Why did Germans hate Poles so much? They were good neigbours for centuries.
Why did Germans hate Poles so much? They were good neigbours for centuries
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Good land was being wasted on Slavshit subhumans.
That alone isn't too bad, but the Germans that were living in Poland were also getting murdered everyday by Polish apes everyday, so Hitler had to intervene.
>good land was being wasted
Not an argument.
>Germans were killed
Post sources.
There's no permanent friend or enemy, only interest
here you go nigger
First, Daily Mail is trash, the most yellow of yellow press.
Second, August 6th was Sunday, and DM wasn't published on Sunday.
Third, no one has ever produced the article that states this.
>linking fucking Stormfront
Oh, and I forgot, DM was literally pro-fascist in 30's.
Might as well link some Goebbels statement while you're at it.
Unironically Prussian autism about territory.
Before that Poles and Germans didn't view each other as enemies. They even had a Saxon elector as their king.
Once Prussia united Germany Prussia's problems became Germany's problems and all Germans got dragged into that nonsense.
>unironically linking to stormfront
Tell me user, what is it like being this much of a massive faggot? Future historians will want to know.
>claim Poles aren't white
>try to populate their land with literal Germano-Gypsy-Mongoloid-Turko mutts from all over Europe.
What did Himmler mean by this?
you have to be trolling
>could pass as a legit japanese
what did he mean by this?
>They were good neigbours for centuries.
Top kek!
>August 6th
You fucking retard...
nazi propaganda to justify imperialism, not much more
>Unironically Prussian autism about territory.
Poland creating (Ducal) Prussia in 1525 as its Polish vassal was a great mistake.
>The Prussian Homage (by Jan Matejko, 1882, National Museum, Kraków): Albert receives eastern Prussia as a fief from King Sigismund I of Poland in 1525.
nah bro should have linked some David Irving instead
Yeah, linked to his BS.
>Bloody Sunday (German: Bromberger Blutsonntag; Polish: Krwawa niedziela) was a sequence of events that took place in Bydgoszcz (German: Bromberg), a Polish city with a sizable German minority, between 3 and 4 September 1939, immediately after the German invasion of Poland.
>The sequence started with an attack of German Selbstschutz snipers on retreating Polish troops and then was followed by a Polish reaction and then the final retaliatory execution of Polish hostages by the Wehrmacht and Selbstschutz, after the fall of the city. All these events resulted in the deaths of both German and Polish civilians. The Polish Institute of National Remembrance found and confirmed 254 Lutheran victims, assumed to be German victims, and 86 Catholic victims, assumed to be Polish civilians, as well as 20 Polish soldiers. Approximately 600–800 Polish hostages were shot in a mass execution in the aftermath of the fall of the city.
>After the Germans took over the city, they killed 1200–3000 Polish civilians, as part of Operation Tannenberg. The event and place of execution became known as the Valley of Death. The murdered included the president of Bydgoszcz, Leon Barciszewski. Fifty Polish prisoners of war from Bydgoszcz were later falsely accused by Nazi Sondergericht Bromberg summary courts for taking part in "Bloody Sunday" and shot.
I'm not even clicking that link but I recognize the August 6th date. It's from that fake quote from a Polish marshall (chosen by neonazis to represent Polish politicians because he's got a uniform) that was so wonderfully debunked on /pol/ more than once.
So many fake quotes and no real sources. Why would anyone believe a word they say?
how the fuck could they believe in the ubermensch 'n shiet thing is beyond my comprehension.
Hitler could at least pass as a normal guy untill you see the madness in his eyes.
But Goering and Himmler ffs. One is a fat effeminate degenerate and the other is a neurotic rat. How. Just how
Jealousy & autism
slavs arent white, user