Which war crimes did he commit, again?
Which war crimes did he commit, again?
>For his 25 years of speaking, writing and preaching hatred of the Jews, Streicher was widely known as 'Jew-Baiter Number One.' In his speeches and articles, week after week, month after month, he infected the German mind with the virus of anti-Semitism, and incited the German people to active persecution. ... Streicher's incitement to murder and extermination at the time when Jews in the East were being killed under the most horrible conditions clearly constitutes persecution on political and racial grounds in connection with war crimes, as defined by the Charter, and constitutes a crime against humanity.[3]
>'Jew-Baiter Number One.'
>tells lies about jews
>death penalty
>run a submarine campaign against the allies, in an attempt to starve the British populace, killing thousands of civilians
>10 years in prison
>enslave the entire populations of multiple nations in the most horrific conditions imaginable, resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths
>20 years in prison
>write a book comparing Jews to poisonous mushrooms
They literally hanged the fucker because he acted obnoxiously in court, while Speer escaped execution despite being DIRECTLY responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths due to his utter amorality.
There is no justice in the world.
Really makes ya think.
You can see how the writer was struggling to justify this. I'm not gonna cry for hanged nazis but this one is by far the most questionable. By the same logic they should've killed Schaht because even though he was mostly outside of the politics of the III Reich he still financed Hitler in the early stages.
Think about Sauckel. He knew that Speer was guilty and was blaming everything on him and while he got death sentence he got to see that traitor go away with his life. He took his grievances to the grave.
>implying there's anything wrong with unrestricted submarine warfare
I'm gonna break rank here and say Germany unironically did nothing wrong in that regard because the United States basically used the same strategy against Japan and did a way better job at it too.
I mean it's worse than saying "if you have sex with a Jew it'll make you sad" in a newspaper
Speer escaped execution because he literally tried to gas Hitler to end the war (or at least claimed to).
>Streicher's last words were to tell the American MP placing the noose around his neck "one day the Bolsheviks will hang you too"
>Heil Hitler! (when asked to state his name) You know my name well. Julius Streicher! The Bolsheviks will hang you one day! (to the hangman) Purim fest, 1946! I am now by God my father! Adele, my dear wife.
so based
my grandfather and great-grandfather were in the Newfoundland Merchant Navy on merchant vessels crossing the North Atlantic, and even I'd have to agree with the fact that they were sensible targets
they were a prime target for u-boats because it had a far larger impact on the war effort than just bombing british cities, and it wasn't like they were fuggin cruise liners
a large portion of them were carrying war supplies along with civilian materials like foodstuffs and coal, there was little to do in distinguishing a difference
Of all the Nazi leaders who's IQs were tested, his was the lowest. That was his war crime.
>oh yeah and I love my wife
What a contrarian faggot. At least the rest wished for things like World Peaceā¢ on the scaffold.
>and it wasn't like they were fuggin cruise liners
Most cruise liners were converted into troopships for the duration of the war so blowing them out of the water would've been 100% justified too.
How can you claim that unrestricted submarine warfare is wrong while conducting bombing raids on factories?
i mean civilian cruise liners in function, not in aesthetic
from what i know, most of the merchant fleet for Newfoundland was re-purposed freight vessels
Tiny brain
>Nuremberg was unfair and Nazis were innocent
Slightly bigger brain
>Nuremberg was fair and Nazis were horrible criminals that got what they deserved
Larger brain
>Nuremberg was unfair and they failed to punish the each Nazis according to the crimes they did commit
>complains about the judges being Jews
>last words are "The Bolsheviks will hang you!"
>literally sentenced to death for too much shit talking
How could one man be so based?
They should've been tried by a neutral country.
>best timeline version
All Soviets get arrested and join them on the bench.