Is the United States the spiritual successor to the Roman Empire...

Is the United States the spiritual successor to the Roman Empire? They are both multicultural and the dominant superpowers of their respective time periods.


In many ways yes. As I understand it (as a non-american) the founding fathers drew heavily on the Roman Republic in the framing documents. And just like the Republic it is gradually giving way to an empire due largely to the executive branch exploiting homeland security fears and the corruption of the legislative branch.

>tfw the unelected non-democratic judiciary is our only decent branch
elections were a mistake

Yes and no. The main problem with the imperial system is succession. History has shown that it is highly unlikely the best man to succeed an emperor is his nearest living relative. But the imperial family is by nature too powerful for anyone else to dictate who succeeds him.

>The united states, not the European Union

No, Turkey is.

Washingtom often compares himself with Cincinnatus

>muh republic
>muh cheap af and tiny columns
>muh immigrants
>muh electoral college
>muh states

Seriously wtf is the deal with states? You aren't any different from each other at all and all the borders are arbitrary and straight which implies that amerimutts don't even know what a fucking river is. Do you not fucking realise how disgustingly cringe-worthy it is to have your founding fathers be fucking LARPing as Romans? I can not look at a map of the United States without wanting to curl up in a fucking ball because you fucking faggots take that shit seriously, and pretend like you have a distinct culture for every fucking town and county, whilst you fat fucks twirl around scarfs at your shitty version of rugby.


People will look back on your worthless nation with disgust and contempt for all the problems it has caused and look fondly on the empires of Europe.

Yeah, it's definitely America and NOT anywhere in Europe. Europe doesn't have any army. Without daddy USA the entire eu would get blitzed by the Russians in weeks.

>all the borders are arbitrary
But that's wrong. The western states sure, but that's only because we stopped caring.

God I hope not.

But user the important parts of Russia are in Europe

> and the dominant superpowers of their respective time periods.
That was China.

Rome was monocultural


nobody is the spiritual successor to the roman empire

The US is a bunch of romaboos just like ancient rome were a bunch of greek weebs

Absolutely not

America is everything Rome wished it could be. The son has far surpassed the father.

>In many ways yes. As I understand it (as a non-american) the founding fathers drew heavily on the Roman Republic in the framing documents
Lol, no.
They just like roleplaying

Most of US law is inspired by British

>the poor are fat and look the same as the rich
>plebeians are worshipped as heroes by all but citizen plebs
Does not compute

>arbitrary borders

you mad at our mastery of geometry bruh?

>muh race

grow the fuck up. as if that was an obstacle in becoming THE power of the 20th century, THE superpower of the Age of Information and the Internet

Sure thing Ahmed