Petition for a board dedicated to discussing history, empire and war...

>Petition for a board dedicated to discussing history, empire and war, free from constant unironic white nationalism and Nazi banner-waving
>Just another Nazi board within a year

Congratulations on becoming the History Channel, Veeky Forums.

Veeky Forums is a Nazi site, cuck soyboy. If you don't like it move to reddit where you belong.


When do we discuss ice road truckers?

>Petition for a board dedicated to discussing history, empire and war, free from constant unironic white nationalism and Nazi banner-waving
Everyone literally saw this from a mile away.

In /int/ and in Veeky Forums people have already said it would just turn into /pol/ 2.0 or at least endless discussions of boring-ass WWII topics.

>You're either a Nazi or an undesirable

Fuck you and your "irony".

Good soygoy, show those evil cis white nazis.


Guess what's the most popular board on the site is that makes the vast majority of memes and OC and dictates site culture? Hint: it's not /b/ or reddit.

>it's not /b/

I don't know if you hang around here much but Nazis get BTFO pretty much every day

/b/ has not been relevant since 2010.

>Guess what's the most popular board on the site is that makes the vast majority of memes and OC and dictates site culture?

Man, I sure miss those times when the word "meme" wasn't used on every stupid attempt at comedy, where they just happened, and when this board was pretty much being ironic 24/7

Now its all serious fuckers with a political crusade. Proof that /pol/'s magnetism towards newfriends (including facebook pages attached to the site's name, jesus) is the true cancer.

As long as /pol/'s traffic remains the highest on the site, /pol/ is the majority. And in any functioning culture that exists, the majority rules.

Veeky Forums is just as dedicated to white nationalism as trs. It is the new focus of the site's userbase. Now adopt our ways or get the fuck out.

Don't make me post the Multiculti /pol/ meetup. Amongs you "white nationalists" is a stinking Filipino and a woman.

ah yes, you must be fine with refugees replacing the native european population then, because the majority rules

>Board dedicated to discussing history, empire and war
This board deserves everything it gets, war is not history, empires aren't history, politics aren't history, it's just entertainment for brainlets too stupid to read about microhistory and anthropology.

>Don't make me post the Multiculti /pol/ meetup.
Not him, but show me.

I miss moot, he wouldn’t have put up with all this stormfaggotry


You do realize how badly /pol/ Harbor backfired, right?

/new/fags should’ve been mass banned. /pol/ was the worst mistake in the history of this site.

>now it's all serious fuckers with a political crusade
For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction.

We wuz oppressed n shiet

>waaaaaaaah some teenagers are fucking retards that means we should be retards on a board where there are literally no SJWs waaaaaaaaah
if you wanna get back at them like a child maybe you should shitpost on tumblr

Learn how to take differences in opinion, you dip. You're as bad as SJWs.

No but I remember both time he deleted /n/ going over quite well.

>Reddit is angry Germanic posters are taking over

>le ebil Hitler isn’t history

Fuck off reddit

None of them are German, they're all LARPing Burgermutts

yes, but they come back with their mental issues again and again

How? I seem to remember a fuckton of pissed off /pol/tards abandoning Veeky Forums for 8ch.

And when you spammed /q/ for years asking for your damn history board, I fucking told you, multiple times, that this would happen.
Hell, moot himself never created Veeky Forums because he foresaw it would be just "/pol/ with dates", in his own words.
Fuck you idiot, you reap what you sow, I hope you learned your lesson bitch

I remember the days when moot would come to /k/ troubleshooting problems with his glock.

I miss old Veeky Forums, I never thought I’d say it but I’d rather the crowds of autistic /b/yards then all this /pol/ shit we have now.

Reminder that Veeky Forums is an objectively moderate board and all the Nazi shitposting are trolls or faggots from /pol/ and r/T_D

>liberal communists
This goes beyond merely painting people with a broad brush, you’ve actually managed to mix contradictory ideologies together and probably unironically think they’re the same.

Why do you anti white leftists want an leftypol safespace

/pol/acks making facebook pages are by far the worst thing that ever happened in Veeky Forums.

Exactly. With a legitimate reason for uninformed people to use ayych instead of Veeky Forums, it allowed that site to gain a consistent userbase of non-Stormfags.

>Muh Reddit other

Also, literally everybody who lives in English-speaking countries who isn't a minority is Germanic.

Nazism is for soyboys

Can I get a Amen?

and everyone will gladly keep debunking their shit and laugh at them as they sperg out and start dropping all pretenses of civility


It's basically maintenance at this point.

I'm a regular watcher of Hbomberguy, and I'm still giving this a (You). Because fuck (You).

Who cares? Anti-/pol/ is becoming just as obnoxious as /pol/



literally this

its still a better neighborhood than /int/ tbqf

well, what is it

>You're as bad as SJWs.
>*makes another thread about /pol/, BUT I'M JUST REACTING TO /POL/'S AUTISM, I'M NOTHING LIKE /POL/*

I'm complaining about the overabundance of threads about Nazis and WW2. When I became a regular here, I was hoping it would be Romanaboos, Napoleon and the Dark Ages. WW2 has been talked about to fucking death, and it's not going to get any more interesting just by bringing it up over and over again.


>Feb 13-15 1945 aren't some of his favorite dates
you some sort of wheraboo son?

Pretty much, yes.

>baiting any nationalists
>nationalists take the bait
>GG nationalists


>I'm going to complain about board quality and nazis by creating a bait meta thread baiting nazis

Reminder that Alex Jones's supplements have soy in it.

Congratulations for giving away that you've watched Hbomberguy.
You know that the punishment for not wearing your star is immediate deportation.

>/pol/ is actually full of soygoys.

Yes, moot was a soyboy cuck. What else is new?



pretty good analogy actually

Veeky Forums is just over two years old and held up pretty well, honestly most of the time it's impossible to have any kind of thread about world war ii because the anti /pol/ brigade is so paranoid they shit post it death

Veeky Forums is an okay board, I honestly don't what you babbies are complaining about ITT your posts read as if they don't post here at all desu

>t. communist

Keep stealing memes, someday you might learn how to make them.

i think a better analogy is Prussia in the 7 year war

Veeky Forums is retarded because it's full of reddit newfags who keep projecting about /pol/ and Stormfront in every thread. Would be a lot better if they remove the humanities of it and let us just discuss only the history aspect of it all. That way every thread will be on topic and won't devolve into "WAAAH NADZEE STOP RUINING MY ECHO CHAMBER"!

what stormfaggotry? where? /pol/ has been edgier /r/politics since the election

the problem is redditors pouring into every board and polarizing the site along political lines and wrongly assuming every board on Veeky Forums is supposed to be diametrically opposed to /pol/ when it is not and never was

I fucking hate you reddit faggots so much for confusing everything so goddamn much when I call you a nigger or a faggot I'm not being /pol/ it's simply Veeky Forums speak

ugh you fucking people are the worst

>implying you're not lefty/pol/ using Veeky Forums as a platform to present yourself and your views as centrism
How many evil Stalin threads do we have up currently?

Except that discourse is better here compared to /pol/
There’s a boogeyman but its much less pravalent than Joos

The only discourse here is someone saying something about another person going back somewhere else (like Stormfront) when he has nothing else to say. On /pol/ there is a lot of talk about the kikes but you'll at least there is some form of discussion there even if a person may not agree with you. Here it's just the usual "Stormfag, stormweenie, waah, da holocaust, 6 billion jews died" and literally nothing else.

I think we can all agree (even liberals) that this board will be better off without the humanities. I do want to discuss history and all but as of right now going through threads is pure cancer because 80% of the post is just insults thrown around and basic unfunny memes.

>I'm from pol and i'm mad that people correctly identify me

>I fucking hate you reddit faggots so much for confusing everything so goddamn much when I call you a nigger or a faggot I'm not being /pol/ it's simply Veeky Forums speak

It's basic Veeky Forums language but these newfags haven't been around long and haven't been adjusted to it, that's why they sperg around every time that NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNigger world is used. I've been here since 2008 and NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNigger was always prevalent. Honestly as much as the election of Donald Trump was Veeky Forums's greatest victory, it was also the thing that ruined the site because it basically invited newfags from every spectrum of politics here.

Good thing that little cuck moot is not around anymore. At least that's some consolation

So you're combating it by making more threads about it? Good fucking job, Einstein.

>I fucking hate you reddit faggots so much for confusing everything so goddamn much when I call you a nigger or a faggot I'm not being /pol/ it's simply Veeky Forums speak
You know full damn well that no one is calling you /pol/ for using nigger or faggot. You know that it's because the context in which your using those terms.
You're probably one of those dumbasses who whines about brown characters in their media.

>There’s a boogeyman but its much less pravalent than Joos
>thank G*d we can divert attention here