why is the story of the virgin of guadalupe so important to latin american catholics? it’s very clearly propaganda invented by catholic spaniards to make the native population easier to convert
Why is the story of the virgin of guadalupe so important to latin american catholics...
essentially all religion is made up, but it still works.
made up ideas can behave the same as real ones depending on what you trust
>it’s very clearly propaganda invented by catholic spaniards to make the native population easier to convert
>t. eurotard or ameritard trying to fake our culture
Fuck off.
and make the dutch great with the new jews influx
There is a great report by a spanish friar on the natives going to the same place where a temple of a mother goddes was, post it if you know what i am talking about
not an argument
"One of these is in Mexico, where there is a hill that they call Tepeacac and which the Spaniards call Tepequilla, and now it is called Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. In this place they had a temple dedicated to the mother of the gods, which they call Tonantzin, which means our mother. There they made many sacrifices in honor of this goddess, and came to her from very distant lands, of more than twenty leagues from all the regions of Mexico, and brought many offerings: men and women and boys and girls came to these parties. The people's contest was great these days and everyone said 'let's go to Tonantzin's party'; and now that the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe is built there, they also call it Tonantzin, taking the opportunity of the preachers who also call it Tonantzin. ... and come now to visit this Tonantzin from far away, as far as before, which devotion is also suspicious, because everywhere there are many churches of Our Lady, and do not go to them, and come from distant lands to this Tonantzin as before. "
Fray Bernardino de Sahagún
Catholicism taking over old pagan cult places and and synchretizing local deities into saints is pretty much the standard.
t.knows nothing about Roman Catholicism.
Virgin Mary is a very large part of Roman Catholic theology and her appearances are global. Including in Europe. The Virgin Mary appearing in Mexico is no different from the countless times she's appeared in the Old World.
I think you downplay the natives role in creating her image. They weren't dumb, many opted to worship their old deities in the face of patron saints for towns, families, etc. as they had in precolumbian times. The earth, water and moon goddesses often took the form of a virgin mary of some kind. Was it a spanish invention, or the natives way of compromising both religions and finding a middle ground acceptable to the friars and clergy?
Interestingly enough, the Virgin Mary appears no more since the invention of the video camera.
She does actually. Look up it.
Although mystical phenomena is perceived with your minds eye therefore not really photo-graphical.
Unicorns are real!
>therefore not really photo-graphical.
how very convenient
>I'm incapable of seeing the world beyond my frame of reference
Point is you're wrong though. Virgin Mary apparitions occur in the modern day.
Why are you replying to a reddit tier atheist?
except it is different
>the virgin mary appearing to this peasant native, speaking in his native language nahautl
>gives juan diego holy CASTILLIAN flowers to symbolize how holy the white spaniards are
>no reliable reports of this interaction ever happening
sounds like they just wanted to trick to poor masses into abandoning their traditions and culture and buying into your destert kike cult
Except that isn't different. The Virgin Mary usually appears to peasants/simple folk in her apparition and flowers are a recurring motif with the Virgin Mary. You clearly aren't researched on the subject. Which is fine, but idk why you think you can make claims like that and not get called out.
>the virgin mary appearing to this peasant native, speaking in his native language nahautl
Is it really any that different from her speaking French or Spanish? This sort of reminds me when my old gf had a complaint from her drama teacher that Juliet didn't speak with a southern American accent, the fuck you want, perfect middle english?
The Virgin of Guadalupe is only big in Mexico, as far as I know. I've never seen anybody here down south praying specifically to her (unless influenced by mexican television shows, which tend to be popular)
>it’s very clearly propaganda invented by catholic spaniards to make the native population easier to convert
Spaniards are not that smart and there was no need for such a thing, most natives accepted catholicism since it was the faith of the conqueror (Aztecs too pushed their religion to the subjugated tribes) Guadalupe was (if) fabricated, a symbol of resistance, pic related.
>latin american "catholics"
All the memes Proddies spread about Catholics are actually true when it comes to those heretics.
>One of the largest adherents to Catholicism right now in comparison to lapsed as fuck European Catholics.
Shut up Pedro. When even Vatican II has to step in and tell you guys to quit worshiping idols you know you've fucked up.
This. The Virgin of Guadalupe is just a new world version of various old world traditions that were also important to people of those regions, like tradition of James in Santiago de Compostella. It's only perceived differently because Mexicans in the present day take it more seriously than most Euros do with their local saints and Marian apparitions (with the exception of Lordes and Fatima, which are probably still popular because they're more recent), probably because it's a huge part of the founding myth of the country.