When did you realize that crypto is a zero sum game?

When did you realize that crypto is a zero sum game?

isn't king dice a reference to some nigger?

it's not. btc is, sure, but not eth which has intrinsic value as fuel for dapps. microsoft and ibm even have a conference coming up in november to show off "the internet of things" which uses eth to do cool things like have your fridge automatically order food for you! and in 2018 we get sharding which makes eth faster than amazon aws for hosting.

the second I started?
What's so bad about it being a zero sum game?
Its extraction of money away from people too stupid to make money.

Capitalism as a whole is a zero sum game.

The circle of life is a zero sum game.
Chemistry and physics is a zero sum game.



when did you realize that it is less than zero sum if you factor in exchange fees (and even transaction fees)? on a long enough timeline, every coin ends up in the hands of an exchange or miner. gg.

>build a house
>produce food
>0 sum game


>perform calculations that makes production of houses and food more efficient
>0 sum game


honestly i learnt alot along the way and im still break even this whole time. im now a lot more patient with my trades

crypto is a currency: a middleman used by everyone.

The amount of goods & services that use the middleman increases the value of the middleman.

It's why the USA has started so many wars to prevent nations from trading oil in any other currency.
But it might all be for naught as Trump is considering devaluing our currency to make exports more attractive internationally.

Right now its funded by speculation, but if it kicks in crypto should have market cap in the trillions.

> Others can't build there anymore.
> Price of next house you want to buy increases. Less land and potentially resources available.
> Trickle down economy is bullshit theory. Read pikkety.

Really? There are people that bought ETH at $9 and btc at $40

For each of their coins they would have to buy a meal with their profits and they will have never lost any money at all. Foolish statement

Stocks and crypto markets are not 0 sum games, as long as money keeps entering the market, no one has to lose money.

Zero sum means in order for me to gain you have to lose.

How do you explain global economic growth you moron?

>read pikkety
>Literally debunked in all of his points
>Advisor of the French government that recommended taxing the rich at 75%

used to be kickstarted off the backs of slave nogs who were subjugated and controlled...and they...lost...in order for...


thats just a win win.
good game sir

in the 1930s a popular pastime with african americans was shooting dice...before the discovered its was more fun to shoot each other

I don't think you understand the "zero sum" concept

Technology raises the floor for all, but the floor is still the floor. With any given floor, any gain made by one person must be taken from someone else. Mudhut McFloorholeshitter can light his mudhut now and get clean water, but he's still the guy working his fingers to the bone mining precious minerals

sounds like a useless concept to grasp

I think that your zero sum concept is absolutely nothing like what everyone else understands.

zero sum is 4+2 = 6+0, assumes a given quantity of wealth.

What you're describing is if anything exploitation, which by itself is a useless concept if not put in context, what is the alternative to this guy? Not mine minerals and die?

Capitalism needs societies having respect for private property, only after private property is respected we can have capitalism, in countries where governments fail to provide security and deny alternative security sources, there's no capitalism.

Pretty sure Zero Sum Game is what establishes value in a market but you know.

Sorry, the analogy works better when you stick to trading, which is what the OP is about

Mudhut McFloorholeshitter may have water and electricity now but that's due to technology, not economics. His sick crypto gains are being taken directly from other people, the tide isn't rising. In that sense, it's a zero sum game.

No it isn't.

If X buys pen from Y for 1$, then he values the pen more than the 1$. Vice versa for Y.

>and in 2018 we get sharding which makes eth faster than amazon aws for hosting.

you have literally no fucking clue what you're talking about.

When this board was littered with Pink Wojaks and I was making stacks of money

>In that sense, it's a zero sum game.

Not technically, because more people keep entering the market bringing in more money. A zero-sum game needs a fixed amount of money.

It's why new markets start in a growth phrase, then enter a zero-sum phase once saturated.

Kek'd. Enjoy chuckling about this (You) tonight when you go to sleep.

Exactly, cryptos can't be zero sum game if the production backing its value grows.

2 people, 10 coins, trade with each other exclusively. Suddenly productive improvement tools are invented, and these 10 coins are able to purchase twice the products.

Cryptos value is as infinite as human production.

b-but you can destroy coins!

> Chemistry and physics is a zero sum game.
Possibly, possibly not. There's no conclusive proof that the universe will end in heat death.