What do you think about the Rhodesian Bush War?
What do you think about the Rhodesian Bush War?
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Blacks suck at war so much that they have to cry to white people to help them from white people.
Why are people so obsessed with Rhodesia on this board?
>two hippies that look like they walked straight out of a gay pride parade
Gotta love the Rhodesians' looks
White-run African Country that wasn't on the coast
It goes against the mainstream narrative despite Rhodesia having been demonstrably better than the alternatives, so you get to be edgy and 100% right at the same time.
It was Ian Smith's fault for refusing to allow any degree of black political participation or self determination until it was too late.
Compare Botswana to Zimbabwe, and you'll notice that Botswana turned way better off because the white people in Botswana actually let black people into their government in a meaningful way.
None of this detracts from how cool Rhodesian forces were on the tactical level.
wh*tes arent people and dont deserve to exist, so any alternative where wh*tes arent around is always the objectively best option
>Rhodesia went bad because they didn’t let the blacks run it
He's kinda right, it's Ian Smith and the RF are too blame for some of the radicalization of blacks, which furthered ZANU's cause
tactical shorts are Veeky Forums as fuck
It was a beautiful nation.
Hadn't the World Wars happened, envision an Africa much better than that of the America's today.
Imagine actually living in Rhodesia. Train riding from the South African Cape to Cairo. Imagine replacing the black indigenous people with whites and not even having to worry about them in your home nations.
God the world could have been so beautiful. We are never going to be able to go back to this. The Muslims are the new colonizers. The West's dead.
Imagine there being actual white fucking countries in Africa, like Australia.
Death of colonialism pisses me off every single time.
>gradually introduce in majority rule
>suddenly introduce majority rule after losing the war
one of these works better
Those are pretty gay looking shorts.
>genocide is cool when we do it
At least you're being honest.
Not yet user, Rhodesians never die
That Mugabe is still yet to be hanged.
/pol/'s favourite war
Not as interesting as Mau Mau.
It was Wilson Who refused to negotiate on majority rule not Smith.
Wtf are those effeminate legs man fuck wh*tes
>wearing shorts in public
>there are people who actually believe this
Because they were the ultimate /k/ommandoes, and a lot of people on this board also frequent /k/.
People like minor conflicts if they feel they've got a personal connection, this being a /pol/ one.
I mean I can't judge, I get any source on the philippine-american war I can, even though the war wasn't A) very significant at all for anyone other than the philippines and B) basically tragicomedy, but without any sense of climax. idiots in unearned positions of power make dumb moves and then escape to make more dumb moves and a few years later they surrender the Americans, who could care less (they would stop attacks simply because they didn't feel like fighting in the hot sun, and it's not as if they had to be worried about the flip army). It's dumb, it's uninteresting, but I'm a flip, I find it interesting.
Botswana has one Africa's highest GDP's, not Zimbabwe. A commander cannot be excused if his reason for losing is having too much opposition. It's like stalinists saying "kulaks had it coming, why didn't they just fall in line" instead of saying "the end result of the policy decision taken was disastrous."
They look like fags
>can be summed up as doing the right things for the wrong reasons
I went to Botswana one time.
It's pretty much South Africa without the high crime rates and huge slums
And there you go.
Decolonisation went best for those who took an active role in guiding the process, rather than stamping their feet and refusing to give an inch. Bravery ain't a virtue if it burns down a country.
Modern multiculturalism has already proved its not genocide to displace/replace a population by mass immigration
It was a bunch of military officers killing untrained natives that were fighting against their ioppressive racist government.
>ooga booga we want democracy now
>but you;ll starve yourse-
>*starves after killing everyone, then tries to invite whitey back*
Whites were completely justified, it literally takes hundreds of millions in foreign aid, corrupt police officers not reportuing statistics, and constant UN presence just to keep african countries civilized.
Why we try and apply european standards of civilization onto Africa is beyond me, just let them be ffs
I don't get why we don't just stop their gibs and ravage the continent for everything it has south of the Sahara. Fuck what the UN says.
You know, contrary to what you might think about us, we fought with the blacks. Side by side. There was no apartheid in a foxhole. The colonel always used to tell us that.
what's your point though?
it's a movie quote u monkey lover
a century too late, sentiment changed, the world was more interconnected and the british empire could no longer support such a child
fuck off mate, the last time I watched that movie was '09.
Because it's rare for most people these days to know it even happened. For a lot of anons, it's virgin territory.
Nigger won.
Pretty much, yeah. The net total suffering on the world would go down. One genocide vs an eternity of Blacked earth thanks to the population explosion. China has now become the last hope for human kind to ever reach the stars, and even then the odds aren't anything to be optimistic about.
Picture looks like Australia. White guys in short shorts, legionary hats, green shirts, all on a sun-drenched backdrop of rust-coloured soil and burnt trees.
>none of you posting this
I'm severely disappointed in you, Veeky Forums.
Long-running guerrilla war with the Rhodies being superb at bush combat, but failing to take meaningful steps towards a transitional government until it was too late. The Zimbabwe-Rhodesia government under Muzorewa should've happened a hell of a lot sooner, would've given the country more rep and would've allowed for moderate Africans to step into the government and thus begin to alienate ZANU and ZAPU. The situation wasn't helped by the International community being dicks and Carter fucking over the Rhodies in the late 70's.
Botswana is the absolute hifh point of African rule and that deserves praise, but it's still not comparable to white rule even in former Soviet shitholes. I'm very depressed by thism