>"It's not my fault! It's not my fault! It's all Satan and you!"
> a literal God blaming the earth's condition on its creatures
>an infinitely full grown adult blaming literal babies on their mess and behavior
Why does this sound like cuckoldry the more I read about it? Was God to lazy to be a parent or legislate an efficient system for children to grow in that protects free will? Logically I could never willing accept this level of inferior thinking, regardless of my opinion. This is just factually a profoundly flawed system.
"It's not my fault! It's not my fault! It's all Satan and you!"
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Nothing to do with history.
Sage, and reported
God didn't 'blame' anyone for anything you dumb schlub
Why are there stupid atheists who be live that God created Satan to be evil when the bible says he chose to be evil?
Nay, I created God.
Lucifer, the Devil, and Satan
It's humanities you stupid inbred fuck
Fault? I get Full credit.
Lucifer, the Devil, and Satan
>& humanities
Why did they put it like that?
Right he just condemns them forever for hating him for abandoning them. Good daddy he is lol its fuckin joke bud
>A creature choosing anything about himself lol
So becuase Satan was spiritually autistic it's his fault
Go shave your flesh you waste of breath
Nobody is responsible for your actions but you, period, end of story.
Go back to /b/
Cleary you fucking inbred. Except for the fucking fact many people confused and without truth go to hell which he hangs over their head for a lifetime then confirms it. He's a fear monger of the highest order. Period.
Yes God is a fear mongerer AND I ADORE HIM FOR THAT!
I am so happy that he banished Satan when he wantedthe heavenly throne!
(Isaiah 14:12-20)
And this repugnant action is the reason I will always be Christian
I am looking forward to my benevolent dictator Jesus coming to Earth and punish these wicked people.
They deserve he'll for all eternity and I will cheer when these good for nothing buffoons suffer!
I really thought that you are smart at the beginning of your post, but your latest posts are making me less abd less likely to believe you.
You are so foolish if you think you are not going to hell with them you indignant hypocrite. You feel your flesh melt from the heat just like the pagans you condemn. You have not one ounce of Christ in you. Just like the pharisees you perhaps already killed many who came in his name.
>"Forgive them father for they know not what they do" .
>"I never knew you"
if I don't have Christ in me, and he is a fear mongerer, then you should be happy.
No what do I care about your eternity, that's your fucking choice, God shouldn't lie and say he's blameless. Period
dude, teach me, haha
how is anybody still a Christian? you're listening to one of the countless dudes claiming to have figured the God thing out. why go with one faith when the others are about as ridiculous and old?
why do you obsess over it?
Faith is not a popularity contest.
It's a rationality contest
Satan is a nobody if you read the actual Bible, it's not Satan that makes people die, or creates floods and earthquakes, that is all God and its also a part of Him. Sinning and temptation is all man, Satan plays no role in those, because Satan also fell into one of the major sins, in his case pride.
To my mind the only significant parts Satan has in the Bible are the bet he made with God in the chapter of Job, and tempting Jesus in the desert. There are some references to Satan in the Apocalypse, but Satan is nothing compared to God.