I already believe this by gut instinct, but are there any sources that link the french revolution to jewish influence?
It's already obvious and common knowledge that majority of bolshevik power players were jews, even Putin said this to a group of rabbis and they all nodded in agreement.
Jews french revolution
>putin is an eligible source for history
>this is what your average tinfoils actually believe
>these lies I’m spreading are obvious and common knowledge
>bolsheviks were totally NOT jewish
80-85% of leadership was jewish
Nobody thinks less of white people than stormtards do. According to them, white people have almost no political agency. Everything is the work of Jews.
riveting analysis
the french revolution was shit, whether or not jews had a part to play in it
>citing a corrupt Russian politician as a source
Really makes you think
>I already believe this by gut instinct
stopped reading there
The Jews certainly benefited from the French Revolution. And it's well known that a lot of money was being moved around by Court Jews and such like. Definitely agree with you on the Bolsheviks, though.
defending the ancien regime
t. pleb
wtf i love jews now
The veritable opinion of a free thinker who managed to escape the education system's conditioning, I salute you fellow seeker of truth.
and what was the alternative?
Probably dying from a famine because the king wanted more people he could take food from for his campaigns.
I love arab tv
t. Louis Philippe II, Duke of Orléans
So basically all cultural achievements and progresses in western culture are caused by the jews?
Must be terrible being from Europe, nothing to be proud about other than killing people around the world
Tell me you faggot why the people should have been supporting a monarch who caused fucking famines because he wanted to an offensive war.
100% were white, whitey just wanted to fuck us niggers and chinks over with communism so we can’t sell no wind
Weed not wind
Read a book and take your medication.
Are you implying that the French Revolution was anything but the worst event in the last thousand years?
Unlike you delusional faggots I don't need medication.
The french revolution was good for progress and the rights of the people, fight me.
yeah, the spreading of concept like nation, freedom, civil liberties etc.
truly terrible
The FR was a shitshow, a populist nightmare. I don't think any serious person can dispute that. That said, it was also somewhat understandable. The tragedy is that the explosion did not take a sober, liberal form. Instead there was mob chaos and totalitarianism.
Some change was certainly called for in my opinion, but the FR wasn't the way the change should have happened.
I will say this, though - it is good on some level that the FR helped to bring the masses onto the stage of history. The masses are stupid, but slowly they are becoming less so. In retrospect the coming of the masses to politics may come to be seen as necessary for humanity's growth into its next, higher tier of ability.
>bunch of aristocrats get murdered
>also an assload of normal people
>sets up two decades of war in Europe
>ends with France being contained and a more or less status quo-esque peace deal
>even a restauration of the French monarchy
>ultimately leads to France slowly becoming a second rate power and descending into irrelevancy
Listen user as glorious as being a powerful empire might be normally those empires don't care much about the living conditions of its people .
Most people don't care that your people conquered its neighbours they just want a good life.
Besides its not like without the french revolution that france would be a peaceful country. One of the reasons the revolution happened was due to famines happening because the king needed supplies for his army.
Do you think such a king would be a peaceful and benevolent monarch?
In regards to the Judaic nature of the Bolshevik Revolution watch Herve Ryssen's documentary.
I would recommend downloading it because his docs get removed like crazy.
>Promulgate flat earth, 9/11, and reptilian conspiracy theories.
>Not an issue
>Document the Jewish nature of the communist revolution.
>Get fined thousands of dollars and thrown in prison.
Really made my old almonds deactivate.
Jewish nature of French revolution.
Also any books about the Rothschild's will document who they supported... and surprise surprise it wasn't throne and alter.
>>Promulgate flat earth, 9/11, and reptilian conspiracy theories.
>>Not an issue
Probably because there aren't real reptilians being collectively slandered by those 'documentaries'. Also, I imagine automated takedowns help (enough reports and it goes down on its own, without youtube employees doing a thing).
Taken from "Les Juifs dans la Révolution", published in the French newspaper "Je Suis Partout", by Lucien Rebatet, the 5 April 1938
"The Russian Jews, in their entire populace, can claim the responsibility of the Russian Revolution."
(Angelo Rappoport in "The Pionneers of the Russian Revolution, London, 1918)
In 1897, "Bund", the Jewish Workers party has its first congress. Meanwhile, the Jews controlled almost entirely the high finance.
It the Azov-Don bank, 4/5 administrators, 101 inspectors and agency directors out of 156 were Jews. For the seven main Russian banks, in the administration or high offices, out of 2320 persons, we find 1115 Jews. Jewish professors spread Marxism in the universities.
The Jews are the instigators of most of the revolutionary troubles in 1905 and 1906. In the years before the war, we count, mainly, at the direction of the revolutionary parties :
Mencheviks: 7 Jews
Socialists revolutionaries: 4 Jews
Leftists socialists revolutionaries: 7 Jews
Bolsheviks: 19 Jews, many of them will soon reach celebrity
The Duma, Russian Parliament, whose incapacities have led to dramatic events, had a strong Jewish representation.
The American Jewish capitalism will help to fund Bolshevik revolution. A note dated in 1916, from the official American services, was sent to the 2nd Office of Paris by the High Commissioner of the French Republic in the United States. It announces that a revolution is fomented in Russia, and these people are engaged in this goal:
Banks Kuhn, Loeb & Co, from New York
Bank directors: Jacob Schiff, Felix Warburg, Otto Kahn, Mortimer Schiff, Seromo H. Hanauer, all Jews.
Other personalities: senator Guggenheim, Jew; Max Breitang, Jew.
Trotsky also received funds from Stockholm by his intermediary, the Jew Max Warburg, director of the bank Max Warburg & Co, from Hamburg, one of the main shareholders of the Hamburg Amerika Line, and brother of Felix Warburg, associated with Jacob Schiff. The Swedish Jew Olef Aschberg participates at this funding as well.
At the beginning of August 1917, at the presidency of the Bolshevik's party congress, we find six Jews for ten members in total.
The Revolution succeeds, the Winter Palace falls. The Soviet Republic is proclaimed by the Bolshevik winners. Those are the Jews Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Uritzky, Steckloff, Martoff, Souochanoff, Sagerski, Bogdanoff, Larin, Kamkoff, Ganetsky, Dan, Pavrus-Helphand, Abramovitch, Axelrod, Garin, Bobroff, Riasanoff, Pianitsky, Maklakowky, Ioffé, etc. All these pseudonyms more or less "russified" hide Jewish-Germanic names: Bronstein, Abfelbaum, Kromchmal, Silberstein, Katz, Goldberg, Goldenbach, Rein, Natansohn, etc.
According to German documents, Lenin, with a strong Tartar type, would have Jewish blood by its maternal grandfather, Alexander Blank, baptized, but wearing a name specifically Israelite.
Among other Jews whose influence will rapidly grow, we can quote at least Radek (Sobelsohn), Sokolnikow, Wolodarski (Goldstein), Ia Semjatschka (Salkind), Jaroslawki (Gubelmann).
As Lenin said: "The Jewish intellectuals have constituted the unique reserve capable of taking the wheels of the State. If they didn't emerge in this time, never the Bolshevik leaders would have been taking power."
From 1918 to 1922, each Politburo's reunions counted 40 to 42% of Jews.
Other numbers, Jewish proportions in People's Commissar (reds) and main functionaries in 1920:
Council of the People's Commissars: 77%
War Commissionership: 79%
Interior Commissionership: 70%
Foreign affairs Commissionership: 76%
Finance Commissionership: 89%
Justice Commissionership: 94%
Hygiene Commissionership: 80%
Public Health Commissionership: 83%
Social Assurance Commissionership: 100%
Working Commissionership: 87%
Bolshevik Red Cross: 100%
Provincial Commissars: 91%
Journalism: 98%
Economy: 80%
Main worker's soviets and soldiers Commissionership: 80%
High Commissionership of Mosco: 86%
(from sources: Izvestia, Golos Trouda, Gazette Rouge)
The proportion of Jewish students, which was around 4% in the tsarist regime, went to 50% in almost all universities.
Among the intellegentsia, the Jews were almost alone. The poets of the Revolution, with a frenetic and strong messianism, were Alexander Blok, Ossip Mandelstamm. Isaac Babel, romancer, rapidly took an important place in the Bolshevik's literature.
Other influent Jews in culture, marxist criticism, literary production, industrial corporalism, movies, theater: Kogan, Lvov-Rogatchevski, Averbakh, Eisenstein, Tairoff, Meyerhold…
In the Communist Party we only find 1 to 4% of Ukrainians or White Russians, while the Jewish minority represents 8% of the members.
The Troika's triumvirate which will exerce the deadly dictatorship of Lenin includes, along with Stalin, Zinoviv and Kamenev, one Georgian and two Jews.
Despite Trotsky's death or faked revolution, the Jews are still influent under Stalin. The Director Committee of the Five Year Plan is composed of 16 Jews out of 24 members.
Directors of some high functions nominated in 1931, 1932 and 1933:
Head of the Secret Police: Iagoda
People's Light Industry Commissionership: Funschmann then Deutsch
People's Exportation Commissionership: Wolff
People's Agriculture Commissionership: Krinitzki
People's Heavy Industry Commissionership: Kaganovitch
Members of the People's Commissionerships from diverse branches: Borodin, Bragin, Beik, Lowensohn, Grunstein, Hermanns, Kagan, Kohn, etc. All of them are Jews.
Foreign affairs are entirely in the hands of the Jews, with Litvinoff, Sokolnikoff, Rosenholz, etc.
Soviet Ambassadors for London, Vienna, Tokyo, Stockholm, etc. are the Jews Maiski, Petrowski, Jureneff, Kanski, Stein, the half-jew Kollontai.
The executives of the GPU (Secret Police) are 62% Jewish.
It would take pages and pages to name all of these Jews, who made the Russian communist revolution. They created it, they achieved it.
(Probably many mistakes, I translated it myself. Be forgetful.)