Why did so many different peoples claim to come from Troy? Romans, Germans, Crusaders, the norse even claimed that Odin was king of Troy
Why did so many different peoples claim to come from Troy? Romans, Germans, Crusaders...
same reason african americans claim to be egyptians
they want to believe they have a glorious past
What's so glorious about claiming descent from a heavily BTFO city?
Well the crusaders claimed to be descendants of Troy and as such they were just avenging their forefathers when they killed Byzantines by the thousands.
Parisians also claimed that during the Middle Ages.
they larped as trojans because the romans did
for the romans, who knows
norse didnt claim that. some medieval author maybe did and by that time they were not norse anymore
Snorri Sturlasson, who gives us one of the only sources on norse paganism claimed that. Though whether he believed it himself or if it was just because the church wouldn't kill him to death if he called them gods is up for debate.
its a similar thing to that lost tribe various jewish sects go on about and then occasionaly someone claims legitimacy trough a story about how they are the lost tribe, mormons have a similar thing
those myths were to ancient people pretty much the same thing holy scripture is to abrahamic religions, loads of people claimed descent from this mythical king or hero or people or other, and these themselves claim divine or heroic origin in the myths, so that means divine origin by proxy
kind of how merovingians at some point claimed to be descendants of jesus
French are Trojans
It is an example of a migration from a popular myth, so when writers speculated about the origins of a polity in some land with no ancient history, Troy's diaspora sprang to mind.
The invasions of the sea peoples destroyed every Mediterranean civilization save for Egypt. Troy, the Argonauts, Hercules, the Minotaur were the few memories from this era and so anyone looking deep into the past and origins would be attracted to them. The first invasions took western Anatolia by the Bryges and Phrygians, Paris reputedly wore a Phrygian cap, though there are no reliable connections that I know of.
The real reason for Romans claiming decent of Troy? No real answer besides for fictional purpose.
Its like a fan fic, they just used an already epic tale to further their own legacy.
Im assuming you know the fantasy aspect of how Rome claimed to be founded. You relate that to Homer's Illiad and Odessey as well as other epics that existed in Hellenistic literature and culture and its fairly obvious why Rome claimes Troy as their ancestors.
>Germans, Crusaders, the norse even claimed that Odin was king of Troy
Paris merely came from the name of the Parisii. A Celtic tribe that occupied what is now Paris.
See >Norse
See >Germans
Not sure
Because we wuzing is a universal human trait. Just look at all the stormfags on this site.
The romans had pretty heavy inferiority complexes since they were pretty much swampniggers. So they WE WUZ the troyans and later ctrl-c ctrl-v the Greeks' religion and culture
If you read the story you'd find out its the same as descending from God. Which everyone has. Claiming this fact is proof of piety.
Yes but could it be coincidental?
pffft nigga, they didn't have inferiority complexes, all they wanted to do up until the 1st century BC was to be left alone to farm and debate in the senate but all their neighbours kept attacking or paying them to defeat their enemies.