Which WW1 infantry was the best at trench raiding.
Which WW1 infantry was the best at trench raiding
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The British in terms of training and equipment. The BEF was at a high standard. The Germans had numbers though.
The frogs, they were the smartest at it, perhaps the krauts rivaled them. The bongs were the absolute worst, as with most things military. When the Americans entered the war, the bongs sent over "trainers" to show the Americans the ropes, and these "experts" proceeded to explain how the use of blade weapons was extremely important and should be focused on. This in a war where less than 1% of the casualties came from blade weapons, and artillery fire being the prime threat, the bulk of the limited training time should come there, surviving against artillery. When the first US forces arrived in France, the French were quite generous and provided proper training to the US doughboys, had them shed extraneous equipment and use cover and survive on the modern battlefield, employing lessons learned that they themselves had paid for in blood, but which the bongs evidently never learned.
The Aussies and Canadians
The germans if they're being lead by Junger. Otherwise i would say the canadians.
>source: my ass
In answer to OP's question, the Australians and Canadians were particularly good at trench raiding, as says.
>if they're being lead by Junger
Now that's just unfair
Fine, just Junger alone. Also, he's thrown on his trusty captured british overcoat, so both sides are shooting at him.
>doesn't have to care for his comrades
>friendly fire just makes him angrier
Oh shit, oh shit, oh sh-
People like you genuinely need to stop posting on Veeky Forums.
He also noticed a really nice beetle that's distracting him, does that even the scales at all?
Leave Junger to me
>shoots junger
>junger comes back to the front in 3 weeks
What now big man
You provide no argument to support your opinions, children.
>shart in the mart mutt take on history, everybody.
still no argument, child
Latvians are the patrician choice, clearly.
Because you're literally spouting dumb memes. There's no evidence backing up any of your shit.
>gets mowed down by Turk machine guns
The US Marine
still no argument, young fellow
Based Junger
>All this contrarianism.
The Germans. The side which trained specialists to do just that to fucking begin with, jesus christ.
The French are fucking infamous at just sending waves of waves of their troops forward. Even in """"infiltration"""" attacks.
>Allied versions of infiltration tactics were first formally proposed by French Army captain André Laffargue (fr).[3] In 1915 Laffargue published a pamphlet, "The attack in trench warfare", based upon his experiences in combat that same year.
>The Germans captured copies of Laffargue's pamphlet in 1916, translating and issuing it to units,[4] but by this point they already had their own, more sophisticated infiltration tactics, over two months before Laffargue's pamphlet was published.[5][6][7][8] The distinction between the German and French tactics was that Laffargue recommended using waves of infantry to attack despite the high casualities that would ensue.[9] Soldiers were trained to consider fire as a means to facilitate movement in progress. Movement would be a call for fire. N. R. McMahon advocated using combined arms in the attack, particularly light machine guns (some six light and two heavy MGs per battalion) using a decentralised fire control and tactical command system (known as Auftragstaktik in German). These methods, suggested in 1909, bore a strong resemblance to the Stoßtrupptaktik used by the Germans six years later.[10]
There's a reason why after WWI, commanders the world over were keen to hear what Germans have to say regarding infantry tactics. Famously in China and Japan whose commanders either participated or observed in WWI
Gobble Gobble Attila
>this is what americans actually believe
>The French are fucking infamous at just sending waves of waves of their troops forward.
No, that would be the infamous Butcher Haig, I should think.
He didn't go down the last five times you shot him, what makes you think this will be any different?
>infamous butcher haig
There was literally a french general known as "the butcher" or something iirc
Each nation probably had their elites
No. Douglass Haig sent his wavves during regular offensives.
I was talking about the French sending waves *even during infiltration attacks.*
>Douglass Haig sent his wavves during regular offensives.
Did the bongs know anything else?
Figger I'll aim for his head this time
Well, there's also sending waves of your colonial subjects.
And then sending waves of your white colonial subjects.
Leave butchering the infantry to me.
they only lost because the Jews in America convinced the Americans to join in because Jews were promised Israel by England (Balfour Declaration) once Ottoman Empire lost
(((suddenly))) people were talking about the """rape""" of Belgium to turn Americans against Germans
Do you actually understand the difference between training regimens and decisions made by High Command? It's the mid to junior officers who would be teaching these tactics, not the generals. Considering the British used bayonet charges as recently as Iraq, it is not difficult to give the benefit of the doubt that they would perhaps be obsessive over bayonets.
Leave the Entente to me.
Literally the perfect man
Who is that twink?
Knowing ernie's luck you'll probably miss
>war hero
>literally unkillable
>stood for nationalism while still telling hitler to fuck off
>published a book denouncing fascism in germany in the middle of ww2 and got away with it scot free
>well-respected entomologist
>pissed off commies and nazis alike
>did LSD with fucking Albert Hofman himself
He is my hero. I wish i could have gotten to meet him before he died.
Ernst Junger
Why do people proport this meme when the UK made up 7/10 if its empire’s deathes?
Because it's unironically what they teach at former dominions schools in primary, there was never any mention of the British or French being at Gallipoli at mine
Yep. Aussies had something like 50,000 at gallipoli whilst the British had like 400,000.
Yet the battle is still associated with ‘le cowardly english’ because of american cultural domination.
The canadians, beyond a doubt.
This isn't controversial, nor should it be seen as a sleight against any other nations trench raiders, who were very good in their own right. It's simply that this is the niche that the british empire figured ought to fill and, to the best of their abilities, had them fill it. It means nothing for the average canadian soldier, who by-and-large performed no better than any british soldier.
>American knowledge of anything
The bongs made a massive blunder that resulted in a horrific defeat (as usual), so who the fuck else would get the blame, you retarded bong?
It was the french too. And at times, the germans. Very often the Russians, as well.
The cult of the offensive did not belong to any one commander or nation.
German any And Canada are objectively best stormtroopers
Americans, shotguns gave them a huge advantage.
To the point where Germany tried to get them banned from warfare.
>all those triggered brits
>To the point where Germany tried to get them banned from warfare.
sept 1918. 2 months left of a 4 year war and the germans were almost defeated. they were grasping at straws.
t. Blackadder pro
>send 100000 men to their deaths at vimy
>Canada takes it with 10000 deaths
French warfare everyone.
Considering it was actually a franco-british operation..
>entomologist was one of the greatest soldiers who ever lived
Is researching bugs overpowered?
>can't even retake Constantinople and gets killed by roaches
>years later loses to birds
>even today gets killed by spiders
Why are aussies so bad at war wtf?
Czechoslovak legion
The British
The Canadians
The Australians
The kiwis
Because Anglos are the master race
In my school in Canada we didn't talk about Gallipoli at all, I thought all the fighting wasn't in Europe and we learnt the Americans were cowards and selling arms to both sides.
We also learnt that Canada and Britain had the best soldiers in the world, and we destroyed the Germans. We spent half the semester just learning World War One and glossed over the depression and kinda talked about World War Two a bit. Again only about Europe and what Canada and Britain did
Anglos are butthurt ...
Just take a look at the effectiveness of the armies in 1918 and you will be assured that it was the French army with their tank and high number of arty and meticulous used of it that make them the best army in 1918
The tank was invented by an Australian
*Da Vinci and modern one by Austrians
>The Mark I was the world's first tank
shut up cuck
Wtf why didn't I get a you?
>The tank was invented by an Australian
Pull your head in, not even Lancelot de Mole claimed that, he claimed the concept of an armoured vehicle with tracks was his and he should be entitled to later developments of the concept, notice the complete lack of armament
t. Non Anglo
You guys always try to steal our accomplishments
You steal our language, our music, our books, our movies, our clothing, our food. You pay attention to our politics, nobody can name the Italian prime minister or the president of Ukraine, but everyone knows the prime minister of Canada and the queen of the commonwealth.
I'm Australian you dopey cunt, Lance de Mole literally never claimed to have designed the first tank and his (and 11 others) issue was with Churchill getting all the credit for it's development, learn your shit
Okay Chang, stop denying historical facts you should accept Australians invented the tank
>You guys always try to steal our accomplishments
Like WW1 victory is due to British Empire ?
It is due to us, if it weren't for us the kaiser would have taken over Europe
But we didn't, we invented a proto-APC in 1912 which was never used, as seen in . Now if you want to argue about the superiority of the transmission compared to the British designs that's an entirely different story
speckled Jim. I miss him.
I can see this board has been infested with Teutonic supporting /pol/acks
Do you consider this a tank? Because it has more guns than De Moles design
Plenty of people were eager to hear what the French had to say too, there is a reason why most Eastern European armies which became independent adopted the French model
Also German influence on Japan was mostly pre-ww1 and German influence on China is overrated. The reason why the Chinese went for the Germans isn't because le uber super German soldier, but because the Germans were the only great power which had a decent army (hence they tried to use Italy and the US for their air force), and which didn't have colonial ambitions against them
Reminder Douglas Haig had an Argie footy team names after him
It was driven by the bongs. The frogs were foolish enough to join the "forcing the Dardanelles" foolishness that the bongs dreamt up, but at least were smart enough not to commit valuable assets, and let the bongs be the ones to get shot up mindlessly. The worst of it is, the bongs might have carried the day if they'd been stalwart and smart, but they stayed true to bong traits, and that was that. Heck, the roaches actually engaged bong warships with horse cavalry as I recall
>Kek, bongs BTFO by roaches on horseback carrying scimitars
>le douglass haig meme
10/10 upboated
>Argies name a team after a known Brit massacrer
That's pretty good banter
You haven't provided any argument either dipshit, all you did in your original post was spout dumb memes.
The Canadians, followed closely by the Germans. WWI was the first and last time that the Canadians were a fierce and respected force. The nation was in it's infancy at the time and the Canadians felt they had something to prove. There are still maple leaves carved into the rock in the underground tunnels they dug, to this day despite the fact that the Canadian flag had no leaf on it at the time. It was a time of great development for Canada's identity. It's a shame so much of it has been forgotten.
They were also infamous in London. As a result of being paid a decent amount more than a regular british soldier, they had a tendency to buy round after round for everyone in the bars then get shitfaced and pick fights. They were wild men; savages with something to prove, and they made incredible trench raiders because of it. There's been a score of documentaries about it all in great detail.
>As the storm raged around us, I walked up and down my sector. The men had fixed bayonets. They stood stony and motionless, rifle in hand, on the front edge of the dip, gazing into the field. Now and then, by the light of a flare, I saw steel helmet by steel helmet, blade by glinting blade, and I was overcome by a feeling of invulnerability. We might be crushed, but surely we could not be conquered.
Read this man's book when I was in the military, the things he wrote are still relevant almost 100 years later
The Germans
The german stormtroopers
Russians hand down
The British colonials, like Canadians and Australians.
It's a tie between the krauts and the frogs which is not surprising as ww1 is all about francevsgermany
We didn't really do trench raids
t. Australian
well italian arditis were pretty nice
Except that never was the plan. The plan was to knock out France (as in the Franco Prussian War) in order to take them out of the fight so the army could be used in the east. of course if all this had succeeded there would obvisously have been some changes but most likely the Empire wouldn't actually have claimed any clay in western europe.
Aussies. look up Operation Peaceful Penetration
t. knows nothing
>Kraut's actually believe this.
You lost long before America entered and it wasn't even that close after 1914-1915. You had inferior resources and manpower.
>You had inferior resources and manpower.
Not realy, Central powers had supperior manpower until USA intervented if we exclude meme colonial manpower from India
t. Nigel
Germans argued they should be banned because they caused unnecessary suffering to those hit rather than because they were too effective. The Entente side did the same regarding German saw-tooth bayonets, being so butthurt about them that they threatened to shoot every man carrying one on the spot.
This is false though, you can look at the pool of manpower the Entente had and compare it to the Central Powers to see for yourself. Germany did have a notably efficient system of conscription though that counteracted this to an extent. The Austro-Hungarians and The Ottoman's were barely holding together before the war and Germany had to prop them up. So no, The Central Powers were not in a good position manpower and resource wise. This is ignoring the fact that the British blockade of German coasts was the key factor in winning the war.