Why do people think the modern, powerless, constitutional monarchies NEED to be hereditary?
They don't.
Why do people think the modern, powerless, constitutional monarchies NEED to be hereditary?
They don't.
yeah many civilized countries just elect their ceremonial monarchs now
Which ones? Presidents doesn't count.
Okay, what method of transfer of power do you propose that isn't going to lead to a civil war every time?
You need to be real bad to fuck up a ceremonial role, but that, too, can and will happen given enough time. I suppose that means that even ceremonial monarchies will fall one day
The japs have a pretty stable monarchy
The Japanese monarch is more like the pope than a king, and the monarchy hasn't done anything relevant except help overthrow the shogun in the meiji era.
Why would there be a civil war if the person in office is powerless?
They’re powerless so why would we need to change them?
It feels much better to have an artist, an athlete, a scholar elected to be the national celebrity for life, than some random guy who happened to be born to the right family
Imagine you love your king so much you mourn for a fucking year, like people seriously wore black for an entire year, and then that fuckface becomes the new king.
It seriously doesn't. You fucking faggots would elect Jay Z to be king.
Nothing wrong with this.
>Shawn Corey Carter
His name is alright for a monarch
Posting that pic on the left in Thailand is illegal
What's the fucking point of them then?
The same as hereditary monarchs??
I'm no sure how them being hereditary makes for a purpose in itself.
Malaysia doesnt elect its monarchy
Its usually a council of Sultan to decide which of the nine states with Sultans gets to become king
Election by electoral college is still an election.
They don't they're just powerless so no one cares enough to change it
I've seen people say that they need them to be hereditary for some reason.
in addition to what said, the emperor doesn't really have to DO anything that isn't Shinto related.
Not even the basic ceremonials?
>Election by electoral college of unelected representatives
Does it really matter if it isn't hereditary? The common people still have zero input.