>History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.
What did Marx mean by this?
>History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.
What did Marx mean by this?
Napoleon I's reign was greatly tragic, it really was a height for the french and really a great loss for them. Napoleon III, on the other hand, was just "maybe he's Napoleon I, yeah it'll be just like then" and then it's not. It ain't even tragic when it's over, just dumb. Then we realize "ok maybe napoleon ain't what we should be after".
Of course, it's more polemic than good history, the french just love repetition. I can see Macron declaring a committee for public safety, not because of who he is other than a frenchman but precisely because he is a frenchman.
>"If I make statements vague enough my followers can impute whatever meaning is necessary to make it look like I predicted the future"
I dated a grill for a few years and we broke up even though we still loved each other. A few years later we got together again and everything was an inferior version of the previous relation. I could hear marx's quote in my head all throughout the farce.
>"it really was a height"
Napoleon 3 only was shit because of parliament not letting him pass his economic and infrastructure reforms, nor did they let him build his army to size of the NGF’s.
>they won't let me build my army
>goes to war anyways
As for parliament, it is Napoleon that gave them the means to, not themselves. Not very Napoleon I of him.
>posting facebook memes
How low.
Parliament was still the one to declare war on the Germans.
He was talking about marxism
You don't exactly vote down a war, chap.
I mean, one *can*, strictly speaking but, well, you don't. We'll see that hilarious dumb state of affairs again in the german reichstag during ww1. That's their repetition as farce.
jesus christ that watermark gave me AIDS
tbf that equally applies to communists today.
Entirely true. man makes history but not under conditions of his own choosing.
Allow us a farcical resurgence, a stalinism in all but content (what little there is to be had), then let us fail. We can put it to bed proper, then.
>Gulags, Warsaw, Stalin
>Obese demigenders with pink hair, muslims having gay sex, literally shaking right now
t. fascists now
t. Actual nazi
That gave me feels.
That's where you're wrong, kiddo. There are freaks, but there is colossal worldwide body of power and authority.
>Commie has to tell himself that his garbage ideology is still relevant
Lmaoing at ur life
Show off some tired old marches of the CPP-NPA while you're at it, convince yourself that all that's needed is to be armed, no matter how poorly.
is that an inflatable arm man in the far left side
I'd say North Korea, Cuba and a handful of bandit-tier guerillas running around rural India and Colombia is an absolute farce.
That he was jealous of Engel's historiographical skills.
Communism and democratic socialism is the second global ideology in the modern world, and neoliberalism is going down.
Fascism, on the other hand, is just that: farce.
Perpetuating the 'Napoleon III was a terrible ruler' meme is one of the reasons I actually hate Marx
It's a statement from the father of historical materialism, of course it's inaccurate
t.commie trying to deflect criticism by calling people fascists
>he to the prussians humiliatingly but hey it's not so bad
>Taking an economist's opinion on anything other than economy
Marx was a Jew LARPing as a Prussian German, what else do you expect from him?
Is Napoleon III somehow underrated?
Ameritard people
>that contextless picture of Beria
Every time
discussing communism/fascism in this shit site always boils down to both sides trying to call eachother fat/dumb.
It's like watching elementary school kis arguing
When was fascism repeated as a tragedy first? You people seem to forget we didn't have a second wave of fascism, so why jump straight ahead to the "farce" level?