I've been reading a lot of that guy's posts and he makes some pretty solid points. Incas managed to achieve what europeans had achieved in half the time. Does this superior rate of civilization development indicate inherent Inca superiority over pestilent eurangutans? Can someone debunk this guy? I'm starting to feel nervous about being a subhuman eurangutan. To think humanity would be exploring the stars already if we subhumans hadn't wiped out the greatest people to have walked this earth.
Are eurangutans really inferior to Incas?
Read Guns, Germs, and Steel, you brainlet.
>reading memes, memes and memes
no thank you
>the absolute state of Veeky Forums
Eurangutans were interior to incans. Objective fact. Get extinct'd, subhuman.
Are you the propagator of this meme?
Seems about right, given that we've been inside all of your women.
the inca civilization succumbed to climate change, don't feel too proud of yourself cause eurofags have little to do with it. They reshaped the environment/forest at industrial phase, changing it so much that their water ways and aqueducts began to dry up, for them at that point it's pretty much game over and began to fall apart. Believe it or not mountains and jungle has a fuck load to do with wind and rain patterns.
No, they succumbed to eurangutan pestilence.
It's insane nonsense. Even if we accept the theoretical validity of his models (I.e. that certain material cultures demonstrated marked superiority over previous ones), he uses incredibly stupid double standards to support his conclusion. When going for metallurgy advances, a smattering of copper artifacts is enough to show "advancement", but he won't give the same to Eurasians until you have total copper usage everywhere on the super-continent.
So did eurasians and incas develop copper after around the same amount of time?
>cumskins think brown/black people are dirty, smelly etc.
>euros literally wiped out the new world by being unwashed, unhygeinic apes and carrying deadly diseases
>be new worlder
>get C R U S H E D
Who wins is superior, all other factors are irrelevant. If the white European race goes extinct, we weren't superior in the end afterall.
Off topic pol thread
>be white
>be extinct in a century
>Calls others a brainlet
>Tells them to read a meme book
This is satire
>Samefagging this hard
>tfw half eurangutan, half Amerindian master race
>Mestizo subhuman getting triple dubs
How does he keep doing it?
what the fuck
I, for one, welcome our new Incan overlords!
Fuck off Inca fag, Eurangutan Live Matters!