ITT: historical moments that make you depressed or whip you into a seethe
>bronze age collapse
>burning of alexandria
>death of julius caeser
>fall of western rome
>fall of the byzantines
>three kingdom war
>fall of the ming
>the fact the novgorod didn't unite the Rus
>any crusade that wasn't the first or third
>war of the spanish succession
>anything the japanese empire did
>both world wars
>execution of the romanovs
>red china
ITT: historical moments that make you depressed or whip you into a seethe
Other urls found in this thread:
>alexander not naming a successor, letting his empire break apart
>burning of the library of alexandria
>assassination of julius caesar
>murder of cicero
>fall of the western roman empire
>division of charlemagne's empire
>murder of thomas becket
>muslims capturing jerusalem
>mongols destroying everything
>fall of constantinople
>the english civil war
>the execution of king charles i
>the english parliament gaining permanent supremacy
>the american revolution
>the french revolution
>the execution of king louis xvi and his wife
>napoleon being defeated and exiled (again)
>the final abolition of monarchy in france
>the destruction of the four empires after world war 1 (german, austrian, russian and ottoman)
>the russian revolution
>the execution of emperor nicholas ii and his family
>the entire history of the soviet union
>america becoming the world superpower
>the american revolution
>america becoming the world superpower
u mad?
british empire was way better than the united states
why are stupid people allowed to post on this board
>eurangutan pestilence eliminates the most intelligent race on earth, Incas
Why are you so butthurt about america
>Julius Caesar
Literally the most normie entry level basic bitch answer to this question.
What's the problem, white boi?
You can also add:
>the murder of flavius aecius
>the eternal anglo aiding the ottomans during the crimean war
>the murder of archimedes
>Belisarius failing to retain rome due to lack of proper support
> death of Lucius Aemilius at cannae
>arminian genocide
>mexican american war
>the genocide of the white Haitians
>"For our declaration of independence, we should have the skin of a white man for parchment, his skull for an inkwell, his blood for ink, and a bayonet for a pen!"
>First Chechen War
>MacArthur pushing to the Yalu River
>the Munich Agreement
>white Russians losing the civil war
>Lincoln getting shot
>reconstruction failing, leaving the US stuck with a bunch of lazy, uneducated welfare leeches, or both colors
>the world wars forcing the US out of isolationism
>burning of alexandria
All the great libraries lost to history has always bummed me out. How much of the collective human knowledge has been sent down the memory hole?
>assassination of Julius Caeser
t.amantes de tyrannis
100% accurate google translate latin
Nothing really.
It wasn't genocide you bigot, genocide is mass killing + institutional power
>>Belisarius failing to retain rome due to lack of proper support
Justinian was absolute shit
Nothing in history upsets me because being bothered by unchangeable things (like the past) is psychologically harmful
t. monarchist larper
>we know more about the life of Chris-Chan than most historical figures before the 1500s
>most intelligent race
That would be the almighy Aztecs, you Incan dog( Incans are almost as bad as wh*Tes)
>the world wars forcing the US out of isolationism
>forgetting the Maine
We can now replay time to ourselves so why shouldn't we know more about Christian (Christina) Weston Chandler.
Honestly what do you think would have happened if Caeser wasn't assassinated? I guess it was a shitty thing to do but I doubt he would have brought much good, he was just a conquerer
>That would be the almighy Aztecs
If the Azt*cs were so intelligent, why did almost every neighbouring city-state side with the Spanish invaders?
Btw did the scar that opened up where his dick used to be kill him yet?
Jealously of course, you Incan dog(who is almost as bad as a wh*te)
Excellent list OP, but couldn't we list any historical event and shack our head in disbelief?
Today we know better. We have a ridiculous amount of understanding, it reacquires hundreds of of specialties that take at least ten years to just glance at the knowledge.
We have no excuse anymore, but we are still human, more is the pitty
The term cognitive bias is only 50 years old
>fall of the ming
yeah it was a very shitty time to be alive and a lot of people died, but the Ming always sucked. Its a shame the Qing modeled themselves on the autocratic Mings and not on the Song.
>we know more about the Qing dynasty than all previous Chinese dynasties combined
>majorian getting killed before he revived the empire
Was it futile? He was campaigning pretty damn well keeping the barbarians in line, and tried to get reforms through (which admittedly lead to his death).
>black Haitians start a revolution, seize institutional power and start killing whites
this one hurts
there isn't even a question you pleb
>Transatlantic Slave Trade
For dooming America of course.
>not talking about Thomas More
Killed by an incestuous, heretical king. RIP Tommy Boy
>All the times poland got shit on
>Collapse of the Hapsburgs
>Fall of the Kalmar Union
>Oda getting betrayed in the Sengoku Jidai
>Caesar getting betrayed
>Admiral Yi vs the shitty Korean Bureaucracy
>ITT: historical moments that make you depressed or whip you into a seethe
Good. KYS now.
It's sad that stupid epidemics didn't give Mezoamericans a chance to fight back (and they would've annihilated initial force, of course.)
>alexander not naming a successor, letting his empire break apart
Knowing Macedonian politics, that may have not made much difference. There were too many great generals, raised not like general-servants of the day but almost like warrior kings themselves. They were all potential successors in their own right. Alexander's word may have been respected posthumously but ultimately he knew what would most likely happen, so he just gave his prediction.
When my waifu was shot, stabbed, and beaten to death.
You think that's bad? Imagine This:
>Bhagat Singh is broken out of jail
>He starts a revolution and ears down the Raj Military with Guerrilla Tactics
>Inspired, Bolsheviks rise up in Britain
>British Civil war Ensues as the commonwealth collapses into chaos
>British Royal family barely escapes to Canada as the ones left behind are executed publicly
Things could have gone much worse
>death of Caesar
Cato was a greater man.
>Death of Jeanne d'Arf
>Fall of Western Rome
>Fall of Quebec
>All of the wars France lost
>The Revolution
>Fall of Napoleon
>Fall of Napoleon III
>Fashoda Incident
>Death of Napoleon III
>the Greco-Bactrian and Greco-Indian kingdoms disappearing
>both Mongol failures to invade Japan
>Spanish destruction of Mesoamerican books
>Kerensky putting down the Kornilov putsch by arming the Bolsheviks instead of either losing or letting the regular army take care of it
>the complete failure of cooperation between the different anti-Bolshevik armies that let them get divided and conquered
>the murder of Corneliu Codreanu
There's two things I hate in life. Communists and fascists, and communists are slightly above fascists on my hate scale. On an unrelated note, where's a drawfag that'll be willing to draw a happy pregnant Anastasia? Everyone loves Anne Frank, but personally I believe Anastasia is better.
This is an entirely different issue. Genghis Khan named his successor - and a strong one, too. Didn't matter. Same with Alexander. Even if he had a strong and talented successor, his realm would split along more or less the same borders.
>Bronze Age collapse
>Death of Alexander
>Fall of Seleucid Empire and Antiochus III
>Burning of Library of Alexandria
>Assassination of Caesar and death of the republic
>Death of Julio-Claudian, Flavian and Antonie-Nerva dynasty
>Crisis of third century
>Fall of Han Dynasty
>Assassination of Aurelian
>Entire Theodosian Dynasty
>Plundering of Serapeum of Alexandria
>Iconoclasm under Theodosius
>Death of Stilicho, Aetius and Majorian
>Fall of Western Roman Empire
>Fall of Sassanid Empire
>Iconoclasm of Byzantines
>Failed Third Crusade
>The Fourth Crusade
>Mongol Invasion of the east
>Failed Crusade of Varna
>Fall of Byzantine Empire
>Destruction of Tenochtitlan and destruction of the rest of Amerindian Empires
>Transatlantic african slave trade
>Partition of PLC
>The defeat of Napoleon
>Fall of Spanish Empire
>Crimean War
>Entire WW1
>October Revolution
>Russian Civil war
>Execution of Romanovs
>Autism greeks did in Greco-Turkish war
>Oster conspiracy didn't happen
>Entire WW2
>Failed 20 July plot
>Destruction of Warsaw and pretty much rest of europe
>Mao wins civil war
>Cultural revolution and destruction of ancient chinese artifacts
>Fall of European empires
>America as a world power
>American cultural imperialism
How do you deal with so much feels, bros?
islam cutting off the near east and north africa from the european sphere
collapse of based HRE and rise of prussia
japan becoming militaristic shithole and leaving their comfy island in order to conquer asia while larping as western imperialists
massacre of novgorod and triumph of asiatic despotism over republic in russia
arabs conquering persia and appropriating their culture which now is associated with islam instead of with persians
Not Justinian's fault, blame the plague that wiped out 1/4 of the empire just as the west was being reclaimed
This, If the Romans and Sassanids weren't both exhausted by war and the Arabs had been contained the world would have been a far better place
>Defeat of Nazi Germany.
>bronze age collapse
redpill me on this
also you forgot the Sack of Constantinople
>texts from the antiquity are burned
>holy relics are melted down
>hundreds or possibly thousands of women, including nuns, were raped
>the bones of Constantine and Justinian were thrown out in the streets for the dogs
>a whore sat on the patriarchs throne in the Hagia Sophia singing for the looters
The bronze age collapse caused the collapse of pretty much every big civilisation in the near east except for Egypt
>Mycenean Greece, dead
>Minoans, dead
>Hittite empire, dead
No one is sure what caused the collapse but the sea people invading had a lot to do with it.
Who are the sea people? God knows, but they plundered/raided from Argos to Memphis and then disappeared leaving the burning wrecks of several civilisations behind them
>county I live in is the lowest level
>both Mongol failures to invade Japan
why does an invader getting btfo bother you?
Fall of the third reich
>Mao wins civil war
nothing really bad about this, he fought much better than the GMD and Chiang did, and he was able to accomplish land reform in the process, something that had been the dream of Chinese revolutionaries for a century.
its only what comes later that's upsetting
>able to accomplish land reform in the process
*blocks your path*
>bronze age collapse
>redpill me on this
take an hour and watch this lecture, very informative
saved. Gonna watch it when i have time
as I said only what came later, the four pests campaign was a decade after mao won the civil war
Not until we get pregnant Rutka Laskier
The failure of capitalism and the failure of communism to take route
>>Fall of the Kalmar Union
Absolute not. It was unstable as hell with constant civil wars.
I'd call that a "minor understatement."
B-But what if Denmark wasn't corrupt? They could have saved the union
I still my believe my waifu is better, but I will admit Rutka is very beautiful. You have wonderful taste user.
>Kalmar Union
So that's how Denmark wound up with Greenland? I've wondered about that since I was a kid, but never bothered to follow up on because its fucking Greenland, a place only memorable as a viking troll.
Fucking little faggot. I'm going to kick him in the ribs.
Because then you'd bitch about how your All American Free Speech™ was being violating
MUH WHITE CIVILIZASHUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111 REEEEEEE CHRISTTARDS: the thread
>america aka the great satan
>its only what comes later that's upsetting
>Did some extremely insignificant mismanagement and failed campaigns.
>Genius political maneuver of doing a complete 360, approaching and allying USA
>Creating and developing political system, resulting in brilliant competence and efficiency in years to come.
I would pay that drawfag who did all the Anne Frank pics for pregnant Rutka and Anastasia porn for both of us if only I could find him.
>all these conservative opinions
>assassination of julius "land reform traitorous commie liberal dictator" Caesar.
>MacArthur pushing to the Yalu river
>MacArthur ignoring warnings of an attack
>MacArthur refusing to put airplanes into the air and thus getting them destroyed on the ground.
>MacArthur abandoning Manila and most of the Philippines to hole up in Luzon
>MacArthur cowering in a bunker until quietly leaving in a PT boat
>MacArthur giving himself a Medal of Honor for the "defense" of the Phillipines.
>MacArthur promising to retake the Philippines and diverting resources and ultimately costing lives to retake the Philippines despite the Japanese troops there being isolated and it holding no value to defeat Japan.
>MacArthur disobeying commands in Korea and fucking over American forces
>MacArthur wanting to start nuclear war
nice try bigot, only whites can be racist because only whites can make institutions and only whites are white.
yung lean looks like the ultimate virgin
Destruction of civilizations is glorious, it's basically a cleansing process.
>There's two things I hate in life. Communists and fascists, and communists are slightly above fascists on my hate scale.
jesus christ youre a retard
Italy in WW2
No Greenland was a Norse colony, just as Iceland.
>Not wanting to see the ultimate showdown that would've been Julius Caesar vs the Parthian Empire.
You definitely need to be a massive faggot to loathe birds that much.
>>assassination of julius caesar
>>murder of cicero
pick one bro
>The pure autism of the late roman republic's politicing.
>The needless death of Crassus.
>The death of Germanicus
>Claudius adopting Nero and making him his heir.
>Commodus wrecking the excellent imperial management of the Five Good Emperors.
>Maximinius Thrax's murder and usurpation of Severus Alexander.
>The murder of Aurelian.
>The handling of the gothic migration crisis.
>The division of Charlemagne's empire.
>The Fourth Crusade.
>The Soviet Union.
A giant fucking famine, multiple purges, and causing a massive homeless problem isn't insignificant
>A giant fucking famine
Which happened regularly in China.
>multiple purges
Mao didn't do purges.
>isn't insignificant
Well, duh. Any mistakes and unsuccessful policies he implemented didn't have lasting negative effect. Most of his successful policies had radical and long lasting positive results.
>Jesus Christ, you're a retard
Fixed it for you, sweetie.
>The Gunpowder plot discovered
>Bonnie Prince Charlie’s rebellion not succeeding
>Failed Irish rebellion of 1798
>Crimean War, not letting the Russians BTFO Roaches
>Not expelling the now freed black slaves after the American Civil War
This. Imagine a competent Italian military during WW2, they’d have reached Suez and taken Greece without tying up German forces set for Barbarossa.
>Mao didn't do purges
He instigated cultural revolution, which purged many of his rival.
> Any mistakes and unsuccessful policies he implemented didn't have lasting negative effect
Thanks to Zhou and Deng.
>the February Revolution never happening so that Yudenich could continue on in the Cacausus and hopefully force the Ottomans to destabalize during ww1, knocking out them out of the war.