How in the fuck did they make this with their level of tech?
How in the fuck did they make this with their level of tech?
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same like the pyramids, stone by stone over decades.
bump, i was there a few years ago and it was amazing to go inside... every year i attend the lottery to be there at the winter solistice, but until now i havent won... so please, if someone has additional information, please share
Your soyboy brain cant comprehend how construction works. Have 10 people who dont fuck about and you can have a 3 bedroom house built every week for a year.
>stack stones
WOW, How in the fuck did they make this with their level of tech?
They didn't. Everything on the outside is fake. The real thing is just a big mound with a passage inside and some decorated stones placed around it.
>these brainlets
Look at what happens during the Winter Solstice. How in the fuck were they able to perfectly line it all for the sun during the Solstace
They harnessed the power of the local leprachauns
>look at the sun's position in the sky
WOW, How in the fuck did they make this with their level of tech?
With a simple rope and some stakes to take the bearing? Or you dumb or something?
>It was aliens, aliens I tell you
They were farmers. They figured out how to tell when to plant crops.
>you dumb or something?
Do you really even need to ask?
>>look at the sun's position in the sky
>one position that occurs only once in the year
pic related is you
>look at the sun during one of the holiest and most important days of the year, the Winter solstice
WOW, How in the fuck did they make this with their level of tech?
Holy shit, yelly guy actually made a good post for once
>thinking primitive Irish could remember the position of the sun of one day of the year to build everything for it
You just mark the ground when it happens, boom
Are you implying that you, a modern basement dwelling NEET who never even sees the sun, are more capable of remembering solar cycles than primitive farmers with literally nothing better to do, and whose lives depend on it?
>replying seriously to extremely obvious bait
>You just mark the ground when it happens, boom
>implying that primitive irish could even know to do this
>Are you implying that you, a modern basement dwelling NEET who never even sees the sun, are more capable of remembering solar cycles than primitive farmers with literally nothing better to do, and whose lives depend on it?
Irish are brainlets of the highest order so yes
whats most interesting about this is the Sun box. and i wonder myself why it is still perfectly alligned? i mean it was build maybe 5000 years ago, and on the morning of the winter solistice the sun has to be on an other place than 5000 years ago. obviously not so much different, but it should be enough that the allignment is not fully perfect right? or am i mistaken something?
>mfw my town/area gets mentioned on Veeky Forums
i made it fellas
>wait for solstice
>place two sticks aligned with the rising sun
>build at leisure using this reference
I live in bumfuck bogan town New Zealand and even ive gotten a mention. You're not special.
How the fuck did they do this with only obsidian?
What is impressive is the high level of mobilisation, which shows a strong social structure, something comparable to a state.
shut up
Or this?
Or this?
Every time you idiots get proven wrong you bring out a different thing to argue about, go fuck yourselves
>primitive irish didnt know how to put sticks in the ground
Alot of time user that probably took at least 150 years to build.
well if you can’t beat them, ignore that shit
How did they build 7000 of these?
700 generations?
No, they only built them for a few centuries
>look at the sun during one of the holiest and most important days of the year, the Winter solstice
read that back to yourself mongoloid