*sips beer*
*sips beer*
I just want to know who made this. What was their state of mind? Is this ironic? No? All answers lost to time...
Extant does not imply necessity. Furthermore, opposition to the Nazi state was hardly constant over all that time; hell, the Soviets were working with the Nazis for a considerable time, they carved up central and Eastern Europe together.
>Waaaah I'm such a victim why do people gang up on me when I attack them :((
Redpill me on Americans. Why do they post these stupid threads?
>The Allies were only fighting the Germans
>The Allies were doing anything but kissing Nazi ass until WW2 actually started
It took 12.5 years and one madman to completely annihilate the one of the most powerful nation on Earth at peace and favourable diplomatic and economic situation.
Really makes you think.
Why were they so mean to the germans? They only wanted to annex every neutral and non-neutral country that they could border.
Underwhelming education for 90% of the population because they're too poor to get into a school that teaches anything worthwile combined with a culture of never being critcal to anything leaves them unable to articulate pretty much anything history related with any degree of accuracy.
We should have done it again
Fuck off Wehraboo.
Youre lucky Harris didn't strategically bomb more than Dresden.
>12.5 years
>1938 Britain is still trying fellate Hitler who just annexed Austria, USSR and US don't even give a fuck
>1939 Germany takes Czechoslovakia, allies with Italy, invades Poland, Britain who allied with Poland months prior declares war on Germany, USA and USSR still don't give a fuck, USSR later invades Poland too and Finland... for reasons, for which they get kicked out of LoN same year
>1940 Germany invades France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Denmark and Norway Hungary and Romania, ally with Japan and later Hungary and Romania become their thralls as well, USSR and Finland sign peace, USSR takes over Baltic states, Italy declares war on Britain and France and Invades Egypt and Greece, gets their shit kicked in
>1941 heavy fighting in north Africa and Middle east, Yugoslavia successfully resists Nazi menace, Germany goes fullretard and attacks USSR, Japan attacks USA, USA and Britain declare war on Japan, Hitler declares war on USA
at which point we can just leisurely fast forward 4 years to fall of Berlin
what the fuck is that picture trying to say?
>posts 1/10 bait
>euros fall for it
every time
>no arguments
>just butthurt
It makes me extremely sad that this is true
>wow it took 3 of you to kill me!
>they call this victory
Well, they won didn't they?
There was no argument presented to begin with
>they call winning "victory"
Well, yeah.
>12.5 years
The war lasted not even six years you dumb hun-loving nigger
>British, Soviet, and American
Only Britain was at war with Germany for all six years. The Soviets were Germany's ally for the first two and the America was neutral. Both only declared war on Germany after they had been attacked by Germany or in the case of the United States, an ally of Germany.
Not until you killed all our rivals with your retarded war of aggression.
>smaller than Texas
And Germany has four times the population of Texas and multitudes more arable land and heavy industry. What's your point?
>they call this victory
Because we won faggot. Your reign of terror is over. And not short enough it was.
Hun loving OP btfo
And unlike these Krauts who LARP as Europe's Texas, the actual Texas was on our side, which matters more than anything.
Perfect post.
>declares war on everyone
>loses the war
>"haha, look how many people it took to take us down"
>smaller than Texas
>he thinks physical geographic size and population determine industrial output
>not realizing it really only took Russia, a nation of underequipped savages with almost no industry, to beat them
Wehrcuck tears are the tastiest
Yet us Germans killed like what, 50 million allied subhumans while our master race only lost 10 million?
Allies only won by throwing human bodies at us, especially the soviets. We killed millions of them and they only defeated us when we literally ran out of ammo.
We were the strongest military of WW2 and in a 1on1 scenario, we would've easily crushed any foe with our teutonic fury.
>We targetted civilians, therefore we are superhuman
t. Burger-LARPer
>Allies only won by throwing human bodies at us
USA had the highest k/d ratio of the war, Japs had the 2nd highest, Britain the 3rd highest, with Germany coming in 4th place.
>in a 1on1 scenario, we would've easily crushed any foe with our teutonic fury
Except it wasn't a 1 on 1 scenario, because believe it or not you have to use this thing called diplomacy to get what you want sometimes.
Or Hamberg
I'm sad that Germany surrendered before we could nuke berlin.
>A smaller nation with less population producing more industrial output is not an achievement
>Russia wasn't being equipped by the US, and they beat Germany alone
Your stupidity only makes wehraboos look smarter
>A smaller nation with less population producing more industrial output
But they didn't produce more industrial output, Great Britain, the USSR, and the USA all had them beat in industrial output.
>Yet us Germans killed like what, 50 million allied subhumans while our master race only lost 10 million?
Because you filthy huniggers had a policy of literally murdering as many innocent people as you could for sport. Meanwhile the Western Allied Powers CHOSE not to retaliate in kind even though we could have slaughtered every last German man, woman, and child and no one would have lifted a finger to stop us. Even the Soviet Union, who have a pretty low bar themselves were relatively kind victors and treated you with relative leniency even though no one would have faulted them if they had reopened Auschwitz and started stuffing every German they could find in the ovens. Because we're actually civilized, unlike you.
Also casualties ratios for the Eastern Front are a fucking meme. The Russians were killing more of you by the end of the war than you were them.
>deep battle
This is Germanophobic trash, but it's true that the Soviets treated Europe better than the (((USA))) did by far. East Germany was a shining beacon of hope in the commie bloc.
Germans are the niggers of Europe
Same desu
Germans are the niggers of europe
>Putting EU and modern Germany with Nazi Germany
You were so close. I'm not mad, just dissapointed.
He's not wrong
Germany running a shitty "union" of European countries is exactly what Hitler wanted. All it lacks is the racial aspect.
See The EU is just another Kraut conspiracy to put Europe under its boot. But instead of a shiny jackboot, it's a transgender BDSM fetish chick's boot.