Who Was the Best and Worst Pope Veeky Forums?
Who Was the Best and Worst Pope Veeky Forums?
Best: Peter
Worst: The rest
t. Orthobro
Hmm... what's your opinion on Urban II, you could argue with the pressure being put on the Byzantines he helped save orthodox Christianity in the east for awhile.
There were so many that I think it's really impossible to say unless it's your area of history. Most people don't have a good idea of Popes before the last 100 years or so other than the meme ones like Urban II or the Borgia popes. Personally I'm a fan of Pius X, Benedict XVI, and Gregory XVI. Even the worst popes are only guilty of everyday sorts of immorality and corruption, they didn't do anything that contemporary politicians don't.
The fact Orthodoxy exists is what's wrong with every pope after Peter.
Also based Leo "Politely ask Attila the Hun to leave and he actually does the absolute madman" the Great
Oh fug I nearly forgot about that one. Does anyone yet know what he said to him???
Not really, and there are a few ideas about the specifics of why Attila left.
Well nonetheless what a badass.
Gregory XIII gets props for the greatest calendar revision of all time
I mean, just look at that smug motherfucker.
Best: Ubran II
Worst: Francis
>greatest calendar revision of all time
>doesn't have the new year on either the Winter Solstice or the Spring Equinox
pick on
Back to /pol/
>seeing muslims as a problem in western civilized society
>must be /pol/
Man, you are a faggot
>dude a massive islamic empire threatening the byzantines is literally the same as le spooky refugees and urban ii would've had the same mentality
>le spooky refugees
Clearly you haven't been paying attention to the rhetoric coming out of these "refugees"
They've straight up said this is an invasion and that they will "breed us out" I don't know how much clearer that gets.
Best: Gregory
Worst: Alexander
one built the church's power the other took it down
Gregory the Great was arguably one the better popes, and helped much in shaping the identity of the roman see. Innocence III also comes to mind, seeing that he was certainly one of the great exponents of papal power in politics. Also, his De miseria humanae conditionis shows great theological knowledge.
About worst popes, maybe Urban VI/Clement VII and all the others schismatics of the 14th-15th century? That period was really a ridiculous and shameful period for the Church.
Maybe godless Europe should stop using contraception then?
I don't disagree with you there. There's a lot of problems with modernity desu
Innocent III, no doubt.
Worst was Rodrigo Borgia.
Best : Leo III
Worst : Gregory VII
Best:Boniface ix
Worst:Gregory iii
t. Germcuck
Ezio pls leave
>t. Julius II
You were a literal sodomite and Alexander VI did nothing wrong.
Well since the crusades is kind of my thing I’ll give “best pope during the crusader era”.
Best: pope innocent III
While urban II championed a militaristic pilgrimage movements and spearheaded the first campaign it was Innocent III that really brought it in full swing. He was coronated during the third crusade, emphasized both Baltic and Spanish crusades basically making them more mainstream, began the Albigensian crusade, and , while not the greatest crusade, made the most of the fourth crusade by joining the two branches of Christianity (somewhat)
Worst: Honorius III
It’s kind of ironic that the worst pope during the crusades comes right after the most influential to the movement but pope Honorius simply got all the wrong steps. Firstly, his fifth crusade was a complete flop the moment the papal legate, Pelagius, took control. There were attempts to curb papal supremacy over the crusade but that failed and we ended up with the failure of possibly the most hopefully crusade of the 13th century. Now moving on a couple years when Honorius is given a second chance he fucks that up as well!! He manages to not only allow emperor Frederick II to hold off his crusading vows but he also allowed Frederick to marry the fucking princess of Jerusalem MAKING THE FUCKUNG HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR KING OF GOD DAMN FUCKJNG JERUSALEM. Now this wouldn’t be bad IF FRDERICK WASNT A FUCKING TOOL AND A MUSLIM because what happens when you get a power hungry, expansionist, robe wearing mother fucker to control one of the weirdest feudal kingdom ever???[spoiler]vassals in the Kingdom of Jerusalem has some level of autonomy that a spurg like Frederick couldn’t understand [/spoiler] YOU GET THE GUELPH AND GUIBELLENES 2: KINGDOM OF JERUSALEM 2 BOOGALO!! GOOD JOB HONORIUS YOU PUTRID OLD FUCK
It's very hard to pick a favourite after Peter considering I don't know that much about other Popes. I think Julius II is high on my list. He rebuilt St. Peter's basilica, got Michaelangelo to paint the Sistine Chapel, and was the only Pope to lead an army.
Fabian I
>be random farmer
>go see the election of a new Pope
>a dove flies on your head and sits there
>everyone around you goes into a frenzy and you're elected Pope by acclamation
>end a bloody schism between two factions in the church
>send bishops to Gaul to evangelize the people there
>baptize emperor Philip the Arab
>die when another emperor decides Christians need another beating
What then, make your kids fight their kids?
Why not having borders, they clearly aren't peaceful if they want to "breed you out"
Best: Pious V
Worst: Juilius II
Best: Urban II
Worst: Fancis
Best: Pius IX
Worst: Benedict IX
Best: Gregory I or Leo I
Worst: John XXIII