideology.
What these retards will never realize is that if you just throw out the part about importing 50 million people from the third world to create economic growth for multinational conglomerates at the expense of the worker, and stop trampling individual liberties, blue collar people could warm up to things like universal healthcare.
Unfortunately socialism and nationalism makes National Socialism and the corporate media has told the liberals to tell us that it's evil to do both of those at the same time.
>But the alt-right legitimately wants to kill or deport all the capitalists and neo-liberals.
Where are you getting this from? Every time I talk to someone in the alt right their unabashedly capitalistic. The only time I hear anything different is when I'm talking to someone on the fringe who's issue isn't ultimately capitalism but the claimed Jewish hivemind running it and using the power to destroy the white race.
>What these retards will never realize is that if you just throw out the part about importing 50 million people from the third world to create economic growth for multinational conglomerates at the expense of the worker, and stop trampling individual liberties, blue collar people could warm up to things like universal healthcare.
Are you retarded? Capitalism has been doing that for 4 decades to create cheap labor.
yeah, even marxs own idea was that the advanced and urban western europeans would be the first to become communist and never thought that backwards Russia would be the first, followed by China, and then nothing other than third world post colonial bug people. Right now, its simply urban wannbe elites who think they know everything saying they should have agency over the poor dumb rednecks because they know whats best for them, even though they harbor seething hatred of them. this is why I would consider them a greater threat right now than neo-nazis while on the whole, I would geniunly consider socialist in general the lesser of two evils compared to nazism.
tl;dr-neo-marxism is just hatred and narcissistism dressed up as virtue signaling altruism
Same here; I keep this to myself though because it seems to make most leftists EXTREMELY asspained if you bring it up.
I care far, far more about workers getting fair treatment and people getting adequate provision for healthcare/housing than I do about gender neutral bathrooms or refugees from ongo bongo land
*blocks your path*
>Don't even have to be liberal to dislike the last bit.
>I'm conservative
Thats the point though. Its this weird abomination that the self described marxist support neo-liberalism. You know how much the democrats could endlessly fuck the republicans if they dropped all the cuck shit and just pushed some good ole boy like Jim Webb instead of "muh woman" or "muh minority" memes? Of course this would never happen because urban elites despise someone like Webb
I'm not even alt right myself but they do criticize capitalism.
Leftists and the capitalist corporate overlords who control the narratives in their heads want the same thing what's your point retard?
>tfw no mainstream political party in the US that stands for workers rights, strong social safety nets , the right to bear arms and against identity politics
it hurts
The left doesn't hate the Workers because they are workers. They hate them because they constantly vote conservative, acting against their own interest and the left's interests. Also they lobby to keep increasingly obsolete industries (coal) from being rightfully usurped by newer, safer ones (renewables).
Well the actual alt-right is third position. They recognize that Communism and Capitalism are both evil shit and harmful to their people. Now that Communism is dead the main enemy is the Capitalist liberal system coming from the US.
They obviously hate all the jews that have power in the capitalist system, but they also hate all the Whites involved as well. The White bourgeois is seen as having thrown their race under the bus in the name of profit.
Back in the day about a year ago the Le epic XD classical liberals like Milo tried to claim the term alt-right for themselves but that's pretty much stopped by now.
Are you implying that conservatives are by nature racist?
Fuck LGBT. Fuck multi culturalism. Fuck PC.
I say this as a radical socialist. Im tired of these faggots and obedient soyboys skewing our perception in public.
>lol stupid redneck whitetrash wage slave! go fuck your cousin cletus I hope they shut down those coal mines and processing plants, they are so bad! I know because some celebrity told me so. Also, we should bring in more poor brown people to work the jobs no americans want to work. I mean, Im an upper middle class suburbanite with an art degree! Im sure as hell not going to go work on a construction site, so this means literally no other white person will neither, so you see you stupid racist, we NEED to flood our country with more immigrants! You stupid evil white racist need more diversity in your neighborhoods and you should hate yourselves as much as I do. And one last thing, we need to drastically increase taxes on middle class people to pay for all the poor brown people without a job
>WHAT THE FUCK?! Why isnt the working class voting for us democrats? Why are they voting AGAINST THEIR OWN INTEREST?!
>The White bourgeois is seen as having thrown their race under the bus in the name of profit.
I don't understand this part. Why would anyone give that much of a shit about their race. A poor white/hispanic/black dude has far more in common with people of his own class than some rich guy who shares the same race.
People like Jim Webb are a dying breed though, Democratic party hopped on the neoliberal cuckwagon some time before the Clinton presidency and never looked back.
I keep asking this question but it's never answered - how is it against workers' interests to vote against 3rd world immigration that devalues wages, and free trade agreements that keep shipping American jobs to China and Mexico? Do you people actually think before you post?
well thats the socialist way of looking at it, but from the neo-nazi point of view, these white rich bosses are betraying their own race by allowing third world brown people to work for scraps instead of hiring their own people. This actually would be a point in favor of the socialist though since the upper class doesnt give a shit about race, but instead their position at the top and their bank account.
define liberal, conservative, racist
Does he think he looks good? Why would you present yourself like that?
Ironically the people who defeated the nazis are viewed as nazis today. Talking about the likes of George Wallace. Because apparently nazis have the monopoly on racism in the leftist mind.
someone who generally wants to change the status quo
someone who generally wants to keep the status quo
someone who doesn't like nig nogs very much
the question of whether conservatives are racist comes down to whether or not racism against nig nogs is the current status quo, an issue which is debatable.
It's a female.
These people aren't marxists. Marx would hate them like all of the other "bourgeois socialists" (as he called them) from his time
Move to Vermont
Constitutional National Socialism could be nice.
>someone who generally wants to change the status quo
The thing is, while I may joke about nig nogs a lot, I don't *particularly* hate them.
Marx probably would hate them, but Engels wouldn't. Engels was a typical proto-cuckold coming from a pampered wealthy family and writing books that questioned gender roles, pretty much the SJW of his day.
>Still against identity politics.
Jesus, get with the times grandpa.
>Constitutional National Socialism
So without Führerprinzip and more grounded in laws and ideas? That's pretty much Strasserism.
Don't necessarily have to kill people if you stomp out the scapegoating of whites to ease the tension significantly inflamed during Obama's administration.
Okay I'm going to ignore your major assertion that the left actively insults the "redneck whitetrash" because sectional insults aren't really a major factor in voting.
>I hope they shut down those coal mines and processing plants
Why the hell not? Renewables like wind and solar produce more power and will provide way more jobs.
>I know because some celebrity told me so
Celebrities champion issues on both sides of the aisle.
>Also, we should bring in more poor brown people to work the jobs no americans want to work... we NEED to flood our country with more immigrants!
The left isn't weak on immigration, they just approach it differently than the right. Obama deported far more illegals than any previous president.
>You stupid evil white racist need more diversity in your neighborhoods and you should hate yourselves as much as I do
Literally nobody says this outside of twitter, tumblr, and facebook.
>we need to drastically increase taxes on middle class people
Both parties want to do this, the left is just honest about it. Who do you think pays for the 1%'s tax breaks? Trump's "tax plan" will actually cause a tax hike for the middle class after a few years, on top of increasing the deficit more than Obama did in two terms.
>Why are they voting AGAINST THEIR OWN INTEREST?!
You got me, I have no explanation.
I don't even hate niggers either but I'm for hard racial segregation. Not genocide, not slavery, I just want them to live separate from us, preferably in another country.
>soylar provides more jobs than coal
You're a humanities graduate aren't you
Mate, separate but equal has never worked. Any sot of segregation based solution will see one party getting shit on.
Also, I'm finding it very hard to believe you when you say you don't hate niggers but you don't want them living anywhere near you.
Nationalism is nice, some socialism like universal healthcare is nice, the American culture of worshiping the Constitution has been pretty productive in protecting free speech and self-defense. I don't know if Strasserism covers that last part.
We're practically already in ConNatSoc if we enforce borders and implement socialized medicine in the United States.
>the contempt for the working class that modern day leftists have?
Stop shilling your retard agenda. Some "modern day leftists" have contempt for the working class, but not all.
By segregation I don't mean that soft Jim Crow shit where they use separate buses and schools. I mean shipping them away so there's no contact between the two races.
That's not what I meant. The basis of constitutional system is that the rules is bound by the constitution, he cannot overstep the boundaries outlined by the law. With Führerprinzip/Hitlerism, the ruler is above the law.
>stands for workers rights, strong social safety nets , the right to bear arms and against identity politics
There is such a party. It's called the Democratic Party.
That's because gender roles need to be questioned. He wouldn't like the post-structuralist framing of contemporary feminism
You need to go back
The very notion that the woman has been subordinate to man at any point of history is complete horseshit.
I honestly intend to spend my life trying to bring back Truman Democrats.
>t. someone who has not read the Homeric epics or the Bible
If they can stop it with the dumbass gun bans, sure.
>Homeric epics
>literally thousands of men die in a pointless conflict like cattle because a whore decided to be a whore and pit men against one another
Of all examples you had to pick this. Top jej.
Hard to say. He'd probably have to revise his theories a lot. So much of marx is a product if the thought of the day. German stage theory, dialectics, and labor theory of value would probably be replaced or greatly altered. Also history worked out differently than he predicted with the differences between bourgeois and proletarian classes becoming less severe, ownership of capital becoming very widespread so that even working classes are technically capitalists (owning stocks, pensions, charging banks interest on their savings), and the rise of large lumpen proletariat and managerial classes. Maybe he'd get tenure and snipe at the hand that feeds him using pomo critical theory.
>how is it against workers' interests to vote against 3rd world immigration
they are voting against it if they vote democrat. Sure, the left doesn't want to deport kids who have been here almost their entire lives, but ICE processed way more deportations under Obama than under any other president before.
>that devalues wages
Inflation devalues wages far more than the immigrants. The minimum wage being so low doesn't help matters.
>free trade agreements that keep shipping American jobs
90% of the factory jobs would be automated if they were in the US.
> to China
America doesn't have a free trade agreement with China. Mind you, there aren't many penalties for putting a factory there, either, but somehow I don't think that the current party in power is in a hurry to change that
>and Mexico?
NAFTA is opposed by much of the left, as well. Bernie Sanders included.
>soylar provides more jobs than coal
but it does. forbes.com
>You're a humanities graduate aren't you
First, history grad. Second, History is a humanity. Third, We are literally in the History and Humanities board.
The free trade agreements are a good thing. American workers wouldn't benefit from getting rid of them, since the real problem afflicting the US economy is competition from Asia. This competition would still exert its influence no matter how may protectionist schemes were implemented in the US. At the end of the day, protectionism is just indirect welfare. Might as well hand out direct welfare.
As for immigration, there is a wing of the Democratic party that opposes all the illegal immigration nonsense. Let's not judge the Democrats by the pro-immigrant contingent. The Dems, just like the Reps, have to try to cast a wide net for votes in order to have any chance. Keep in mind that unlike the Dems, the Reps actually managed to beat off the assault of the retarded populist wing in their primaries.
Sure, and women are treated like literal war loot, which is a lot more likely to be representative of historical reality than the story about Helen.
>Sure, the left doesn't want to deport kids who have been here almost their entire lives, but ICE processed way more deportations under Obama than under any other president before.
That's just illegal immigration though, which is completely dwarfed by the influx of legal 3rd worlders.
>Inflation devalues wages far more than the immigrants.
Not in the same sense, but yes. And Democrats sure love their inflation.
>90% of the factory jobs would be automated if they were in the US.
Not if you pass legislation against automation.
>America doesn't have a free trade agreement with China.
It almost did considering Hillary was pushing for TPP.
>NAFTA is opposed by much of the left, as well. Bernie Sanders included.
And was signed into law by Bill Clinton.
>play EA's new Illiad-inspired multiplayer game
>women drop in the loot crates
>We are literally in the History and Humanities board.
That doesn't mean you shouldn't prostrate yourself before someone who actually holds a real degree and knows what he's talking about.
>Not if you pass legislation against automation.
Unions are a more efficient mechanism to balance labor productivity and wages than this psuedo-welfare subsidy shit.
That's why the alt right is shilling for Pajeet to shit all over net neutrality? The alt right is a term used to identify useful idiots for the neo liberal rulers.
>That's just illegal immigration though, which is completely dwarfed by the influx of legal 3rd worlders.
What do you propose? No immigration at all?
>And Democrats sure love their inflation
look at the chart. Since Kennedy, the inflation rate has had two major spikes: one under Ford(a republican) and one under Carter (a democrat). Since then, the rate has been more or less constant under both parties.
>pass legislation against automation
The fuck? Why? outlawing automation - stymieing technological progress - just to give Americans more shit jobs? That's like how China under Mao preferred using hundreds of peasants over a tractor.
>It almost did considering Hillary was pushing for TPP.
Yeah, no arguments there. TPP was hot shit.
>And was signed into law by Bill Clinton.
I'm not going to argue against objective fact. However, party positions change. NAFTA is not particularly popular among democrats anymore.
>>Not if you pass legislation against automation.
Not that other guy, but...
It has to happen sometime. If the future is automation, and the population is rising, we need something for these people to do. Not just to support themselves, but to give them something to do and better thenselves doing so. Employment keeps society together, because then you have your population doing something productive (or at least non destructive) all day. Idle hands do the devil's work, and unemployment is the leading cause of crime and social upset, not just because of a lack of money, but because people are not smart enough to behave themselves without a purpose. We're already starting to see a rise in automation and rise in unemployment. There has to be a balance, or else we're going to relive the collapse of the American South, rampant unemployment, crime, and flight of the upper classes. Only this time it'll be on a country wide scale.
"Johnny" isn't real. You could just as likely conjure up an image of a liberal single mom working at wallmart, it's the USA's biggest employer. And most of the working class is really no longer rural or involved the manufacturing sector.
Rednecks mostly dislike gays, yeah, I get it. Doesn't actually mean they harm the working class anymore than megachurches or austerity benefit them. Hell, Mexicans and overseas chinks pretty much are America's proletariat. Their buttfuck cheap labor is the reason we have any decent standard of living
Isn't the stereotypical 50's utopia a world where robots do all the work? Why fight against that? Could we not just train people to do more intellectual tasks, like research and education, where robots are of little to no use?
Literally what? The other day Dicky Spencer was wishing that the government would nationalize the internet lmao.
Internet companies hate the alt-right and vice versa. Losing net neutrality could force the alt-right on to the dark web.
>That's why the alt right is shilling for Pajeet to shit all over net neutrality?
>outlawing automation - stymieing technological progress
You're either pro-worker or you're pro-progress and pro-profit. Can't have it both ways.
Right one, white brother! G*d bless Trump and America!
This isn't /int/ or /pol/, go to one of those boards if you want to shitpost without substance.
> Alt-right is anti-capitalist
> Support Trump, who will sign literally anything the corporatist GOP puts in front of him
>it's an American misusing the word corporatist episode
Depends. If he came in a time machine he would probably agree with little, but literally anybody from that period would freak the fuck out at the state of the modern world. If he was born in modern times, he would be nothing but another SJW Jewish cronie. Just like if Hitler were born in 1995 he would probably be some lonely virgin posting on /pol/.
Yes you can. Welfare. I know the idea is controversial, but it's a viable solution.
>inb4 muh welfare queen
Yeah, welfare is abused. by a very small portion of its recipients. Yes, you can point to cases like Martha/Louise/Linda Miller/White/Taylor. She is far and away the exception.
This isn't the 1970s anymore. Working class includes the bloke working at a city retailer whose minimum wage job isn't enough to support living in the city.
I wonder how white the person behind this post is...
Totally agreed. That said, the image that comes to mind when one brings up "working class" is that of the factory worker or miner. That is how we think of the worker, that is the image both parties use to represent them. Working in a factory is, after all, generally viewed as a more respectable profession than working in a Wal-Mart.
>Hell, Mexicans and overseas chinks pretty much are America's proletariat. Their buttfuck cheap labor is the reason we have any decent standard of living
Show me one thing in this photo made by Mexicans or Chinks.
ITT: buttmad yts and people who think liberal (or democrats) means left. also people who read the edgy sounding pieces by marx.
Shit man. I'm in fucking Caifornia and as far as stuff that goes on in the socal anarchist scene, and the more formal SPUSA/DSA(ew but we gotta start somewhere)/IWW/Green-Socialist spheres, id-pol is not "the main" focus of our policies, worker/community wages, safety, liberation and power consist of most of the talk and plans in party meetings. In anarchist spaces community help/action is the main focus than worker-related stuff except when they come to work with more socialist and commie parties.
This is coming from a fuck who literally would take their trans partner to LA/OC/IE SPUSA meetings.
>I don't have an argument so I'll just throw shade at the other guy