Why did they kill him?
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Because he was a solitary Aryan among Jews
Because he would have likely started a riot that would have given the Romans a reason to raze Jerusalem.
because they were fucking insane
how? romans were chill with him he was no nationalist
It's because Romans are pagans who had a holiday centered around sodomy. If that weren't enough, they adopted the religion of the very person they killed later on and twisted it with their cultural influences for political influence. Obscene!
He tried to organize an uprising against Roman rule. They crucified lots of rebels.
Hahaha what? Read a book you retard, start by looking up what Jews actually mean by "messiah".
>how? romans were chill with him
No they weren't. If he was claiming to the messiah that would be all they needed, and Pilate killed would-be messiahs for much less than what Jesus did. Even if Jesus didn't mean it in the political sense the Romans didn't care.
>he was no nationalist
Not exactly, clear, for example the driving out of the 'legion' of demons, or when he refused to answer whether it was okay for Jews to pay taxes to Romans or not. And also consider the Book of Revelation, being written half a century after Jesus's death basically being revenge-porn against the Roman empire.
yeah but he wasnt what they wanted in messiah. they were looking for more military action but he was more about peace. they killed him because he was a heretic, he claimed to be the messiah but they didnt think so
he went by the name Son of Man, not messiah
protip: christ wasn't Jesus' last name
The Jews asked Jesus,
Where is your mishkan?
And he would not say,
So the Jews killed Jesus.
Lucifer, the Devil, and Satan
>they were insane
what would you think if you saw someone reeeeing about how the end is near and running into churches flipping over tables? jesus was the one who was insane.
Because he spoke out against the Satanic practices Talmudic Jew commit.
He had to die because blood magic.
At the time magic was thought real and was thought to only be performable through blood sacrifice. The more precious the thing sacrificed the greater the ability of the magic, sacrificing your best lamb for example. The same basic idea is why jews cut off the tips of their dicks and why Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son and why blood marks doors on passover and why central americans built giant pyramids to kill people on and why witches were accused of kidnapping and killing babies to give their blood to satan. Blood magic.
For the ultimate magic spell to be performed (god's promise kept) it logically had to involve the ultimate blood sacrifice. So the sacrificial object couldn't be an animal because that was too shitty, it had to be a human, the most perfect human, and hence a wholly divine man without sin made of god. So he exists because he needs to be sacrificed for blood magic, and that's why he's referred to as the lamb of god. And he needs to be both divine and flesh for that sacrifice to occur, so that's why he's the son of god - he can't just be a man, but he can't just be god either because blood.
Because he told the Romans
"Traps r gay"
Read this.
But the tl;dr is that he was very much opposed to the Sadducee collaborationist "government", and it was very likely as part of that conflict.
he was against the marketing of god like it was common in the synagogues so the jewish rabbies, fearing of loosing their income, conspiraced against him due to the sympaties his ideas gathered among the jewish community.
excellent rebuttal
They didn't.
He came to earth as a human being in order to pay the ultimate price for mankind's sin; the shedding of his blood, and his death. In that means, he redeemed mankind, and made possible the gift of salvation.
Nobody killed Jesus. If Jesus wanted to still be on that cross, he'd still be on that cross. He had the power to lay down his life, and the power to pick it back up again, proving he is God.
I think he means if Jesus had accepted the mob's coronation of him, to become the King of the Jews, and not just have that displayed on his cross.
He did no such thing; in fact, he told the occupied Jews to pay their taxes to Caesar, and that all rebellion against authority is a rebellion against God.
The entire world is demolished in the Revelation, not just Rome. Rome is only an hour's blip in a 42 month catastrophe.
As Isaiah had prophesied, yes. Jesus was both the Son of Man, and the Son of God.
Between you and God, one of you surely is insane.
No, not magic. Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins. The penalty for sins is death, and life is in the blood.
they already knew
>when he refused to answer whether it was okay for Jews to pay taxes to Romans or not.
I thought 'Render unto Caesar' meant give the Romans their goddamned money 'cause it's not like God needs it.
It begged the question, "In whose image are you?" If you are indeed in God's image, give yourself to God.
If all you care about is paying taxes to the oppressor, render unto him his due.
Explain Jonah 3:10 and Leviticus 5:1-13 please.
Leviticus 5:11-13*
don't you see that he showed us our own stupidity by this. there's a guy who talks about love and that paradise is achievable for all of us, that the world would be a better place if we would help eachother and all what happens is he gets killed.
Jonah 3:10
Jonah finally reaches Ninevah, the capital of the Assyrian empire, and tells them that God is going to judge them. That's all he said. And he said it to people who are basically ISIS today, which is why Jonah did not want to go there in the first place. He wanted them all dead. These were people who skinned people alive and impaled them on stakes.
When the king of Ninevah heard the message, he repented, tore his clothes, poured ashes on his head, and called the nation to do likewise, hoping that by being so repentant, God would spare them.
And God did spare them. For 40 years. The judgment Jonah told them was coming, was put off for 40 years due to the justification bought by the king's repentance, and mirrored throughout his kingdom.
>This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.
But if he be not able to bring two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, then he that sinned shall bring for his offering the tenth part of an ephah of fine flour for a sin offering; he shall put no oil upon it, neither shall he put any frankincense thereon: for it is a sin offering.
If a Jew was so poor that he could not afford even a cheap bird for a sacrifice, provision in the law was made so that he could make a sin offering, basically for free, and in that way join into the general offerings. His grain offering would have been put on the same alter as the blood offerings.
If you were God, all poor Jews would go to hell.
That's who you are.
He showed us out own brokenness, that we cannot do what he did. Live a sinless life. Jesus was not building a kingdom for this world, but for the next.
"My kingdom is not of this world; if it were, my disciples would fight you."
So, you mean that you're wrong: In both cases you have forgiveness and no blood shed. Maybe you should rethink your little "theory".
I wish that you could understand Moses and the prophets, but not only are you ignorant, you have also been blinded by YHWH so that you cannot.
Blood offerings of animals were only annual atonement for sins, not the remission of sins.
The blood of the Son of God was required for the remission of sins; in propitiation, not in atonement.
And those offerings looked forward to the Lamb of God bleeding out for the sins of mankind. God had no use for your people's dead pets, nor does God have any use for your practice of lawlessness.
Ninevah had nothing to do with the forgiveness of sins.
I really wish you understood the tanakh. It would make conversation with you less painful than it is currently.
Whatever you say, Jew.
>Ninevah had nothing to do with the forgiveness of sins.
You like the KJV, right?
>And God Saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he said that He would do unto them, and He did it not.
Seems pretty forgiven.
>He showed us our own brokenness
so fucking true user.
>Blood offerings of animals were only annual atonement for sins, not the remission of sins.
> Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins.
You've literally contradicted yourself within the space of 20 minutes, if you're saying that remission and atonement are different things. And then of course, since you can't read or think clearly, you fall back onto your only real "argument", namely "Call him a JOOO!"
You've fallen hard for Paul's memeing, which is really just kind of sad.
Repent means to change one's mind.
God was going to destroy them immediately.
God changed his mind and did not destroy them immediately.
God destroyed them 40 years later.
Again, because you cannot understand either the OT or the NT, conversing with you is akin to yelling at grass.
If animal blood were efficacious, why was it done every year?
Do you even know what atonement means? What propitiation means? No? Maybe learn some new words today.
You are a Jew by courtesy, only. You are not Jew enough to tie Paul's sandals, as you already know. Or any other member of the Sanhedrin, who actually had a temple, and a High Priest, and animal sacrifices.
As opposed to your.......nothing.
>"My kingdom is not of this world; if it were, my disciples would fight you."
what does this sentence mean to you? im always riddled over it, does it not mean we should get up and fight?
Jesus will establish is kingdom at the Second Coming, after Armageddon, after the Tribulation/70th week of Daniel/Troubles of Jacob.
When he does, he will literally destroy this entire universe, and replace it instantly with a new one. New heavens, new earth, and completely unlike the earth we live on now.
That's when his 1000 year Kingdom starts, and at its conclusion, when all has been rightly judged, we slip back into eternity with our Creator, or if you're like this Jew, you go to hell forever.
Revelation 3:9 Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.
i don't believe this. im looking at jesus as some kind of philosoph. this whole 'he will come just wait' is bs. what do in the meantime? preaching a lifetime to the same idiots who where screaming barrabas at his trial?
because nice guys finish last