what are the Good and Bad sides of martin luther?
Martin luther
Veeky Forums, why did this guy hated Jews?
>Good side- called out rampant greed in the Catholic Church. Called out Jewish greed as well.
>Bad side- aligned with the Princes alienating some people, got fat
Fuck off JIDF
Whoa, I was just curious.
His scatological obsession was really weird.
Good: Fought against widespread corruption in the Catholic Church
Bad: Seems to have suffered from severe OCD
>fought corruption of CC
>everything else
Good: paved the way for based Gustavus Adolphus
Bad: failed to defeat the Jews
he had a fucked haircut
>fucked with the Catholics
>birthed Protestantism
Pro: He had a few point
Cons: Butchering fellow christians wasn't so great
No, that's just typical German behavior
Protestant work ethics
southern Europeans are lazy as shit
Lol, source?
>pope as a smug pepe
>even though martin luther wrecked a 15 century old church with an essay
Good sides: Honestly wanted to save the immortal souls of other people, even though it meant suffering in this temporal world.
Bad sides: Honestly wanted to save the immortal souls of other people, even though it meant suffering in this temporal world.
His arguments against Jews was not an argument against their hooked noses and ethnic appearance, but rather their old testament religion, which he felt had led a lot protestants into old testaments sects like Münster Anabaptists. To save the souls of both Jews and old testament Christians, he wrote many texts trying to make them convert to the correct form of Christianity.
His writing's against the peasant rebellion can be explained in the same way. Rebellion made the peasants lose their right to eternal heaven by trying to gain a temporal heaven on earth. He wished "true" salvation for the peasants in heaven, not in some "fake" salvation on earth.
He was right about the catholic church but he was kind of an asshole
Yeah I never really got that either but imageboard-Catholics seem to have a fixation with this kinda stuff
Yes indeed who could forget the worldwide influence of Protestantism with followers numbering in the billions, whose organic charities are not only highly rated, but have contributed more to the greater good of humanity than any other.
Oh wait
>protestant countries richer and more powerful than catholic countries
>protestant countries made English the lingua franca of international business
>protestant charities global
nice one
Luther paved the way for the destruction of Europe and Christianity
He was controlled opposition from the very start
t. underage paradox kiddie
Gustavus Adolphus was scum, overrated, and only brought death and suffering to Europe.
>failed to defeat the jews
He was doing exactly what they wanted him to do, he was their puppet. Protestantism opened the doors for jewry to corrupt and seize other countries - most famously in Britain with the Rothschilds and their ilk.
t. underage paradox kiddie
Charlemagne was scum, overrated, and only brought death and suffering to Europe.
>failed to defeat the jews
He was doing exactly what they wanted him to do, he was their puppet. Catholicism opened the doors for jewry to corrupt and seize other countries - most famously in Britain with the Rothschilds and their ilk.