How widely are the Yugoslav wars known around the world? I'm from /ex-yu/, so I can't tell really.
Like, if one were to rank post-ww2 wars according to how widely they are known, how would the Yugoslav wars fare?
How widely are the Yugoslav wars known around the world? I'm from /ex-yu/, so I can't tell really.
Like, if one were to rank post-ww2 wars according to how widely they are known, how would the Yugoslav wars fare?
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In europe everyone knows, and i think most of the usa and some of the middle east but probably not many others
They were spoken a lot here in the 90s, right after 9/11 the discussion kind of completely fizzled out and is now mostly relegated to the academic sphere.
t. Croatian diaspora in the usa
For those born in the late 90s and beyond I'd say that there wpuld be some that consider it a country that still exists, confused as to what all these little countries are, and/or just know that it was once a country that got FUCKED up. If they got their cultural knowledge from tv then there'd be some mentions of the country due to reruns of children shows from the 90s up until the mid 2000s.
I remember seeing Kosovo on the TV news at night in the 90's in America. Maybe the younger generation is less aware, but even if you are totally ignorant of the Balkans you can see the maps change dramatically from Yugoslavia to many different countries.
The media portrayal at the time was Serbs were basically being Nazis and committing genocide against the Bosniaks.
Theyre still spinning this narrative. Not entirely untrue but its a false narrative nonetheless.
There are a lot of shitholes in the world, but most of those are peaceful. The reason why the Balkans are war-torn shithole (the worst kind of shithole) is because somebody there is behaving like niggers. And those niggers are the Serbs, there is denying that. Since the West has put serbia down the region has become a peaceful shithole. So it is obvious who was the warmongerer.
I remember as a kid my dad went to "Kosovo" which made me sad so whenever me and my brothers played we would name every evil or bad place "Kosovo". It wasn't until a couple years ago I talked to my dad about it and read on my own about what it was. Didn't learn about it in school at all, even while it was happening.
No one can conceptualize the concept that I'm Serb from Croatia.
Thanks' Croatians, I get to live in Canada now.
I don't know much about it except one time I stumbled upon a video about Macedonia on Youtube and found the most violent comments section I have ever seen.
i have no idea about this conflict at all from it's origins, it's participants or timeline where would one learn about these things?
>No one can conceptualize the concept that I'm Serb from Croatia.
this is why those wars keep happening
Serbs gonna Sreb.
Dutch gonna nothing.
I can only really speak personally anecdotally, but most people in my social circle are vaguely aware that they happened, and that ethnic conflict in the Balkans has been going on forever, but that's about it. Who's what's where's why's (in the immediate sense) are all big blanks.
>this is why those wars keep happening
They keep happening because internarionalists think they can force people to live together when some people just don't want to, and they should be given that option
Shame that Serbs in Croatia werent given that option in 1990
Oh I see. Yes, you're right. That must be it. We should just be like the west and call eachother "X" and everything will be good. Well done, you've solved the Balkan dillema.
Move to Serbia then not here you fucking potato.
>get kicked from my country
>go to Serbia
>kids hate me cauase we are poor outsiders
>people hate us becuase we said ljepo, not lepo
>adults hate us becuase we are refugees taking jerbs when there are already none
Yeah, great idea. Thanks man.
>waaah people don't like me waaah
they hate you because you're annoying cunt with a victim complex.
As I said, I'm in Canada now.
You can keep Croatia to yourself and those fucking Serbs can keep Serbia.
You have to go back.
Already married a first generation Danish girl. I'm staying for good. Balkans are a fucking shit show and will be for the next 3 generations.
is this racemixing?
Cuti jevrej.
Canada, it's a footnote in relation to "look how much peacekeeping we do around the world."
Of course, teachers have leeway in choosing their curriculum, we spent a good half year on Hungary once simply because the prof was hungarian and that is what she taught.
Most young people have no idea. The Balkans are very, very obscure. Doesn't enter popular consciousness as a European country at all.
Some people will have heard of Serbia or Croatia. Never Montenegro. Rarely Yugoslavia. This is living in Canada, I'm speaking in relative terms, people in my history classes always know. High-school dropouts, never.
>tfw blond Croat and just lie half the time and say I have roots in Italy Germany just so I can't have to get confused looks when I saw I have roots in Croatia
kek it's true
>roots in Croatia
So you're an American/Canadian muh heritage mutt?
This is pretty accurate for the Nordic countries too. The wars were covered in the news extensively when they happened. Afterwards, not really.
I don't talk about it with other people but it should be well known at least by people > 30. Growing up in the 80s and 90s I remember it being on the news all the time. Many movies talked about it too. Also, in central europe there are many people who fled over here.
No I am literal 100% Croat who speaks Croatian that was born and raised in america.
My condolences.
Behind Enemy Lines is probably what most Americans think about it.
Iraq 2.0
Russian Afghanistan 1.0
Iraq 1.0
Yugo wars
Chechen wars
Congo war
Other obscure wars
At least in my opinion.
Most of what I know about the Yugoslav wars I learned from William Luther Pierce.
That's about what I was thinking as well.
t: OP
> So you're an American/Canadian muh heritage mutt?
Ethnicity does not die with nationality.
Question to all ex-Yu people here.
Can you tell apart Croats and Serbs, physically? Are there blonde Serbs?
You can generally tell which specific valley people originate from within your own ethnicity. Generally I'd say montenegrins have the most homogeneous and "distinct" look as a people. And yes blonde serbs exists, generally the further you go towards vojavodina althought there are blonde serbs from the serbian krajina too.
In the 90s it was big news in Canada because Canadian troops participated in firefights with Croatian forces in the early 90s as part of a UN mission there
dont be a dick about things you know nothing about. problems talked about were real, and i know, because i had relatives from croatia who were refugees in serbia and faced some of the stuff user is talking about. some people around here were actual dicks to serbs from croatia/bosnia just because they were outsiders
people generally don't genocide people who don't look like them. It's when two groups of people are close that genocide happens
Im gen z and i can say with confidence that its pretty fuckin obscure in my generation. Ive been a history autist since i was like 7 and i found out about it by pure chance, because i made a croatian friend while playing videogames and he introduced me to tito and the remove kebab meme.
Yeah, there are rifts. One such rift caused the creation of the Montenegrin nation.
I think people who advocate for Srpska joining Serbia or Kosovo joining Albania, or both, really don't get the full picture. Yeah, it's one nation, but there are huge problems integrating. Think of what was once north and south Germany, and what is now West and East Germany. Think of Italy and the divide between north and south, heck let's not mention Venetian autism. The southern states of the USA still have issues unresolved stemming back from the civil war.
Figures like Dodik for Serbs or Thaci for Albanians would lose all their power should they unify with the motherland. They'd become political nobodies.
Kosovo joining Albania would have consequences for the Gheg-Tosk balance.
Serbs from Bosnia have massive egos about their nationality. In the "it's easy for you guys to be Serbs, we had to prove it". The THEY TOOK ERR JERBS thing is a real issue. People actually have a lot of issues over Serbian refugees from Croatia or from Kosovo getting things. More so from Kosovo. "THEY GET CUSHY GOVERNMENT JERBS WHERE THEY PRETEND TO WORK, AND THEY GET A FREE HOUSE". In case of Serbs from Kosovo you can add accusations like "THEY SOLD THEIR HOUSES AND ANCESTRAL LAND TO ALBANIAN VERMIN AND NOW THEY GET GIBS FROM THE GUBERMENT".
Well all that stuff was happening, but mostly, I think, its down to the fact that wars coupled with the isolation were destroying Serbia, and some of the Serbs from those other places outside of Serbian communist borders kept urging for more war, while a good proportion of Serbs in Serbia was actually against of going to war int he first place
Were you displaced from the krajina?
21 year old American here. Most people my age I know have never heard about it. Only my history major friends know about it.
I distinctly remember reading a single paragraph about it in world history in middle school. We never touched it in high school
Am from Texas, used to have a Yugoslav wars Bosnian employee
pretty based artwork if you ask me but why does the bosnian look like an arab? Average Bosniak muslim is whiter than serbs.
Mujahedeen and various other muslim fundamentalists fought on bosnian muslim side during the 90s. They imported people from middle wast and beyond
>They imported people from middle wast
They did. Fighters from middle east fought there.
Croat diaspora in the US as well
>missing the joke
That was a joke?
Hello SquattingSlavTV!
I would assume at least everyone born before the 80s knows about them.
Without memes, I would had never known about it.
But then, most of the stuff I know in past couple of years is due to my lurking in Veeky Forums for same period of time
Most people vaguely know about it but theyve completely drank the leftist kool aid with serb christians behind the bad guys, bosnian / kosovan muslims being the poor oppressed victims
Also croats dont exist in their binary vision of the wars
Yeah, better that you don't know Serbs are a bunch of commies who suck Castro's and Chavez's cocks.
Im not saying that, Im wise enough to not pick a side as a stranger in the unending mess that are balkan conflicts, Im just stating this is the prism through which most people from my country see the conflict
that literaly has nothing to do with shit on a stick
its like saying the vietnam war was all about a thing betveen christian hamburger eaters and buddhist vegetarians
For the record I'm pretty sure its completely unknown in most of eastern/south-east asia
I know of it, but only a vague idea of what happened.
Any good books, documentaries etc. so I can get a better idea?
Was she butthurt about Trianon?
Did it mention the part where a handful of leafs held the Croatian army at bay?
The Dutch were pussies in comparison, they just bent over to the Serbs at the first sign of trouble.
The Dutch fear the pljeskavica warrior. Also, leafs are the most underrated fighting force on Earth.
>the pljeskavica warrior
>Aleksandar Lekso Saicic
Is this the Serbian captain who fought a samurai during the Russo-Japanese War?
I can't find much info on him that's not in Serbian or Russian.
Austria-Hungary was the best thing that happened to Croatia for a long time, minus the Hungary thing
Pljeskavica is the thinking man's burger anonici.
Balkan subhumans have another one of their genocidal wars, Serbs blow the fuck out of the other shits, America steps in and bombs the shithole and then Sweden has to receive refugees that cause crime.
Pljeskavica just means patty tho
>Serbs blow the fuck out the other shits
remind me what countries were disarmed at the beginning of the war and what country had the support of a well equipped and trained army but still got BTFO not give years into the war?
The Slovenian War was such a fuckup on part of the Serbs it's amazing so few people talk about it.
I don't think it can even be called a war, didn't the Slovenians just shoot down a helicopter and then the Serbs kinda quit?
I live right across the border and never knew.
They mobilised but their morale was so low they immediately surrendered and e veryone pretended it never happened and fucked off.
Pretty much everyone has heard of it, and knows what decade it happened in, but they won't be able to tell you much more other than "some yugos fought between each other". Maybe they will remember something about the US bombing Belgrade but don't expect any details.
Can someone repill me on this conflict? Were the Serbs the good guys?
There are no Serbs in Slovenia, so Serbia couldn't have cared less about Slovenia. It was Croatia and especially Bosnia that were important. So, a decision was made not to get bogged down in Slovenia, but rather to save strength for the other wars that were brewing.
>Were the Serbs the good guys?
No, they genocided Bosnian Muslims.
Also, they wanted control over Kosovo even though the vast majority of inhabitants there are Albanians who want nothing to do with Serbs.
As an american millennial, I can tell you that most young americans/americans in general have absolutely no clue where yugoslavia even is, let alone that there was a series of wars there.
After the Albanians displaced the Serbs.