
Because arrows young user.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Their island is legally a part of, and administered by, the Indian Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. In practice, however, the Sentinelese exercise complete sovereignty over their affairs and the involvement of the Indian authorities is restricted to occasional monitoring, ever more infrequent and brief visits, and generally discouraging any access or approaches to the island.

Gee, that was hard.

Because muh uncontacted tribe

t. someone who knows nothing about criminal investigations except on TV and film.

What are you going to do, send Sherlock Holmes in and get him to point to indentations in the sand and magically deduce who the murderer is?

You have no idea which specific suspects are responsible, you have no forensic evidence and the only possible witnesses or informants will not co-operate and speak a language no-one outside the island in the entire world can speak. The authorities have zero chance of apprehending the suspects before you even got to the issue of gathering enough evidence that would hold in court to secure a conviction.

leave them alone they are not corrupted yet

So much this.

If there was oil under this island they would not remain uncontacted for long.

Annex the island(s) to protect ethnic [insert ethnicity of choice here]

That has nothing to do with what OP said i.e finding the murderers and bringing them to trial.

>ample food and fresh water
>no taxes, medicine man is free
>women do all the hard work
>Sentinel male hunts and fishes all day with his buddies and fucks all night
>outsiders come and want to change that

hindus fear the sentinel warrior

Of course, afterwards you can just enact whatever you deem as justice

>murder pilots

Even India has a justice system, user, stop being deliberately retarded.

You mean KILL pilots. They're uncorrupted by legal systems and therefore incapable of murder.

user, I know this is Veeky Forums and therefore people are slow to pick such things up, but I was obviously just joking

>you know, investigating this double homicide would be too hard so lets not even try

I want to kill you so damn much

>ignorance of the law as an excuse

I take it that's a different but related tribe from nearby island. How weird that they seem so peaceful in contrast.

They broke the NAP by trespassing.

There is literally nothing wrong with defending your island

indian authorities generaly have a bigger problem preventing other indians from exterminating those silly fucks, since indian populations usualy deal with such issues trough selforganised pogroms, the only thing thats keeping them alive is the indian costal guard and local police

NAP doesn’t apply to savages

>savages that try to murder anyone who comes near them
>people want them lynched
Imagine my shock

What's the first move in your investigation then, Sherlock? Sorry, I mean Shylock.

Getting autopsies on the victims

Hang on a second I'm gonna walk into your house and look around because I'm curious.

1. You don't have the bodies
2. That wouldn't give you anything useful

Sure, I’ll give you a tour. Do you want anything to drink?

Come on in. Would you like a cup of tea?

Who needs an investigation?
Clearly since the whole hunting team conspired to kill these poor innocent men, they're all guilty of murder, and the only rational and just recourse is to hose the entire island down with Agent Orange then napalm the survivors.

Or you could learn to poo in the loo.

First step is go retrieve the bodies then. Even if we can’t get much info out of them they still deserve a burial. If the natives try to attack while we retrieve the bodies, open fire. Then do the autopsy. Find out how they were killed. If it was with a blade you can try to find the blade that matches the wound and see which savage uses that blade.if it was with an arrow you can see if any traces of the arrow’s maker are left on the body.

>If it was with a blade you can try to find the blade that matches the wound and see which savage uses that blade.if it was with an arrow you can see if any traces of the arrow’s maker are left on the body.

This is fantasy TV tier stuff.

I would argue you are correct
Even if the "technical" argument is different.

>Pre industrial setting
>Being unable to match unique blade patterns

>Detailed examination of sharp force injuries, particularly in homicides, can provide useful information regarding the type of weapon that likely inflicted the wounds. This information can potentially guide the police to the recovery of a murder weapon or it can be used to exclude other implements recovered from a crime scene.

That says type of weapon, not specific knife out of a tribe of people that carry similar knives.

Oh forgot to mention.
I also abduct your daughter or son, take your stuff and spread deadly diseases.
Natives can be wildmen but they really had bad experience with guests.

>Imagine my shock

its no shock, its expected, masses of people routinely get at it in indian urban areas for way less than a murder, and if a murder happens whole neiborhoods get purged

the indian state simply cannot afford the international backlash of allowing their own population to spontaneously genocide a whole poeople just for being primitive idiots, buth in much of asia what they are doing gets you and all your people killed

when you think about it there might be a reason the sentinelese are the only such population left that whole area, that reason might be simply that they are isolaten on that island, othervise the rest of humanity would have eaten them alive by now

The Anglos genocided all of the other tribes nearby for shits and giggles during the colonial era.

realy what they should do, the indians, they should send a mission there, and set up a improvise movie theatre, like a projector and a canvas in a tent, and they should just open up a laptop and show all the local tribal bigwigs whats realy going on in the world, like current year, scenes of violence and war and disorder and death and destruction, they wouldnt even have to go far bejond their own country, and then just explain to them that, if you dont behave we will simply allow THAT to come to YOU

and those anglos probably had hindu troops with them

I don’t know whose kid you abducted, I don’t have any yet. I am gonna call the cops though. Don’t worry about giving me your pneumonia, I know you didn’t mean to, and luckily we have modern medicine to treat it.

>tfw Rousseu was right

This is the most reddit post I have ever seen

>Implying history hasn't already proven Hobbes is right

it would work tho, the poor bastards would be godsmacked by terror, it would be like a spaceship landed in front of the pentagon and a guy with a holographic projector explained to humanity were realy living in wh40k and something is comming to eat our whole planet

It was just some bants bruv

That's okay, I'm a Christian so I forgive you.

>implying history can prove anything

It would be the equivalent of some alien civilization contacting earth and waning to arrest our population because we broke a law we never heard off and we fall under the jurisdiction of an entity we never heard off.

Well gosh I wouldn't want to be heard off by anyone. That shit hurts.

Thing is its more similar to Alien abductions. And no Police to report.
You ever hear about that Maori tribe that go non violent way?

They'd probably sell us some sweet sweet slaves though.

I'm a Christian so I would forgive aliens if they abducted me or my children and try to teach them the path to Jesus. I firmly believe that if they are sentient even they can get into Heaven.

because those people are basically animals
it would be like prosecuting a bear for killing some hiker who went too deep into some dangerous uninhabited wilderness

>Handmade knifes are uniform

That's such a lame attempt, I just feel bad for you.

If someone killed one of the ayys and the other ayys wanted to arrest that guy, I wouldn’t have any problem with it.

>I was just pretending to be retarded

No, they should be left alone because they are so primitive, they don't even know how to make first. They are genetically primitive humans and they cannot function in our society. We don't need more blacks or abos in our civilization making life worse for everyone.

Then again, this is Veeky Forums, the retards who think races are equal.

More importantly, how have they not incested themselves to death yet?

what do we know about these fuckers?
what is their religion, what are their social norms, etc?

They're hunter-gatherers and have a population of few hundred

how delusional must someone be that, upon seeing the comforts of even the less developed world, a savage literally fighting to survive every day would decline because there's meager problems like a little violence, war, pollution and inequality? these people live in dire fucking situations exposed to the elements and whatever misfortune may sweep them, they don't give a fuck about some wars going on somewhere.

seriously, where the fuck are your priorities? go live with them if you already came to the conclusion it's not objectively better to be modern. Turn off the news.

Those people should be and are treated more like endanered animals than humans.
We gain nothing from interfering with them..

its not about being objectively modern, its about the fact they have no fucking idea what kind of tiger they are pulling by the tail, they just dont understand, comforts and commodities wouldnt change their mind, if anything it would make them more eager to mess with people, only thing that might stop them from killing people they stumble upon is fear

theres other tribes, practicaly the same thing just not 'sentinelese' as such, that allready live alongside indian and chinese immigrants and whichever locals, these people behave, because each time they didnt behave they got their naked butts fucked with firearms and clubs with rusty nails hanging out


seriously tho, indians, as a set of peoples and a set of cultures, dont realy have the western notion of mass armed reprisals against local populations for individual acts of violence being something bad

if anithing its like a reflex reaction grounded in most larger south asian mentalities, even indians didnt and dont realy treat other indians much better any way

thats why the state is going so out of its way to keep things down and nonviolent, if it was up to the 'average indian citizen' those people would get rapemurdered en masse and the survivors used as sex slaves or field animals, since they wouldnt function well in sweatshop conditions, and then a nice new concrete cast and brightly painted hindu shrine would be errected on top of where most of the bones are at

souteast asia is a messed up place, the indian ocean is a hotbed of piracy and all the combined asian mafias trafficking and trading and fuck knows what sorts of shit, india and china and indonesia and that whole southeast asian mess are all just there a few days away, those silly idiots are dancing on a edge of a rotating razor and they are so blessedly oblivious of it, they simply do not know, its quite literaly like they were born yesterday

if in 20 years im still alive and i see some documentary saying they all just went extinct im gonna roll another joint and laugh out loud

If I declare myself uncontacted, could I get away with murder?

You realize that they would all quickly die from exposure to disease?

ignorance of law excuses no one

>get 20 kalašnjikovs + ammo
>get some anons together
>get a boat
>go land on sentinele

>genetically primitive
t: brainlet

>genetically primitive

genetically they are probably better attuned and more functional then you or me will ever be, a fixed stable phenotype surviving in optimaly adapted form for ages upon ages, its just that theywe been living on a island, alone, since before they remember

its like a sci-fi scenario

it is an excuse though in some cases. sorry that the old wives' tales you see on TV and hear from your family aren't actually true.

No, but I've heard of the Maori tribes that eat people.

They were hunted to extinction.

How do these people shit if they arent civilized enough to have streets?

>sentinelese overwhelm, torture and eat neckbeards with guns
>discover how to use said guns eventually
>kill retards illegally fishing near their island and steal their boats
>become nomadic pirate tribe who cannot be stopped until the indian army gets involved
let's fucking do it lads

They feared the lost tribe warrior

We don't know much of anything about them, they are isolated,uncontacted by the outside world and homicidally hostile to anyone from outside, they are as far as anyone can tell from the few times contact was attempted extremely technologically primitive with no evidence they can even make fires. British sailors once kidnapped a couple of their people and tried to teach them english so they could translate only for them to die from exposure to bacteria and viruses the english sailors were carrying. There was an attempt back in the 1980's to speak with them from the water with loudspeakers using the language used by a the tribe of a nearby island the theory being that they might be similar enough but the sentilese did not appear to understand and shot arrows at the would be ambassadors.
The indian government has ruled that they are just to be left alone.

They probably have just enough genetic diversity to avoid that.

>4ch obsessed with Sentinels
I've seen countless threads about these dudes, is there a secret agenda? Is their island a big pile of diamonds or something? Are you just pathetic morons? Is it a "funny wiki page" thread? Does Japan should be nuked another time? I can't decide...

stop being new, tg and k have had plans since ive been on here in 2008 to invade both these nigs and parts of africa

Probably have a hidden cache of weapons and are using the Sentinalese as an excuse.

>Destroy international soft power and reputation by massacring primitives but hey gotta fine the baddies


We don't prosecute said man killing bear, but parks and wildlife will hunt down and destroy the animal. Same should apply here.

Well if there is bo way to inform the law to the population you can't excpect the people there to inow what is "right" and "wrong".
If they can't know that you can't hold them responsible for a crime.
It's kind off how the the insanity plea works

>india saffronizes and genocides people
except no one gives 2 shits about the sentinelese. The indian government is continuing older policies of letting them live in peace on their island.

Is there a good chance the islands are going to sink when ocean levels rise?

What if a dude shot the ayys because they trespassed on his property and abducted his moo cows? Would you still let them extradite him for murder?

>Implying history didn't prove Hegel

On top of that they have shorter generations and a small population to fix any funny mutations (like the heavy mustaches on women) so they're technically "more evolved" if anything.

They'll seek justice, the moment they find there's something on the island they want, or if they become a threat off island.

Otherwise, since there's no way to identify the perpetrator, the only alternative is to wipe them all out, and that isn't worth the international condemnation.

At least not until you decide you want a series of hotels there.

No, because you aren't uncontacted

what if he managed to get a woman, somehow, and take her into some mountain range, bejond contact, and breed a tribe of people in some biblicaly abominable fashion, and no one knows they are even there for 50 years and both mom and dad are dead and theres just a bunch of inbred kids playing house on a mountain, would they be considered uncontacted or just lost?

I don't know, you'll have to try

wtf she looks absolutely lovecraftian. like some shadow over innsmouth shit